Cross posted from Reproductive Health RT Reality check
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Deepali Gaur Singh on July 17, 2008 writes..
"This day was chosen by representatives of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York, sparking the gay rights movement nationwide. In possibly the largest display of gay pride of its kind in India, LGBT activists chanted for their rights, to end discrimination and push for acceptance in a society where intolerance is widespread and where homosexual acts are illegal"
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Kelli Busey comments on July 17, 2008...
Because I am a vocal opponent of discrimination I would like to point out in India, as in America, transgender people play a lead role in bringing to acceptance the homosexual experience.
There has been in America a effort to exclude transgender people from legal protections by the leading gay and lesbian advocacy group, Human Rights Campaign, (HRC). The entire GLBT community formed UNITED ENDA to educate HRC, but sadly HRC has not changed it's discriminatory policies. Policies that are harmful to all womankind.
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its nice to see the beginning of the lgbt civil rights movement take place in India
It feels so uplifting and hopeful to read these worldwide happenings. India has a BIG population. It would be an excellent beacon. And I agree, tolerance isn't near enough. Full acceptance, integration, full rights.
Thank you phd in yogurty and Queers United. It is a lovely article. Deepali Gaur Singh is a talented gifted writer. I love how she effortless links all her messages gracefully together.
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