Date: Monday, December 8, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Cleveland City Hall
Street: 601 Lakeside Ave.
City/Town: Cleveland, OH
Google Maps
Contact Info Phone: 216-651-5428x12
Email: sdoerfer@lgbtcleveland.org
Please read the Action Alert below. We need as many people as possible to attend both the Finance Committee Hearing and the City Council Meeting on Monday Dec. 8th. Please do everything you can to be there yourself….and forward this to as many people as you can think of.
This is important as it sets a standard for other cities in Ohio! Even if you don't live in Cleveland it impacts YOU! Stand up for the rights of your community!
Friday Dec.
5th, 2008
The Legislation Committee of Cleveland City Council heard testimony on both the domestic partnership registry and inclusion of gender identity in the city's anti-discrimination law. Both measures passed on to the Finance Committee for hearing.
Your help is needed to ensure passage of this legislation.
There are several ways you can support this effort:
TODAY (Friday Dec. 5th)
Call your City Council representative (from where you live OR work) and ask them to support the Domestic Partner Registry and the Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Ordinances.
Ask 5 people to do the same thing!
MONDAY(Dec. 8th)
Attend the Finance Committee Hearing 9:45am - 12noon. The Finance Committee will be hearing both ordinances. Both Ordinances need to pass out of the Finance Committee for a vote of the Council.
Ask 5 of your friends to attend with you!
Attend the City Council Meeting 7pm to support the voting, and hopefully to celebrate passage, of these changes to Cleveland City Law. Come early to ensure a seat. Ask 10 of your friends to attend with you.
Cleveland City Hall
Council Chambers
601 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH
It is crucial that your city council representatives hear from their constituents so they know there is popular support for equality issues. It is important to show strong support through attendance at the Finance Committee Hearing and the City Council Meeting.
For further information or with questions, contact:
Sue Doerfer, sdoerfer@lgbtcleveland.org, 216-651-5428 x12
Sue Doerfer
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