YouTube Obama Signs Transgender Inclusive Hate Crimes Bill
Before signing into law The Matthew Shepard/James Bryd Jr Hate Crimes Prevention Act President Barrack Hussein Obama commented about how this law was needed for LGBT people. He could not be more right! TRANSGENDER PEOPLE THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA!
Dana Beyer Poised to become First Trans Legislator

In a historic announcement Doctor Dana Beyer has put herself in contention for Maryland's 18th District seat.
"Dr. Dana Beyer wants to shake up Maryland’s leadership."
“People should vote for me because they want someone looking out for them, not just taking orders from the antiquated leadership,” she said. “We need a new approach to very serious economic difficulties if we are to reset our economy and move forward, building a better world for all.”
As transgender people we should also recognize and appreciate how successful Dr. Beyers has been in shaping and defining democracy in Montgomery County Maryland and beyond.
"On that note, Dana’s experience in fighting for LGBT equality is extensive. She serves on the Board of Directors of the National Center for Transgender Equality, the Human Rights Campaign’s Board of Governors, and Equality Maryland. She also helped found Basic Rights Montgomery, which successfully fought against an attempt to overturn Montgomery County’s transgender anti-discrimination law."
"With her local political, governmental and advocacy experience, Dana has walked the walk. Furthermore, as a physician Dana brings a special skill set, analytical approach and compassion to politics rarely seen."
"When she wins her election, Dana will become the first openly transgender individual to ever win election to any state legislature in the country – an enormous milestone. Help Dana break this barrier and serve the residents of her district by contributing to her campaign today."
Victory Fund
Dr Beyer put a Doctor in the House
American "Family" Taliban financing Uganda's Gay Genocide

I don't wonder at all. This is the fruit of "Conservative religions" labor in East Africa.
These wealthy groups in the US that operate under the guise of religion have a major stake in propagating anti LBGT sentiments in east Africa as they have recently voted themselves out of the increasingly LGBT inclusive American institutions. In Africa, they can capitalize on the governmental and religiously sanctified homophobic genocide already taking place while simultaneously establishing a new "home" for their disenfranchised Anglican Dioceses.
But there is something we can do. The International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Campaign (IGLHRC) have set up an urgent email initiative calling on the Ugandan Parliament to dismiss the bill. Click here now and help stop Uganda from passing this anti-gay law.
Methodist Reconciling Ministries blog post by UMC Rev.John Makokha, Other Sheep Country Coordinator-Kenya/Riruta Open Letter to Bishop Wandabula About Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill
BBC Uganda considers new anti-gay law
ENDA Movers and Shakers Getting The Message Send Yours TODAY!

Jillian Weiss sent a message to the members of Inclusive ENDA.
Inclusive ENDA almost at 5,000
Dear Inclusive ENDA members:
Our group is almost 5,000 strong. People in DC tell me that we have been having an impact on co-sponsorships and support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and we are close to our goal of eliminating job discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Our work is being discussed by the movers and shakers.
Would you please help take this over the 5,000 mark? Please forward this to a couple of friends who are interested in job fairness, and ask them to join our group. They will receive an email from me about once a week, with updates on the bill. The Inclusive ENDA group can be found Here
FYI, we're currently at 212 likely yes votes in the House (we need 216) and there are 35 unconfirmed. In the Senate, there are 57 likely yes votes (we need 60), with another 15 possible yes votes. You can find more info at our spreadsheets:HERE A hearing will be coming up in the Senate on the bill, and a vote in the House is expected soon as well.
Thank you for the work you have been doing.
Co-Chair, Inclusive ENDA Facebook
To reply to this message, follow the link below:
Inclusive ENDA Facebook
Transgender Inclusive Hate Crime Bill Passes Senate

Source NCTE: VICTORY: Hate Crimes Bill Passes;
First Federal Bill to Protect Transgender People
(October 22, 2009, Washington, DC) "In an historic move, the United States Senate joined the House of Representatives in passing The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which will be the first federal law to include gender identity and transgender people. Once signed by the President, this law will add sexual orientation, gender identity, gender and disability to the categories included in existing federal hate crimes law and will allow local goverments who are unable or unwilling to address hate crimes to receive assistance from the federal government. President Obama has indicated that he will sign the bill into law."
"Transgender people have been waiting so many years for assistance from the federal government in addressing the rampant and disproportional violence that we face," noted Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "Today we move one step closer to our goal of ending violence motivated by hatred. Everyone in America deserves to live free of fear and of violence. We know that the dedicated leadership and hard work of Senator Kennedy and Representative Conyers and many other legislators made the passage of this bill possible. Words can't really express our gratitude for their commitment to equality for all people."
"In the past, federal law has only mentioned gender identity in a negative context, such as explicitly excluding transgender people from the Americans with Disabilities Act. The passage of the hate crimes bill marks a significant turning pointfrom the days in which the federal government contributed to the oppression of transgender people to today when federal law takes action to protect our lives."
"The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act will have a number of positive impacts. First, it will help educate law enforcement about the frequent hate violence against transgender people and the need to prevent and appropriately address it. Second, it will help provide federal expertise and resources when it is needed to overcome a lack of resources or the willful inaction on the part of local and/or state law enforcement. Third, it will help educate the public that violence against anyone is unacceptable and illegal."
"Transgender people continue to be disproportionately targeted for bias motivated violence. Thirteen states and Washington, DC have laws which include transgender people in state hate crimes laws."
National Center For Transgender Equality
Rev. Delores Berry to sing at Trinity MCC Arlington TX

Concert information
Date: October 23, 2009
Time 7:00 pm
Admission: No cost a free will offering will be taken.
Location: Trinity Metropolitan Community Church
1846 W. Division Street
Suite 305
Arlington, TX 76012
Google Map
(817) 265-5454
Trinity MCC.org
Rev. Delores Berry.com
TransEpiscopal powerful Christian Transgender Advocacy

From TransEpiscopal web site"... is a group of transgender Episcopalians and our significant others, families, friends and allies dedicated to enriching our spiritual lives and to making the Episcopal Church a welcoming and empowering place that all of us truly can call our spiritual home."
What have they done for transgender people who are not religious or prescribe to a different faith? TtansEpiscopal is significantly influencing perceptions, changing hearts and making the world a accepting place for all humans by personally involving themselves in politics and religion at this historic time.
It is extremely important that LGBT people recognize that yes, we have been unjustly discriminated against by the major religions for millennium, but this is changing. It is safe for your heart to venture back to faith.
The spirit entered my being one day with such a force that standing on my two feet at that moment was impossible. As I crumbled my transgender friends on ether side of me physically kept me from collapsing. I am both desperate for Christ and content in waiting for him. Amazing.
Maybe you have not experienced a moment like this yet, but I promise it is waiting for you in your LGBT church and you will be changed, forever.
On Line at TransEpiscopal.com
Jesus proclaimed;
"For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."
-- Matthew 19:12
GLSEN Dallas Ally Week

Everyone needs allies.
And in school - whether it's teammates in sports, or just a friend at the lunch table - having allies improves every student's chances at success.For LGBT students, allies are harder to come by. Despite substantial societal progress, it probably won't surprise you that, by and large, it's still not safe to be gay in school. It's why thousands of LGBT or questioning young people endure silent suffering or risk harassment by being "out."It's also why GLSEN sponsors Ally Week every year: to call attention to - and increase the support for - LGBT young people who are living in fear and isolation.
Ally Week is October 19th - 23rd: Will you stand up for LGBT Students by signing our Ally Pledge today?
Since 2005 - When a small group of students on GLSEN's Jump-Start National Student Leadership Team came up with the idea - Ally Week has steadily grown. Ally Week now includes hundreds of thousands of participants who pledge their commitment to safe and effective schools for all and encourage students to take action. You can help it grow even more, by signing the pledge today.
Maybe you remember being lonely or afraid in school, or perhaps you know someone who was. Either way, this is your chance to provide critical support to thousands of young people struggling with their sexuality, gender expression or gender identity.I can't stress enough the great hope for the future students experience when they know that people like you are on their side. So, please sign up to be an ally and give that hope to thousands of LGBT students today.
Thanks for being an ally,
GLSEN Dallas
AC Cooper MEEM اندرسون 360 نساء ، والمدونين ومثليون جنسيا يؤدي التغيير في العالم العربي

Watch this and think. Decide.
"Bareed Mista3jil" will be launched by the Feminist Collective and IndyAct at Masrah Al Madina on Hamra Street, Beirut on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 6pm. Selected stories from "Bareed Mista3jil" will be read in English and Arabic at the launch and the book will be available for sale for the first time. The event is open to the public. For more information, please email us onbook@bareedmista3jil.com or check the Facebook event page."
"Bareed Mista3jil" is a brave new book published byMeemin Beirut, Lebanon. The book, available in both English and Arabic versions, is a collection of 41 true (and personal) stories from lesbians, bisexuals, queer and questioning women, and transgender persons from all over Lebanon. The introduction to the book is a 30-page analysis of the general themes presented in the stories."
"What sort of diversities exist in human sexuality? How do bisexuals come out? What kinds of discrimination do lesbians face? How does it affect their self-esteem and their sense of community? What are their relationships with their families, friends, and each other like? How do people of different sexualities deal with religion and faith? Is it a struggle to identify as non-heterosexual? Or do people just know? Are there gender identities other than man and woman? How has life for lesbians in Lebanon changed over the past 10 years? Is emigration their only choice?"
"This long-awaited publication comes to dispel the myths surrounding these questions and to reveal a glimpse of the lives existing invisibly and silently in different Lebanese communities. The stories are about love, pain, identity, suffering, overcoming, and the intricate complexities of the human heart. And above all, these stories are about hope."
Meem On Twitter
Anderson Cooper اندرسون 360 نساء ، والمدونين ومثليون جنسيا يؤدي التغيير في العالم العربي
Meem is a community of Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer and Questioning Women and Transgender and Transsexual individuals in Lebanon.
Louisiana Justice Keith Bardwell refuses to marry interacial couple

"I am not a Racist", "I have piles and piles of black friends" and "they use my bathroom. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long."
AP News "Bardwell said he asks everyone who calls about marriage if they are a mixed race couple. If they are, he does not marry them, he said."
Bardwell allows them to use the white bathroom. Very progressive.
ENDA S1584 Status as of October 13 2009

Inclusive Enda Facebook compiles and frequently updates Goggle Documents with a comprehensive breakdown of Representative and Senators history with a prognosis of there future vote.
US Senate ENDA Spreadsheet
Senators with Unconfirmed positions on the Senate version of ENDA, S1584
For updates from the Inclusive Enda Campaign please visit the Bilerico Project
NY Ponders Transgender Hate Crime Provisions Meanwhile WE Holla Back!

Unfortunately, those recently enacted laws do not cover violence intended to terrorize transgender people as a class . The result of passing gay only hate crimes laws has left transgender victims like Carmella Etienne (left) unprotected, since NY gender specific crimes are unreported resulting with criminals empowered and anonymous.
The The violence experienced by transgender people in New York

One New York grass roots initiative to end street harassment is seeking funds from the Knight Foundation.Hollaback is entered for a $100,000 grant to implement a system to photograph and text via cell a description of the incidence which will be offered to the public including maps detailing the occurrence and statistical data as to location.
You can Hollar Back in Texas; Holla Back Texas
National Equality March - Opening Invocation delivered by the Rev. Troy D. Perry.

MCC Church.org
MCC Church Facebook
President Obama HRC Black Tie Speech Transgender Inclusive?

Did President Obama's powerfull speech at the Black Tie dinner make a positive concrete commitment to transgender inclusion?
Or was Obama simply stirring the muddy waters of LGB politics to placate HRC's ego maniacal gay power brokers and allow them once again a sense that it's ok to double cross transgender people at their convenience?
Rebecca Juro's article at Bilerico project "What Barack Obama really said about transgender rights" is a excellent read prior to viewing President Obama's speech at the Washington DC National HRC Black Tie Dinner.
I believe that Obama made an incredible statement from day one of his presidency by including ALL Americans in the dynamics of shaping the national profile. This inclusive structure will serve freedom loving people for generations to come.
We have nothing to fear but fear it's self. Is change incremental? Julian Bond has a answer to that and we should be proud, so proud to have our transgender civil rights movement be recognized as allied by the NCAAP.
Incrementalism is a bitter pill to swallow for transgender people to accept since we have always been on the fringe of the political and religious herd, powerless, making us the weakest and most vulnerable.
Knowledge of the Christian religion will quickly assure you that the people who claim to speak for 'conservative' Christians are simply hate mongers and have no basis in the bible to back up their bigotry.
Haters will claim their reward when they are judged.
Do the political right wing assertions that granted equality we will victimize children in the bathroom have any foundation in reality? Really!
All we have to do is continue on as productive citizens, in our jobs and some in faith institutions. Some of us are incensed and will loudly not accept incrementalism and demand change, NOW. Those voices are essental for the progression of transgernder human rights and meanwhile, we all just keep on keeping on.
Texas Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) 2009
View Larger MapEvery third day worldwide, a transgender person is murdered because of our gender identity or expression. That is unacceptable. Murdering a gender diverse person is a hate crime specifically intended to victimize an entire segment of society.
Hate crimes targeting a specific demographic due to racial, ethnicity and gender expression is often the most horrific and murderous. Hate so unconscionable societies natural response is to protect us with laws for accountability and additional punishment of the perpetrators.
Sadly, the reality is hate crime laws serve as a deterrent offering a opportunity for reparation and are not a guarantee of indemnity.
Our sorrow is mourned and an awareness created in mid November when we and our allies gather internationally for the Transgender Day of Remember (TDOR) Face Book TDOR
Texas Transgender Day of Remembrances (TDOR)
updated as required.
Dallas TDOR
Date: Friday, November 20, 2009
Time 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: Southern Methodist University Quadrangle, at the Flagpole
Address: 6425 Boaz Lane, Dallas TX, 75205
Sponsred by GEAR and OUT and Equal
Fort Worth TDOR
Location: Robert Carr Chapel at TCU
Street: Address: 2855 S. University Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76129
Date: Friday, November 20, 2009
Start: 7:30
Press Release
Facebook Page
Sponsors Bright Divinity School at Texas Christian University, Agape MCC, Trinity MCC, Sexuality Education Center, Ft Worth and the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies
San Antonio TDOR
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009
Time: 6:00am - 9:00am
Location: 611 E Myrtle, San Antonio, TX
San Antonio Gender Association SAGA.org will host and a press release can be found on Facebook Face Book
Austin Texas TDOR
Date: Saturday, November 21, 2009
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: Front Steps of Austin City Hall
Address: 301 West Second Street, Austin 78701
Sponsred by the Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) Face Book page, Central Presbyterian Church, Equality Texas, First United Methodist Church, Gathering Place; Grace United Methodist Church; Jewish QT; Katy Koonce, LCSW; Lutherans Concerned/Austin Central Texas Chapter; MCC Austin at Freedom Oaks; OutYouth; PFLAG of Austin; Trinity United Methodist Church; and Wildflower Church.
Houston TDOR
Event: Transgender Day of Remembrance
What: Ceremony
Start Time: Saturday, November 21 at 6:30pm
End Time: Saturday, November 21 at 10:00pm
Where: Houston Holocaust Museum
Hosted by: Transgender Foundation of America
Houston TDOR Face Book page
Transgender Hate Crimes: Victims, Their Families & Advocates Speak Out

On Wednesday, October 7th, at 7pm, TLDEF clients Leslie Mora and Carmella Etienne will join Lateisha Green’s family in speaking about their experiences as victims of hate-motivated violence. Michael Silverman, executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, and Andy Marra, senior media strategist at the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, will discuss the status of gender identity and expression in federal and state hate crime laws, as well as strategies to educate the public through the media on issues of gender identity and expression.
WhatTransgender Hate Crimes: Victims, Their Families & Advocates Speak Out
Where: Brooklyn Law SchoolForchelli Conference Center205 State Street, Brooklyn (map)
WhenWednesday, October 7th7:00 pmCo-SponsorsAnti-Violence Project, Brooklyn Law School, Empire State Pride Agenda, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Make the Road New York, New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA), and Queens Pride House.
Dinner and refreshments will be served.This event is free and open to the public.
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Texas District Judge Rules Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

Judge Callahan believes that becuse federal law was written to protect all Americans it should pertain equally to all.
According to the the Dallas Morning News 'He [Judge Callahan] cited wording in the state Family Code that "the law of this state applies to persons married elsewhere who are domiciled in this state. And he noted that "Black's Law Dictionary defines a person as a 'human being.' "
on the web
Wall Street Journal Law Blog .Dallas Judge Shoots Down Texas’ Ban on Gay Marriage
AP Story Dallas judge clears way for gay divorce
by kelli Busey planetransgender
LDS Church turning away from Gay congregants

A Plea for Reconciliation
Although I am not a member og the LDS I would like to sign the petition for reconciliation. I was deeply affected by the incredible outcry of LDS members who visited my blog in disbelief after prop 8 was passed.
Parents caring for infants from the inner sanctum of the LDS walls, became fear stricken. Bewildered they visited planetransgender in the thousands with hopes of understanding WHY was I publishing Church addresses? WHY were there mobs of angry people just outside their church doors?
In their church sponsored ignorance they cradled their babies fearful of the future and suddenly the walls seemed to tremble. Tragically soon some will hold there children again and cry out in anguish WHY? WHY did my church spurn my child, my life, my hope? My child full of love now lays lifeless and we are destitute without his love.
These losses I mourn from far away and yet today the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints walk further distant, turning their backs, cold and silent as the mountain peaks.
All I can offer today is this tiny voice asking for reconciliation. I ask the LDS to please, step back towards your children, your hope. Today.
Salt Lake Tribune Is LDS Church taking a step back on gay issues
STATISTICS COMPARING UTAH WITH THE U.S. GENERAL POPULATION report says Utah students attempt suicide less than their peers nationally-- 7 percent versus 8 percent.
Now the bad news: The actual rate of suicide in Utah is much higher than the national average.
Of the 15 to 24 year olds who died in 1997, 20 percent killed themselves. That makes suicide the state's second-leading single cause of death behind car accidents.