Serving on the Board of Directors of the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center is one of the things I'm most proud of in my life. I do it because there are still far too many people—especially young people—who are harassed, abused or abandoned because of who they are. That's why I'm asking you to join me in making an urgent donation to the Gay & Lesbian Center today.
This year the demand for the Center's services for homeless LGBT youth doubled. More than 900 youth routinely depended on the Center for warm meals, a safe place to stay, clothing, counseling and much more.
Unfortunately, as the demand has increased, donations have fallen. At a time when young LGBT people need us more than ever, the Center is facing a $79,000 budget gap in private donations.Let me assure you, whatever you give will be put right to use to help young people like Theresa. This 17-year old recently told us, "If I weren't here at the Center, I would probably be in jail or dead."That's why the Gay & Lesbian Center is so important. Nothing matters more than getting young people off the streets and giving them the compassionate support they deserve. Won't you give what you can to support our efforts?
Though we've already expanded our services by adding 6 emergency beds and expanding the hours at our Jeff Griffith Youth Center, we're still struggling to .
meet the increased demand from homeless LGBT youth.We're also seeing an increase in the number of people with HIV/AIDS who have lost their jobs and health insurance—and who are turning to the Center for free and low-cost medical care.That's why we need your help. We can't do this alone.

Your gift today is absolutely critical—we must close this funding gap to meet the needs of the more than 20,000 people who depend on the Center month after month. Please help us close the gap and keep our LGBT safety net strong by making a generous, tax-deductible gift today.A gift of just $35 will provide another day's worth of services for a homeless youth at our drop-in center; $75 will give a young person one night's shelter from the streets. Whatever you can give will make a vital difference, especially at this time of year.There are thousands of LGBT kids out there right now with nowhere else to turn. Please join me in giving them a safe place to turn this holiday season by making a generous gift today.
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