
Stonewall Democrates proposed party platform to be brought to Denver

The Stonewall Democrats were in Pittsburgh this weekend to work with members of the Democratic Platform Committee as we pressed for - and passed - the most pro-LGBT proposed platform in Democratic Party history.

Here is what the proposed platform calls for:
- A united, comprehensive strategy on ENDA that includes both sexual orientation and gender identity.

- An end to the failed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

- Security in adoption rights for all caring parents

- More inclusive Census reporting

- Passage of Hate Crimes legislation

- A National HIV/AIDS strategy

- Opposition to the "Defense of Marriage Act" and similar initiatives

- Opposition to voter ID laws which unfairly target transgender voters

Those are just some of the policy areas addressed. More importantly, for the first time the platform amends the Democratic Party's description of family to include same-sex couples. This enables Democrats to reflect their commitment to pro-equality positions in host of areas including health care, retirement, family care and medical decisions.

In just two weeks, Stonewall Democrats will gather with LGBT delegates from across the country at the Democratic National Convention. There, we will show delegates, party operatives and elected officials how our inclusive platform translates into a winning strategy and successful public policy. Through briefings, press events and lobby visits, our members and delegates will use this opportunity to push our party forward to victory in November. But, we need your help to make that happen.

You've seen our success this summer. The largest number of LGBT delegates in history. The most pro-LGBT party platform ever. Strong statements from our candidates on issues of equality.

Take this moment to keep our momentum going. Don't let it stop in these closing weeks of summer. We need your support to push our efforts through August and on to victory in November.

Please take a moment and click the post title to donate towards the political success of our community in its bid to include a fair representation of all LGBT concerns in the national agenda.

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