A letter written to Congress by a large corporation is one of the latest examples of Americas call to Congress to pass a fully inclusive ENDA. From the Washington Blade staff reports a letter from American Airlines.
"(We are) proud to express our strong support of federal workplace non-discrimination legislation that would extend basic job protections to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans. We are proud to have been the first major airline to implement same-sex domestic partner benefits, first to implement both sexual orientation and gender identity in our workplace non-discrimination policies, and first to have a recognized LGBT employee resource group –GLEAM," the press release said."
American Airlines is a corporate leader in the resurgent effort to remind Congress of the will American people by writing a letter in support of a fully inclusive ENDA. Please show your appreciation by emailing American Airlines customer relations and to fly American!
Press Release : Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Welcome Bishop Robinson for a "Transgender Conversation".

For immediate release
Kelli Busey, Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)
Sept. 30, 2008
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are thrilled to welcome to Dallas the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire for a public conversation with transgender people.
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Seminar Theater
400 North Olive Street · Dallas, Texas 75201 · United States
Map and Directions
November 22, 2008 from 1:00 until 2:00pm
Bishop Robinson will attend a "Transgender Conversation" with the Dallas Transgender Advocates, and Allies(DTAA) to share with us his wisdom and faith and to learn of the transgender struggle for equality.
Bishop Robinson has bravely stepped forward to answer questions regarding religion and it's influence on progressive social action, and to share with us what he has learned from the recent Lambeth and how his diocese situation parallels the Queer and Transgenders class struggle against social, religious and political exclusionary and revisionist agendas.
Who are the Dallas Transgender and Advocates Queers and Allies?
We are Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queers and allies. We comprise a nationwide network of diversity in ethnic, social, educational, economic, religious, gender identities, sexual orientations and political views. Our goal is to unite the Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queer community through realization of potential in soul and mind and moving forward as a whole in the cause of social, legal and religious equality.
Hosting entity
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies
Donations are encouraged and appreciated to defray expenses. All remaining funds will forwarded to Carmens Place, an Episcopal home and outreach for LBGT youth, Astoria, New York
Carmens Place
Allied and concerned organizations
Queer Today
Queer Today
Left In SF
Left In SF
Organisation Intersex International, OII-USA
Petition Asking Bishop Robinson Not To Attend The Dallas Black Tie 2008
Petition Asking Bishop Robinson Not To Attend The Dallas Black Tie 2008
WE, a coalition of gender diverse people who identify as Transgender or Intersex
people (including people who are also known as transgender, transsexual, intersex, and several other terms used to classify people based on being born with a condition where the gender of their mind, psyche, or soul differs from their anatomical sex at birth, or, their anatomical sex at birth was ambiguous) hereby ask that you do not lend religious credence to HRC's discriminatory and violence enabling agenda by attending or accepting the Elizabeth Birch award at the Dallas Black Tie 2008.
Petition asking that The Right Reverend Gene Robinson, Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, not attend the Black Tie Dinner Dallas Texas on November 22, 2008.
It is he belief of the signers that the discriminatory policies of the main benefactor of the Dallas Black Tie, the HRC, propagates violence against all of Womankind, Intersexed and gender diverse to include but not inclusive of, Transgender Men, effeminate gay men, masculine presenting Woman, Natal Woman and Transgender Woman.
It has been documented that gender discrimination has placed the United States among the leaders of gender bigotry world wide. Sexual Violence is enabled by a conception of the perpetrator that the consequences of rape and murder committed against the gender diverse is minimal or non existent.
This perceived vulnerability in the United States recently was reinforce by HRC's inexplicable and morally reprehensible betrayal as the self proclaimed advocate of the of the gender diverse during the ENDA debacle of 2007.
HRC's position, which has not been amended constitutes a daily reinforcement of this horrific policy.
It begs a question in these days of failing church attendance and disconnect, what can people of faith do to help?
By your not attending you will signal loudly to HRC that policies which are beneficial solely because of monetary gains and political expediency at the expense of the most vulnerable, are not acceptable.
By your not attending you will elevate the Anglicans standing in the eyes of the GLBT community and the entire world.
By your not attending you will contribute to the fight against violence transmitted
AIDS/HIV and other STD.
By not attending the self esteem of the gender diverse will rise and the need to validate threw risky sex will decrease.
By you not attending, those who have been cast aside by their faith will be given a ray of hope.
By not attending you will signal lawmakers to take courage and follow their moral consciousness to enact laws to protect the entire Lesbian, Gay, Intersexed, Bisexual, Asexual and Transgender community.
By your not attending the Dallas Black Tie the world's diverse community will recognize your commitment and sigh in relief and bask in the glow of an affirmative, welcoming and loving Anglican Church.
Bishop Robinson, The weight of social progress now rests on your shoulders.
WE, a coalition of gender diverse people who identify as Transgender or Intersex
people (including people who are also known as transgender, transsexual, intersex, and several other terms used to classify people based on being born with a condition where the gender of their mind, psyche, or soul differs from their anatomical sex at birth, or, their anatomical sex at birth was ambiguous) hereby ask that you do not lend religious credence to HRC's discriminatory and violence enabling agenda by attending or accepting the Elizabeth Birch award at the Dallas Black Tie 2008.
Petition asking that The Right Reverend Gene Robinson, Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, not attend the Black Tie Dinner Dallas Texas on November 22, 2008.
It is he belief of the signers that the discriminatory policies of the main benefactor of the Dallas Black Tie, the HRC, propagates violence against all of Womankind, Intersexed and gender diverse to include but not inclusive of, Transgender Men, effeminate gay men, masculine presenting Woman, Natal Woman and Transgender Woman.
It has been documented that gender discrimination has placed the United States among the leaders of gender bigotry world wide. Sexual Violence is enabled by a conception of the perpetrator that the consequences of rape and murder committed against the gender diverse is minimal or non existent.
This perceived vulnerability in the United States recently was reinforce by HRC's inexplicable and morally reprehensible betrayal as the self proclaimed advocate of the of the gender diverse during the ENDA debacle of 2007.
HRC's position, which has not been amended constitutes a daily reinforcement of this horrific policy.
It begs a question in these days of failing church attendance and disconnect, what can people of faith do to help?
By your not attending you will signal loudly to HRC that policies which are beneficial solely because of monetary gains and political expediency at the expense of the most vulnerable, are not acceptable.
By your not attending you will elevate the Anglicans standing in the eyes of the GLBT community and the entire world.
By your not attending you will contribute to the fight against violence transmitted
AIDS/HIV and other STD.
By not attending the self esteem of the gender diverse will rise and the need to validate threw risky sex will decrease.
By you not attending, those who have been cast aside by their faith will be given a ray of hope.
By not attending you will signal lawmakers to take courage and follow their moral consciousness to enact laws to protect the entire Lesbian, Gay, Intersexed, Bisexual, Asexual and Transgender community.
By your not attending the Dallas Black Tie the world's diverse community will recognize your commitment and sigh in relief and bask in the glow of an affirmative, welcoming and loving Anglican Church.
Bishop Robinson, The weight of social progress now rests on your shoulders.
Vote No On 8
If you have never seen the sad and confused look of a child as you walk away for the last time, thank god. Do not allow your child, your next door neighbors, or a stranger who loves their children with all their might to be stripped of their love, future and hope.
California Vote NO on 8
Kelli Busey
Dallas Pride 2008
Dallas Pride 2008,
No one Left Out at Debut of Minnesota Gender Advocates

Queer Today Reports that a new Gender Advocacy group has arisen to tender the question in Minnesota "Why are we removed from ENDA?".
Left Out Party - Sept, 13th 2008
No one Left Out at Debut of Minnesota Gender Advocates
Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008
Close to a hundred people attended the Left Out Party organized by Minnesota Gender Advocates at Pi Bar, in Minneapolis to celebrate inclusiveness and community. The event was organized to show the Twin Cities support of a fully gender inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). The ENDA passed in 2007, by the National House of Representatives, is legislation designed to protect workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation. Minnesota Gender Advocates, along with hundreds of other organizations across the country is working for an ENDA that also includes protections for gender identity and expression.

On this night, while the Human Rights Campaign held their annual dinner across town, attendees showed their support for a fully inclusive ENDA by signing over 75 letters to members of Minnesota's federal congressional delegation. One of the highlights of the evening was a visit by Representative Keith Ellison (5th Congressional District) who shared his support for a fully inclusive ENDA. Among community leaders attending, Raquel (Rocki) Simões from the GLBT Host Home Program, Avenues For Homeless Youth, attended to show her program's commitment to expanding protections to people of all gender identities.
Minnesota Gender Advocates is a new group working for visibility and equality for all Trans, Intersex, gender Queer and gender Questioning (TIQQ) Minnesotans. Our Mission is to raise awareness of issues affecting TIQQ communities, promote equality, and advocate for legal and policy changes that affect our civil rights.
Minnesota Gender Advocates,
A Christian Voice For Transgender People

The Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker's Blog, "Christian GLBT Rights.blogspot.com" proclaims
"A Church that doesn't provoke any crisis, a gospel that doesn't unsettle, a word of God that doesn't get under anyone's skin, a word of God that doesn't touch the real sin of society in which it is being proclaimed, what gospel is that? Archbishop Oscar Romero (1917-1980) "Never let other people define your reality or put you into bondage to their ways of thinking." Jerry Maneker.
A powerful message. Is it EQUALLY for GLB and Transgender people?
Among the pictures on ths blog are some very familiar ones,,,,,,

Rev. Mel White of Soulforce

Bishop V. Gene Robinson

Rev.Elder Troy Perry, Founder and Moderator of the UFMCC
By Kelli Busey
Sept. 21, 2008
Bishop V. Gene Robinson,
Rev. Mel White of Soulforce,
Rev.Elder Troy Perry,
Transgender rights
Bishop Robinson: ‘God loves all God’s children’

By Kelli Busey
Sept. 20, 2008
Being a transgender woman of faith I have seen the results of exclusionary language being retained by our Churches on our gay and lesbian saints. It would be inconceivable to me to accept the proffered acceptance of churches towards transgender people and watch as our loved Lesbian and Gay family are left behind to suffer alone.
In a article by the Dallas Voice Sept. 18, 2008 John Write Staff Editor interviews Bishop Robinson who believes God loves all God’s children’
"V. Gene Robinson, who became the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church in 2003, will be at the Dallas’ Black Tie Dinner in November to accept the 2008 Elizabeth Birch Award. Robinson sat down with Dallas Voice recently to talk in a telephone interview about his upcoming visit and other issues."
{In this article Bishop Robinson talks about his situation as the only openly gay Bishop in the Anglican Communion and the response of the Anglican church.
Transgender Clergy were in evidence at at the recent Lambreth gathering for possibly the first time.
He also speaks about our vibrant faith community in Dallas and Fort Worth......}
The interview continues....
DV: Dallas has what is known as the largest gay church in the world. In the context of what you’re talking about, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
V.G.R.: I certainly would never hold it against someone for leaving a church that is inhospitable and unpastoral in order to find a church home that supports them in their faith journey. So I applaud MCC churches and other churches like the Cathedral of Hope. I applaud them for providing that kind of sanctuary. On the other hand, it makes me very, very sad that all of our churches, which ought to be safe places for all of God’s children, are not living up to what they’re called to be. And so I feel like my mission is to at least try to make the Episcopal Church that kind of safe place for LGBT people all over the church.
{Bishop Robinson it appears is in full contact with the LGBT Community and aware that all is not perfect in the LGBT community.......}
"DV: The chief beneficiary of Black Tie is the Human Rights Campaign, which has been criticized supporting a version of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act that didn’t include gender identity. And I understand there is a protest of the dinner planned this year by a transgender group. Can you sympathize with them, and did that play a role in your decision about whether to accept the invitation?
V.G.R.: Well, first of all, I only learned of this protest very recently. I am intending to write back to the transgender group and say that I do intend to receive the award and speak at the Black Tie Dinner, but that I would also be willing to appear, meet with, participate in an event, whatever, with the transgender community to show my support and to speak on their behalf as a fellow member of the community, the larger LGBT community. It goes back to what I said about half a loaf and a whole loaf. The Human Rights Campaign has an enormous influence in Washington, and they’ve got considerable political savvy, and the fact of the matter is that a full LGBT bill simply would not have passed. And I don’t think we always have to hold out for the full loaf before moving forward. You get what you can accomplish and then continue to work for the rest of it. If I believed that HRC was not supportive of transgender people, if I believed that they were not going to continue to work diligently to get transgender people covered under that bill, then that would be a whole different story, but I’m not of that opinion."
Dallas Voice article please Read on........
Transgender people of faith applaud Bishop Robinson's willingness to learn of and hold discussion about our connection with faith and the turmoil that has engulfed us by the actions of social organizations that affect us.
By Kelli Busey
Angie Zapata's accused killer to be tried for for 1st degree murder

"Colorado judge unsympathetic to 'transgender panic' argument" According to the PageOneQ report.
This is great news. An American transgender woman will be protected by law. We transgender have a special place of rage for the outrageous "Trans Panic" defense.
Ok I got to beatch about something ya know. In the following paragraphs is this often printed account of the circumstances leading to the horrific death of Angie Zapata;
"The two had met in person through a social networking website on July 15 and engaged once in oral sex. The next day, Andrade, upon looking at photographs in the apartment and becoming suspicious, confronted Zapata and soon beat her unconscious with a fire extinguisher and left her to die after grabbing her crotch and discovering her male genitalia."
WHO AND WHERE ARE YOU ACREDIATING THIS ACOUNT TO QONE? Could it be this killer has had ANAL sex with Angie? Are you taking this often published account as verbatim and publishing what everyone else has? That kind of reporting leads to misconceptions that lead to our deaths. Maybe they did not even have SEX at all. Maybe he killed her just out of hatred?
Transgender Victory at the Library Of Congress !!!

ACLU BLOG Great decision in Diane Schroer discrimination case!
"We’ve just gotten word from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that the ACLU has won our case on behalf of Diane Schroer, a retired Army Colonel who was offered a job as a terrorism research analyst at the Library of Congress, only to have the offer rescinded when she told her future supervisor that she was in the process of gender transition."
Gender Identity
The(ACLU) Project defends the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people in employment, schools, and public accommodations. Transgender people's relationships should be recognized and legally protected, and gender identity must not be used against transgender parents in custody and visitation determinations. We work to include gender identity in state and local anti-discrimination policies, conduct outreach to transgender youth and students on their legal rights, and develop public education campaigns to raise awareness of transgender issues.
Queers United asks Please Save One Life

By Kelli Busey
September 17, 2008
Queers United wants to save a life. Just one Life.
Please help by signing a petition asking the British government not to deport John Bosco Nyombi to Uganda.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people in Uganda face homicide directed by Uganda's president Yoweri Museveni and protested by Amnesty International.
Bishop Eria Paul Luzinda of the Uganda's Anglican Mukono diocese has urged the government of Uganda to keep homosexuality illegal. Both of these people honor and sponsor state and religious sponsored homicide. In Uganda to be homosexual is punishable by life in prison. A "death sentence" in prison for a gay person is HIV/AIDs, communicated by a judge and jury in rape by fellow prisoners. How can a government proclaiming to be a defender of freedom send people to their death? Please do not deport John Bosco Nyombi to Uganda.
Press Release : Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Welcome Bishop V. Gene Robinson for a conversation with Transgender people

For immediate release
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are thrilled to welcome to Dallas the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire for a public conversation with transgender people.
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Seminar Theater
400 North Olive Street · Dallas, Texas 75201 · United States
Map and directions http://preview.tinyurl.com/4bxohh
November 22, 2008 from 1:00 until 2:00pm
Bishop Robinson will attend a "Transgender Conversation" with the Dallas Transgender Advocates, and Allies(DTAA) to share with us his wisdom and faith and to learn of the transgender struggle for equality.
Bishop Robinson has bravely stepped forward to answer questions regarding religion and it's influence on progressive social action, and to share with us what he has learned from the recent Lambreth and how his diocese situation parallels the Queer and Transgenders class struggle against social, religious and political exclusionary and revisionist agendas.
Kelli Busey Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)
Who are the Dallas Transgender and Advocates Queers and Allies?
We are Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queers and allies. We comprise a nationwide network of diversity in ethnic, social, educational, economic, religious, gender identities, sexual orientations and political views. Our goal is to unite the Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queer community through realization of potential in soul and mind and moving forward as a whole in the cause of social, legal and religious equality.
Hosting entity
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies
Donations are encouraged and appreciated to defray expenses. All remaining funds will forwarded to Carmens Place, an Episcopal home and outreach for LBGT youth, Astoria, New York
Allied and concerned entities
Queer Today
Left Out Party
Organisation Intersex International
The Whole World Wasn’t Watching- Ambiguous Genitalia Leads To Infant’s Death
Location: Dallas, Texas
Cause of Death: Blunt force trauma to the head, as well as strangulation, allegedly by the child's mother, Aruna Kavili.
Date of Death: December 8, 1999
Source: The Dallas Morning News, February 12, 2000
Ambiguous Genitalia Leads To Infant’s Death
In an evolving case in Dallas, Texas, a mother has been charged with killing her own child on December 8, 1999, simply because the child was born with ambiguous genitalia.
The baby was three days old, and died of blunt force trauma to the head, as well as strangulation.
Investigators were initally told that, while Gangaudaya Kavali, the father, was at the store, and his wife, Aruna Kavili, was in the bathroom, a stranger entered the apartment, grabbed the newborn from a couch and threw him outside.
Dallas police have concluded that this was not the case, noting that their investigation has shown that the newborn was dead only three hours after his parents brought him home from the hospital. Further, physical evidence did not support the couple’s account.
A Collin County Medical Examiner also found shards of glass in the baby’s esophagus and small intestine, possibily indicating that someone initally tried to kill the child by forcing them to eat glass, in an effort to cause internal bleeding.
Investigators from Child Protective Services, who have custody of the parents 2-year-old daughter, have indicated that she appears to have knowledge of her siblings death.
Detectives won’t speculate whether Aruna Kavili allegedly killed her child because she was ashamed, or because she was pressured into doing so by her husband.
Mr. Kavali has not been charged.
Copyright 2000, Gwendolyn Ann Smith. Used with permission.
Do you have more information on this person that you would like to see here? If so, please write to gwen@gender.org, with a subject line of “remembering our dead.
Cause of Death: Blunt force trauma to the head, as well as strangulation, allegedly by the child's mother, Aruna Kavili.
Date of Death: December 8, 1999
Source: The Dallas Morning News, February 12, 2000
Ambiguous Genitalia Leads To Infant’s Death
In an evolving case in Dallas, Texas, a mother has been charged with killing her own child on December 8, 1999, simply because the child was born with ambiguous genitalia.
The baby was three days old, and died of blunt force trauma to the head, as well as strangulation.
Investigators were initally told that, while Gangaudaya Kavali, the father, was at the store, and his wife, Aruna Kavili, was in the bathroom, a stranger entered the apartment, grabbed the newborn from a couch and threw him outside.
Dallas police have concluded that this was not the case, noting that their investigation has shown that the newborn was dead only three hours after his parents brought him home from the hospital. Further, physical evidence did not support the couple’s account.
A Collin County Medical Examiner also found shards of glass in the baby’s esophagus and small intestine, possibily indicating that someone initally tried to kill the child by forcing them to eat glass, in an effort to cause internal bleeding.
Investigators from Child Protective Services, who have custody of the parents 2-year-old daughter, have indicated that she appears to have knowledge of her siblings death.
Detectives won’t speculate whether Aruna Kavili allegedly killed her child because she was ashamed, or because she was pressured into doing so by her husband.
Mr. Kavali has not been charged.
Copyright 2000, Gwendolyn Ann Smith. Used with permission.
Do you have more information on this person that you would like to see here? If so, please write to gwen@gender.org, with a subject line of “remembering our dead.

Pride at Work is hosting a very important briefing about ongoing organizing Queers rights. Found in Left in SF
Broward County, LLV Florida and the Broward School Board say NO 2

What Flordia's Admendment 2 says
"In as much as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."
6 Reasons to Say No 2
Taking Away Benefits
Amendment 2 could take away existing benefits from all unmarried Floridians
Hurting Seniors
Amendment 2 could force seniors to choose between important benefits like sharing health care and important government benefits.
"Gay Marriage" Bait & Switch
Amendment 2 claims to ban "gay marriage" but Florida already has multiple laws banning same-sex marriage
Massive Government Intrusion
Amendment 2 puts the government where it doesn't belong - regulating the personal relationships of Floridians

Hiring Expensive Lawyers
Amendment 2 could force unmarried Floridians to hire expensive private lawyers just to protect their basic legal rights
Dramatic Consequences
Amendment 2 could take away job benefits from university employees and be used as a defense to domestic violence - as in other states which passed similar amendments
Who says No 2 government dictating our personal lives? Who sNO 2 amendment 2 Florida?
Broward School Board, Miami City Commission, The league Of Woman Voters Florida
Click here to visit No2
say no 2 florida red and blue,
Dispute over Crews Inn trans ban heads to mediation
According to a recent Dallas Voice article article the transgressed upon transgender woman who have been protesting discrimination may not get a public apology or an admission of guilt from David Moore, Co-Owner of the Dallas Gay bar "Crews Inn". Protest leader Celeste Williams says it has been ‘worth it’ to stand up to discrimination, but she’s not optimistic that she’ll get the apology she wants."
The general feeling by the protesters is that making people aware that Gay, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender people are not going accept discrimination and will stand together to oppose it is a victory by it's self.
It is also agreed on that the fair and unbiased reporting of the Dallas Voice has contributed to the public understanding that transgender people are normal law abiding citizens.
This belief system is normal for Dallas Texas, but just being explored Gainsville Florida and recently confirmed in Maryland and the state of Colorado.
The general feeling by the protesters is that making people aware that Gay, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender people are not going accept discrimination and will stand together to oppose it is a victory by it's self.
It is also agreed on that the fair and unbiased reporting of the Dallas Voice has contributed to the public understanding that transgender people are normal law abiding citizens.
This belief system is normal for Dallas Texas, but just being explored Gainsville Florida and recently confirmed in Maryland and the state of Colorado.
Los Angeles Times says "Act on gay rights bill"
Kelli Busey
The Los Angeles Times explores a small portion of the political maneuvering that leaves Queer folk feeling at least a Republican will tell you to your face he does not like you, respect you and will vote against you. Who do you trust?
Found in the LA Times...
"In light of the illness of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Democratic leaders in the Senate have indicated that they will not bring up a civil rights bill he has championed this year. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act....Touching as the concern for Kennedy may be, it is hardly the only motive for sidelining the act"
The Los Angeles Times explores a small portion of the political maneuvering that leaves Queer folk feeling at least a Republican will tell you to your face he does not like you, respect you and will vote against you. Who do you trust?
Found in the LA Times...
"In light of the illness of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Democratic leaders in the Senate have indicated that they will not bring up a civil rights bill he has championed this year. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act....Touching as the concern for Kennedy may be, it is hardly the only motive for sidelining the act"
Dallas Texas Gay Celebration!

Jason Vincik is a writer and GLBT activist from Dallas Texas. His Blog "Anything But Straight" is so much more than just another inspired GLBT rights site. Jason is a native Texan who's focus on his home town, Dallas is with a gay eye but as he is quick to point out, no one is excluded.
I met Jason as he was conducting a interview about our protest at the Crews Inn.
What impressed me was Jason's love for our city and how he expresses it.
I thought of Jason during my walk this morning as the patroling officers waved and smiled in passing. This simple act of neighborly kindness so often repeated by our finest never fails to brighten my day and remind me "What a great place to be LGBT!"
Come celebrate our 25th Anniversary Dallas Pride Celebration!
Transgender and Queer Questionnaire
Today we received an email from a Pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church. I am sure Rev. Colleen Darraugh Lead Pastor MCC of Greater Dallas, did not expect any recognition for her efforts, only asking us to "pass it on" and "make it widely available". ( a little plug for ya church sister ;)
Please take a few moments and complete this lovely survey from our brothers and sisters at the the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force who have partnered with National Center for Transgender Equality and the Pennsylvania State University’s Center for the Study of Higher Education to collect and analyze this data.
You do not need to be trans to do it. You can be whomever you are and or aspire to be.....I'm kinda queer/trannie.....
This maybe the first only fully inclusive, non intrusive, totaly free, scholastically certifiable trans world, transuniversal transgender and gender queer questionnaire to have full access to the millions via the Internet! Wow. Not only are we filling in the squares to make cute designs, we are participating in history.
~kelli Busey
Please take a few moments and complete this lovely survey from our brothers and sisters at the the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force who have partnered with National Center for Transgender Equality and the Pennsylvania State University’s Center for the Study of Higher Education to collect and analyze this data.
You do not need to be trans to do it. You can be whomever you are and or aspire to be.....I'm kinda queer/trannie.....
This maybe the first only fully inclusive, non intrusive, totaly free, scholastically certifiable trans world, transuniversal transgender and gender queer questionnaire to have full access to the millions via the Internet! Wow. Not only are we filling in the squares to make cute designs, we are participating in history.
~kelli Busey
Don't Leave us behind
By Kelli Busey
The Orginal ENDA 2015 submitted in April of 2007 included laungage which afforded protection to
transgender people and GLB people regardless of how gay you are.Unfortunately it is of our opinion that political mistakes were made based on incorrect interpretation of
history and a skewed sense of political expediecy..Barney Frank is of the opinion that transgender people are new to the advocacy arena and therefor not to
be allowed to enjoy the same status as the rest of the GLB community.Transgender people have been in the forefront at the Compton Cafateria and Stone wall riots.The LBGT community has voiced it's discontent via UNITED ENDA's 7 million..
On 9/27/07 without advance warning Barney Frank intoduced HR(3585) which eliminated transgender
protection. With the exclusion of gender identity laungage it will be subjective depending on the
conception of the judge, what behavior falls within sexual preference or gender identity. Thereby
eliminating the person who on a given time acted too gay, in the judges opinion and the transgender
person from protection under the law.Glbtq people have themselves often criticized identity politics, particularly on the grounds that individuals
possess multifaceted identities and thus involvement in politics based on a single identity does not suffice
On 9/27/07 Barney Frank submitted HR(3586) which has gender only protection launguageTime has shown that incremental steps when applied to a group i.e. shades of black, only serves to
weaken the validty of the entire concept and promote discord and disunity.Time has also shown that if a small portion of a group is sacrificed on the premise that they will be returned
for, then this fails to happen as the motovation to do so is not present.
Therefore It is our goal to allow the protections of ENDA to extend to the entire community.This goal is the wish of UNITED ENDA comprising 368 National, State and Local groups and 171 house
representitives.We emplore you to contact your orginization represenitives and political leaders and lend them your
wisdom. Let us welcome our entire LGBTIQ community at the finish line, together the truth will win
The Orginal ENDA 2015 submitted in April of 2007 included laungage which afforded protection to
transgender people and GLB people regardless of how gay you are.Unfortunately it is of our opinion that political mistakes were made based on incorrect interpretation of
history and a skewed sense of political expediecy..Barney Frank is of the opinion that transgender people are new to the advocacy arena and therefor not to
be allowed to enjoy the same status as the rest of the GLB community.Transgender people have been in the forefront at the Compton Cafateria and Stone wall riots.The LBGT community has voiced it's discontent via UNITED ENDA's 7 million..
On 9/27/07 without advance warning Barney Frank intoduced HR(3585) which eliminated transgender
protection. With the exclusion of gender identity laungage it will be subjective depending on the
conception of the judge, what behavior falls within sexual preference or gender identity. Thereby
eliminating the person who on a given time acted too gay, in the judges opinion and the transgender
person from protection under the law.Glbtq people have themselves often criticized identity politics, particularly on the grounds that individuals
possess multifaceted identities and thus involvement in politics based on a single identity does not suffice
On 9/27/07 Barney Frank submitted HR(3586) which has gender only protection launguageTime has shown that incremental steps when applied to a group i.e. shades of black, only serves to
weaken the validty of the entire concept and promote discord and disunity.Time has also shown that if a small portion of a group is sacrificed on the premise that they will be returned
for, then this fails to happen as the motovation to do so is not present.
Therefore It is our goal to allow the protections of ENDA to extend to the entire community.This goal is the wish of UNITED ENDA comprising 368 National, State and Local groups and 171 house
representitives.We emplore you to contact your orginization represenitives and political leaders and lend them your
wisdom. Let us welcome our entire LGBTIQ community at the finish line, together the truth will win
Maryland Court Overturns Attempt to Roll Back Transgender Protections
The hotly contested transgender equality issue recently came to a head in Maryland. The ruling will become a cornerstone of GLBT unity. All members of our GRAND community selflessly united on behalf of fairness equality and justice!

Montgomery County transgender nondiscrimination law protected from repeal effort
September 09, 2008
Roberta Sklar, Communications Director
(Office) 646.358.1465
(Cell) 917.704.6358
We are thrilled to have our work and the work of our partners in Maryland vindicated. We were honored to help the Montgomery County LGBT community build a strong campaign from the ground up and see that building grassroots political power — and winning — is more than possible. We knew that there were not enough valid signatures collected and we are proud to have stood side by side with Equality Maryland, Basic Rights Montgomery, our legal partners and many volunteers to mount this legal challenge to the repeal effort. Had the measure reached the ballot, we are sure the fair-minded voters of Montgomery County would have rejected it as an attack on fundamental rights. We are excited that LGBT people in Maryland can now focus their efforts on passing a statewide ban on anti-transgender discrimination.”
— Rea Carey, Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund

Tuesday, September 8, 2008
Victory in Maryland: High Court Rules for Challengers to Illegal Referendum Petition That Attempted to Overturn a Transgender Anti-Discrimination Law
Dan Furmansky, Executive Director
Cell: 301-461-4900
Annapolis, Md. – In a one paragraph order issued today, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a challenge to a referendum that attempted to block a unanimously enacted transgender protection law.
“We’re pleased with this victory. The court ruled in our favor in our challenge to this improper referendum,” said Natalie Chin, Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal. “Though the order was brief we feel confident that we’ve stopped this referendum from being on November’s ballot.”
The court indicated that they will be releasing an opinion at a later time.
On November 13, 2007, the Montgomery County Council unanimously passed an act adding gender identity to the county's civil rights law in order to address discrimination against transgender individuals. A group calling itself Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) sought to collect enough signatures on a referendum petition to block the law from going into effect. Lambda Legal, together with counsel retained by Equality Maryland, represented concerned Montgomery County registered voters who opposed CRG's flawed referendum effort to set back the clock on civil rights in Montgomery County. Lambda Legal and Equality Maryland argued that the number of signatures needed to put the referendum petition on the November general election ballot was insufficient and that the Montgomery County Board of Elections over-counted purported signature entries in violation of detailed statutes that safeguard the referendum process.
"This long overdue, crucial law is all about assuring that unchecked bias is not allowed to inhibit our neighbors' abilities to make a living or rent a home, and as a Montgomery County resident, I breathe a sigh of relief that this campaign to roll back anti-discrimination protections is now over," said Dan Furmansky, Executive Director of Equality Maryland. "While we are confident the voters of Montgomery County would have voted against rolling back this law, , it is far better that our transgender brothers and sisters be spared the rhetoric that the referendum proponents have subjected them to over the past year. Equality Maryland thanks Lambda Legal, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the law firm of Arnold and Porter, and the many volunteers who came together to assure that our laws in Montgomery County are on par with the 100 other jurisdictions nationally that protect residents from discrimination on the basis of gender identity."
Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel, and Natalie Chin, Staff Attorney, are on the case for Lambda Legal. Jonathan Shurberg, lead attorney for Equality Maryland, argued the case. The case is Doe et al. v. Montgomery County Board of Elections.
Equality Maryland is Maryland's largest LGBT civil rights organization, focused on making life better for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender citizens of Maryland. Equality Maryland works to secure and protect the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Marylanders by promoting legislative initiatives on the state, county and municipal levels and educating the public about the issues faced by our diverse community.
Washington Post's articleWashington Post's article;
"Jonathan Shurberg attorney for Equality Maryland, which led the challenge of the ballot initiative, said the court's decision ensured the integrity of the referendum process."
"The court gave a ringing endorsement to the principle that ordinary citizens have the right to challenge and test the validity of a petition submitted to referendum," Shurberg said.

Lambda Legal Victory in Maryland "We're pleased with this victory. The court ruled in our favor in our challenge to this improper referendum," said Natalie Chin, Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal.
Human Rights Campaign's Human Rights Campaign's $20,000 Contribution to Basic Rights Montgomery to perserve the transgender equality law.

HRC’s Recent Transgender-Related Work
The Soulforce Q Equality Ride - Fall 2008

The Soulforce Q Equality Ride will launch on October 1, 2008. This year it will focus on the South, journeying to fifteen schools of various denominations, including some faith-based historically black colleges and universities. True to its purpose of going where it is needed, the 2008 Equality Ride will visit both undergraduate schools and graduate level seminaries. Come meet the new Equality Riders and read what they have to say.
Schedules, meet the riders and more......
I kiss girls and guys and liked it!

Many Thanks Havens corner Church in Black Lick Ohio. I was doing serious face time with this gurl but after seeing this bee trading spit wit the guys. Whew, sure are glad you corrected me. (((Hugs))) Kelli (trans woman) Busey
Police face Gay Bating and bashing charges at RNC
Found on Queer Today a video of RNC protester Elliot Hughs by
Elliot Hughes recounts allegations of torture while being detained in Ramsey County Jail. Hughes was detained during an RNC08 protest after reportedly colliding with a police bicycle on accident. He was sent to Regions Hospital for treatment and later released without charges.
I had seen this Video a couple of days ago. I was appalled by the obvious attempt by police to initiate violence. Police can been seen riding bicycles into a group of protesters at the RNC. Elliot Hughes name was shouted a number of times in what sounds like someone attempting to document the event as the protester was arrested.
Elliot Hughes recounts allegations of torture while being detained in Ramsey County Jail. Hughes was detained during an RNC08 protest after reportedly colliding with a police bicycle on accident. He was sent to Regions Hospital for treatment and later released without charges.
I had seen this Video a couple of days ago. I was appalled by the obvious attempt by police to initiate violence. Police can been seen riding bicycles into a group of protesters at the RNC. Elliot Hughes name was shouted a number of times in what sounds like someone attempting to document the event as the protester was arrested.
Gay Republicans Endorse McCain-Palin Ticket

In CQ Politics;
Gay Republicans Endorse McCain-Palin Ticket
"Log Cabin Republicans, a group representing gay Republicans, endorsed Arizona Sen. John McCain ’s presidential bid today as the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., hits its full stride. The group’s board voted by 12-2 to support the ticket led by McCain and his choice for vice presidential running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ."
Some comments found....
Toby September 05, 2008 2:04 PM
"A gay Republican is similar to a Jewish member of the NAZI party or a black member of the KKK. Particularly in view of the very close involvement of the Republican leadership with the homophobic agenda of the religious right, any LGBT person supporting them needs a serious relationship with a shrink."
ill Curley September 05, 2008 3:29 PM
"Why would anyone be at all surprised? The "Log Cabin Republicans" have been putting the forward attempts of the Human Rights Campaign behind their Agenda of continuing the struggles in Iraq and Afghanistan until McCain achieves a self defined "Win", continued dissolution of the "middle class", the continued strict religious conservatism policies, enforced by the nomination of Sarah Palin that has been one of the root causes of the bullying, continued harassment and deaths of our brother's and sisters. This is an organization an educated and caring GLBT individual would support neither financially or its policies."
I am going to take this one step further. Who is making HRC rich? It surely is not the working class.
Transgender Unrest Haunts HRC With Documented Protests
Documented HRC protests since the 2007 ENDA catastrophe. This is not inclusive of all protests or articles. If you would like to add please email me at kellibusey@yahoo.com with a link.
General Information and History since 2007
Phoenix 2007
AZ Trans Alliance Protest to HRC
Chicago 2007
Windy City Times
D.C. 2007
No Genda without Enda
Austin 2008
TACT takes message to HRC
Dallas Voice
Atlanta May 2008
Atlanta Southern Voice
Trans Group Blog>
Chicago 2008
Thats the Chicago Way
Philadelphia 2008
San Francisco 2008
L. A. Observed
Marraige Equality Blog
Queer TodayBay Area Reporter
Queers Without Borders
Trevor A gay mans blog
My Husband Betty
Channel 5 CBS TV Left Out coverage
San Fransico Bay Guardian
U Tube San Francisco Trans March 2008
Houston 2008
New Orleans 2008
Trans political
New York City 2008
Hudson Valley Gay News
Trans Advocate
Minneapolis 2008
Queer Today.com
Boston 2008 (yet to occur)
Boston Edge
General Information and History since 2007
Phoenix 2007
AZ Trans Alliance Protest to HRC
Chicago 2007
Windy City Times
D.C. 2007
No Genda without Enda
Austin 2008
TACT takes message to HRC
Dallas Voice
Atlanta May 2008
Atlanta Southern Voice
Trans Group Blog>
Chicago 2008
Thats the Chicago Way
Philadelphia 2008
San Francisco 2008
L. A. Observed
Marraige Equality Blog
Queer TodayBay Area Reporter
Queers Without Borders
Trevor A gay mans blog
My Husband Betty
Channel 5 CBS TV Left Out coverage
San Fransico Bay Guardian
U Tube San Francisco Trans March 2008
Houston 2008
New Orleans 2008
Trans political
New York City 2008
Hudson Valley Gay News
Trans Advocate
Minneapolis 2008
Queer Today.com
Boston 2008 (yet to occur)
Boston Edge
Harvey Milk Movie Trailor
I found this over at Queer Today Since I have not lived the life of a gay person it is my job to try and understand the experience.
HRC snubs Dems supports Logs, issues this Statement on Log Cabin Republican Endorsement of McCain/Palin

Talking out of the side of your face.
If The "Human Rights Campaign" was concerned with LGBT rights why do they support the GOP with $10,000 for the Republican convention and snub the Stonewall Democrats
This is the Human Rights Campaign Statement on Log Cabin Republican Endorsement of McCain/Palin.
WASHINGTON - The following is a statement from Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese on the Log Cabin Republican endorsement of John McCain and Sarah Palin:
"John McCain claims to be a maverick who breaks with his party, but on matters of LGBT equality, he's shown that he's anything but. He actively campaigned for a constitutional amendment that would have banned marriage and domestic partnerships for same-sex couples in his home state of Arizona. He went so far as to appear in television commercials for that campaign, is now supporting an amendment to strip marriage equality from California couples and has said that he would vote for a federal marriage amendment if laws already banning marriage equality were to be struck down by federal courts. Sarah Palin has also supported bans on marriage and even domestic partner benefits in Alaska. The Republican Party, McCain and Palin's party, has declared in its platform that they want to pass the federal marriage amendment. Their party's platform also calls gay and lesbian Americans unfit for military service, supports policies that would allow faith-based organizations to deny us jobs and services using federal dollars, and attacks judges who acknowledge our equality under the law. The Human Rights Campaign endorses mavericks on both sides of the aisle- neither John McCain nor Sarah Palin is among them," said HRC President Joe Solmonese.
Where did Solmonese address the Log Cabin Republicans endorsement of Palin/McCain?
If you are on the HRC email list you too have been inundated by HRC with statements professing support for the democrats and highlighting their opposition to McCain/Palin.
Talking out of the side of your face.
By Kelli Busey
Sept 5, 2008
Heart in pain
By Kelli Busey
Sept. 05, 2008
I have received calls from as far as California asking me about Who is mad at HRC and why? What is HRC's response?
"Why are transgender people so mad?" I will speak of my life.
I am in a place I never thought to be. I recently became aware spiritually and received saving grace and salvation through my church and minister. I sought Jesus Christ to help me in transition and I received unconditional love.
An irresistible force drew me, a transgender woman to the Methodist General Conference 2008. I was given an opportunity to be a participant in the Struggle with people who so lovingly desperately desire what I was experiencing in my church, not just conditional admission but full inclusion. I believe many understood it is my love of Christ and the Reconciling ministries(RMN) devotion and commitment to radical inclusion that kept me at FT Worth even after learning that Pastor Phoenix would be allowed to return to his church.
Then the unthinkable began. I found myself in disbelief since attending my church as members of my congregation who's Churches second mission statement Does not "stand idly by" in the face of inequity and injustice seemed content to remain unaware and unconcerned with the spreading violence targeting the gender diverse.
With much prayer and thought I concluded that the church was responsible to be at least aware of and hopefully address the murders and mutilation of transgender people who are from 10 to 1,000 times more likely to be murdered.
It became my understanding that my church and social organizations are as responsible as the very same people who commit this violence because they have CHOSSEN to remain silent or have in fact perpetuated the conception that Transgender lives are somehow LESS than gay or lesbian lives.
I authored and circulated an online petition asking that Bishop Robinson of the New Hampshire Anglican Diocese that he not support spiritual violence by not attending the Human Rights campaigns(HRC) Dallas fundraiser in November 2008. We Queers believe that although HRC has done much to benefit transgender people it committed an unrepentant atrocity against us by not following thru on its promise to commit only to a gender inclusive ENDA.
The copies of the online petition that I handed out were folded and put in pockets as the person I was talking to eyes rolled back with promises to read it later.
I have spent hours with local Ministers and in one conversation with my transgender minister I learned that he was planning to attend the D.C. HRC pastors call. I asked my pastor to please consider my request he not go. He promised me he would think and pray of this as we do in the Reconciling Ministries. It is the act of conversation that is to me, all important.
Two weeks later I asked my pastor his thoughts and he said he had not given it consideration and would I send him some more information. I found this to be intolerable. I sat in the foyers before service and watched as the $8 "Would Jesus Discriminate" tee shirts were being sold.
The hypocrisy and timing of his made me so mad I made my own sign.
And I stood outside the church as people were going home. I was asked by offended people "is this something to do with that paper you handed out?" and "I supported you transgender at the Methodist Conference" and "What is HRC?".
MY shame and sorrow excaberated when my pastor called the next day to tell me that everyone wondered why I was mad at the church. He also said in that 20 hours since Sunday he had become fully aware of 20 years of previously unknown LGBT history and had decided that he was going to support HRC. It is my opinion that he did fully understand the reason why I was angry Sunday and decided to let the congregation focus their anger at me and my perceived rejection of the church. Call it dis or misinformation, it jeopardised my life and boils down to the deception which enabled spiritual violence, the very thing I am campaigning against.
We are rejected and marginalized by our Churches, social organizations, legislatures and Judicial branches. We are angry at the intentional ignorance of many Gay and Lesbians.
So now I am feel alienated by what is most important to me, my church. I hurt so much. I am asking for your guidance. How do I reconcile my anger and return to my church.
Sept. 05, 2008
I have received calls from as far as California asking me about Who is mad at HRC and why? What is HRC's response?
"Why are transgender people so mad?" I will speak of my life.
I am in a place I never thought to be. I recently became aware spiritually and received saving grace and salvation through my church and minister. I sought Jesus Christ to help me in transition and I received unconditional love.
An irresistible force drew me, a transgender woman to the Methodist General Conference 2008. I was given an opportunity to be a participant in the Struggle with people who so lovingly desperately desire what I was experiencing in my church, not just conditional admission but full inclusion. I believe many understood it is my love of Christ and the Reconciling ministries(RMN) devotion and commitment to radical inclusion that kept me at FT Worth even after learning that Pastor Phoenix would be allowed to return to his church.
Then the unthinkable began. I found myself in disbelief since attending my church as members of my congregation who's Churches second mission statement Does not "stand idly by" in the face of inequity and injustice seemed content to remain unaware and unconcerned with the spreading violence targeting the gender diverse.
With much prayer and thought I concluded that the church was responsible to be at least aware of and hopefully address the murders and mutilation of transgender people who are from 10 to 1,000 times more likely to be murdered.
It became my understanding that my church and social organizations are as responsible as the very same people who commit this violence because they have CHOSSEN to remain silent or have in fact perpetuated the conception that Transgender lives are somehow LESS than gay or lesbian lives.
I authored and circulated an online petition asking that Bishop Robinson of the New Hampshire Anglican Diocese that he not support spiritual violence by not attending the Human Rights campaigns(HRC) Dallas fundraiser in November 2008. We Queers believe that although HRC has done much to benefit transgender people it committed an unrepentant atrocity against us by not following thru on its promise to commit only to a gender inclusive ENDA.
The copies of the online petition that I handed out were folded and put in pockets as the person I was talking to eyes rolled back with promises to read it later.
I have spent hours with local Ministers and in one conversation with my transgender minister I learned that he was planning to attend the D.C. HRC pastors call. I asked my pastor to please consider my request he not go. He promised me he would think and pray of this as we do in the Reconciling Ministries. It is the act of conversation that is to me, all important.
Two weeks later I asked my pastor his thoughts and he said he had not given it consideration and would I send him some more information. I found this to be intolerable. I sat in the foyers before service and watched as the $8 "Would Jesus Discriminate" tee shirts were being sold.
The hypocrisy and timing of his made me so mad I made my own sign.
MY shame and sorrow excaberated when my pastor called the next day to tell me that everyone wondered why I was mad at the church. He also said in that 20 hours since Sunday he had become fully aware of 20 years of previously unknown LGBT history and had decided that he was going to support HRC. It is my opinion that he did fully understand the reason why I was angry Sunday and decided to let the congregation focus their anger at me and my perceived rejection of the church. Call it dis or misinformation, it jeopardised my life and boils down to the deception which enabled spiritual violence, the very thing I am campaigning against.
We are rejected and marginalized by our Churches, social organizations, legislatures and Judicial branches. We are angry at the intentional ignorance of many Gay and Lesbians.
So now I am feel alienated by what is most important to me, my church. I hurt so much. I am asking for your guidance. How do I reconcile my anger and return to my church.
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