
Westboro Baptist learns Silverton OR. is Hate free zona libre de odio

Associated Press The protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church arrived with an assortment of signs, such as "God Hates You," "Fags Are Beasts," "Your Pastor is a Whore" and "Barack Obama Antichrist."

"But the town greeted the quartet with a festive counterprotest. More than 100 people paraded in the street and some men wore women's clothing in a show of support for Rasmussen."

"Today, I'm just Joe the Crossdresser," said Silverton attorney Yossi Davidson, 59, who stood across City Hall from the protesters wearing a dress. "Stu's an institution in this town, which is probably why he got elected. He's a straightforward, genuine kind of guy despite his gender complexities."
The person holding the "God Hates You" sign is standing on the American flag.
Courtsy of the The Oregonian

Protest in Silverton

"I'm a Christian," Lesley Brighton said, clearly perplexed by the girl's "God Hates Fags" sign. "This is some kind of joke, right?"

No, it's deadly serious, Phelps replied. Electing a transgender mayor, she said, was an abomination.

kelli Busey

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