
Marriage Equality Down To The Wire | Call New Hampshire Governor

NH House votes to send marriage equality bill to the Governor. By a vote of 178 to 167 the NH House voted to accept the Senate version of the bill and send the bill on to the Governor. It is all up to him now! He can veto, sign the bill or allow it to become law without his signature.
Today NH Freedom to Marry delivered petitions to the Governors office containing 12,000 signature's. We must continue to keep the pressure on.

Funds Needed
We are being outspent three to one by the opposition. We can not allow them to do in NH what they did in California with proposition 8.
They have made a $50,000 ad buy in NH. They are running ads featuring and targeting Governor Lynch himself. We can not allow them to outspend us by that degree. We have created an add that is now running on cable in limited locations. We must remain competitive and by more ad time. Now is the time to dig deep and help raise the funds needed. Donate Here

Call the Governor
The community is mobilizing like never before to win equality!
We are;
1) canvasing to collect signatures on the petitions. Please join other Freedom to Marry volunteers? Can you provide community housing for our volunteers as we move from town to town. We are working in Porstmouth, Keene, Concord, Hanover Manchester and Nashua. Do you have a guest room? A couch in the basement? If we are not in your town, start your own canvas, we will help you begin. If you can help contact heather@nhftm.org

We must collect thousands of signatures on our equality petition. Please click here to sign online or to download petitions to help collect signatures. Return these signatures to us by fax or call for us to pick them up.
2) Phone banking is happening in Concord 5PM to 9PM
3) Make a lawn sign, "support equality" send us a picture of yourself with your sign to http://us.mc456.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=info@nhftm.org
2) Write a letter to the editor click here
Join our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @NHfreedom2marry

Take Action NOW! Click here to take action

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