Murderers, and the very worst criminals have the privilege and permission of freely using their tongue; but, behold here a follower, of Christ, a child of trod, a servant of faith, one separated from the world, in whom dwells righteousness and , no cause of death 'is found-behold, how he is prepared for .death by,closing his mouth and screwing fast his tongue, that the truth may not be proclaimed, righteousness not heard, nor any testimony be given of the name of Christ. O Christ, look down, and succor Thy saints.
Catholic Church intentions towards transgender people have come to light in the opening paragraph from the lawyer spearheading a transphobic campaign in Gainesville Florida published by the Catholic News Agency;
"The concept of ‘gender identity’ was fashioned by radical homosexual groups and advocates to protect the bizarre sexual behavior of a few people,” Thomas More Law Center's Richard Thompson.
History of the Spanish Inquisition
Motives for instituting the Spanish Inquisition
1. To establish political and religious homogeneity.
2. To weaken local political opposition to Catholic dominance.
3. Out of fear.
4. To do away with a powerful minority.
5. Profit.
If you are Catholic and LGBT, my sympathies. You are loved and welcomed and in fact surrounded by people just like you in laity and clergy in many authentic faiths.
Please click the pic of Agape MCC a Church pictured on the right bar, for just one of millions who love you.
Click the title for the unfortunate Catholic news agency article.
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