El asesinato de 18 años Angie Zapata - who' el nombre del nacimiento de s era Justin Angie y vivido pues una mujer - era probablemente un crimen de odio, dijo a un portavoz para la familia de Zapata. La policía cree que el sospechoso ha robado Zapata' coche de s, un crucero oscuro 2003 de Chrysler pinta del verde de bosque con el número de matrícula de Colorado 441-ORN.
Hay un hubcap que falta en el neumático delantero del pasajero-lado, y hay pintura que falta en el tope delantero en el driver' lado de s, debajo de la linterna. Cualquier persona con la información sobre el coche se pide llamar la policía de Greeley en 970-350-9600. Angie' la vida de s snuffed hacia fuera en un acto violento del odio. Ella sufrió heridas múltiples a su cara y cabeza. Detenga por favor a nuestra hermana en usted corazón y ofrézcala en rezo y la meditación. La encontraron asesinada por su hermana en su apartamento. Angie' la familia de s está pidiendo que nuestra comunidad ayudara a encontrar a los autores de este crimen atroz. Las donaciones en el honor de Angie Zapata hecho quizá en el banco de la academia en Wal-Mart, el carril de 60 W. Bromley o los cheques hechos pagaderos a Mónica Murquia se pueden enviar al programa de la Anti-Violencia de Colorado, caja de P.O. 181085, Denver, CO 80218.
The murder of 18-year-old Angie Zapata — who's birth name was Justin Angie and lived as a woman — was probably a hate crime, said a spokesperson for the Zapata family.
Police believe the suspect has stolen Zapata's car, a dark forest green 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser with Colorado license plate number 441-ORN. There is a hubcap missing on the front passenger-side tire, and there is paint missing on the front bumper on the driver's side, under the headlight.
Anyone with information about the car is asked to call Greeley police at 970-350-9600.
Angie's life was snuffed out in a violent act of hate. She suffered multiple wounds to her face and head. Please hold our sister in you heart and offer her in prayer and meditation.
She was found murdered by her sister in her apartment. Angie's family is asking our community to help find the perpetrators of this heinous crime.
Donations in Angie Zapata’s honor maybe made at Academy Bank in Wal-Mart, 60 W. Bromley Lane or checks made payable to Monica Murquia may be mailed to Colorado Anti-Violence Program, P.O. Box 181085, Denver, CO 80218.
July 31, 2008
Transgender victim referred to as "it"
Cross posted from the Denver Times
Article Launched: 07/31/2008 12:30:00 AM MDT
Angie Zapata's murder may be prosecuted as a hate crime, prosecutors say. Related Articles
Jul 30:
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Transgender teen's murder possibly a hate crimeGREELEY — Allen Ray Andrade never referred to his alleged victim as a she or he. Just "it."
That alone speaks to the brutality of the crime committed against 21-year-old Angie Zapata, said a group that has been speaking for Zapata's family.
"You get the sense that maybe he wasn't seeing Angie as a person," said Crystal Middlestadt, director of Training and Education for the Colorado Anti-Violence Program. "Then you get an idea of the violence behind this act."
Zapata, a transgender woman, was born a male named Justin Zapata. Police allege that an enraged Andrade beat Zapata with his fists and a fire extinguisher after he discovered Zapata — who had performed a sex act on him the day before — was physically a man, Greeley police said Wednesday.
Andrade told a Greeley police detective that he thought he "killed it," referring to his alleged victim, a police affidavit said.
Andrade, 31, was arrested in Thornton early Wednesday and faces a charge of second-degree murder and aggravated motor-vehicle theft in connection with Zapata's death.
Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck said Wednesday that a review of the case will determine whether Zapata's death will be treated as a hate crime. Regardless, the case against Andrade will be pursued aggressively, Buck said.
"It doesn't matter who the victim is," Buck said, ". . . a crime like this cannot be tolerated at any level."
Zapata's family is relieved that an arrest was made, said Kelly Costello, family spokesman and director of victim services for the Colorado Anti-Violence Program.
"There is a whole range of emotions they are dealing with," Costello said.
Zapata's body was found July 17 in her Greeley apartment by her sister. The discovery of her stolen car led to Andrade, police said.
Andrade told detectives that he met Zapata on the Mocospace website and that they were in regular contact before the slaying. Zapata drove Andrade to her apartment July 15 and later that day, Zapata performed oral sex on him, the affidavit said.
"However, victim Zapata did not allow him to touch Zapata sexually or otherwise," the affidavit said. They slept in different rooms that night.
The following day, Zapata left the apartment and Andrade stayed there by himself. Andrade saw photographs in her apartment and began to question their encounter, police said.
That night, Andrade confronted Zapata about whether she was male or female. Andrade told police that Zapata responded, "I am all woman."
Andrade then grabbed Zapata's genital area. Angered, Andrade struck Zapata with his fists, police said.
She fell to the ground, and Andrade grabbed a fire extinguisher in the apartment and hit her twice in the head. He covered Zapata with a blanket and began cleaning up the apartment. After he noticed Zapata sitting up, he hit her again with the fire extinguisher, police said.
Andrade gathered Zapata's purse, keys, cellphone, the fire extinguisher and his personal belongings and fled in Zapata's 2003 Chrysler PT cruiser.
A early-morning noise complaint from the Thornton neighborhood where Andrade lived led officers to find him sitting in Zapata's car on Wednesday.
Monte Whaley: 720-929-0907 or mwhaley@denverpost.com
this is so sad and infuriating at the same time. how many deaths and beatings will it take till our community gets federal hate crimes protections. amazing! land of the free my ass.
Hey Kelli, I posted this story to topix which hopefully should generate some attention to the tragic story and some traffic to your blog.
Thank you Eric.
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