
From "A T Revival" : God Made Me the Way I Am and I Accept Myself

A T Revival: God Made Me the Way I Am and I Accept Myself

"So Caster Semenya is determined to be intersex though she's always considered herself a woman."

"God made me the way I am and I accept myself. I am who I am and I'm proud of myself," she [Caster] said."

Source: Daliy Telegraph Caster Semenya has male sex organs and no womb or ovaries

I wanted to write about a athlete who's gender is being questioned, examined and evaluated and who's determination will effect the world in ways no other single could. But I hesitated. How could I approach this subject without contorting it, or worse yet, Jerry Springer sizing it?

It's actually simple. Thanks Lori D.

"God made me the way I am and I accept myself. I am who I am and I'm proud of myself," she [Caster] said."

1 comment:

Lori D said...

Thanks, Kelly. You know, I struggle often whether I should even touch on topics of the day for the very fear of sounding contrived or showing contempt for a touchy personal situation. But when i read something showing so much providence in simple words like hers, I can't help but seek to promote that.