[Israel society can be very secretive and at the time of publication I have not been able to obtain a copy of the original note nor have I found the web site the original note was reported to have appeared on.]
A purported anonymously written note by a member of a haredi Jewish Ultra Orthodox sect defaming LGBT people supposedly appeared on the mystery web site Tzofer.com.
The Tzofer author Yisrael Artzi was interviewed by Uri Blau a correspondent for the Haaretz newspaper. Yisrael Artzi said he did not know who wrote the original note that appeared on the Tzofer web site, but that he concurred with the notes content and intent.
Yisrael Artzi went on to say that homosexuals "are worse than beasts, at least a beast knows it's [homosexuality] wrong, or not natural" and that the managers of the J'lem youth center “should be forced to face a firing squad.”
In response to the murders the The Jerusalem Post reports that the J'lem gay center hired armed guard and asked retribution of 500,000 in damages from Tzofer.
This hateful note gives religious creedence to hate and is enabling to people who only need a nudge to commit violence and murder against LGBTIQ people.
By Kelli Busey/planetransgender/tags: "you talking to me?, The nut falls close to the tree"
On the web;
wikipedia.org Halacha
Dictonary.com haredi
Wiki Tzofer.com< wiki
Wiki Kelli Busey
Haaretz.com Haredi writer: Gays should be forced to face firing squad
The Jerusalem Post J'lem gay center hires armed guard
Advocate.com Advocate.com
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