Murderous echoes.
These are first three comments found on the Milwaukee Wisconsin Sentinel story 'Transphobia and mean streets' by Forge Forward activists Michael Munson And Loree Cook-Daniels.
Our well being relies on our willingness to intelligently confront hatred. Please leave a comment on 'Transphobia and mean streets'
By "Aid to Idiots"
- #1. Larkin was not a "she".
- #2. Maybe the false advertising is what got him in trouble?
- #3. When are we going to stop coddling these gender variant cretins?
I just wonder how much tax money went to a study to figure out all these stats.
Here's a little hint....If you're a male, show up for a job interview looking like a male and not some kind of freak. Vice versa for the ladies.
By "third party advocate"
How does an article like this even get published? It is strongly empatheic towards the "commercial" aspect of this illegal and disgusting activity. Crime in general is the problem; there is no need for an "info-mercial" by the Journal Reporter.
Uncommon sense - Sep 12, 2010 12:06 PM» Report abuse
By "Uncommon Sense"
This may qualify as the most ridiculous editorial EVER published by this organization-and the candidates are plentiful.
Thankfully, these ignorant folks are part of the dying breed of old school bigots. Nature has a way of weeding out the week.
#1. Larkin was not a "she".
#2. Maybe the false advertising is what got him in trouble?
#3. When are we going to stop coddling these gender variant cretins? I am Gobsmacked by these 3 definitions of a person-human being, who not only suffered but lost HER life, makes me Angry but i realise that EDUCATION of the ignorant must go on unimpeded. She is somebodies Child, Daughter, Friend Or Lover, She Obviously had no Dignity aforded to Her in Life, SO give her Respect & Dignity in her tragic passing. NO MORE HATE GRRR !!! Leanne Ward - Australia
Much love for those who have and will comment over at the Sentinel, thank you.
Evidently much to the credit of the Sentinel, the editorial staff deleted the first horrifically transphobic comment.
For prosperity I copied it onto this post. It was the inspiration for this article because the first commentators ignorance driven bigotry contrasted so profoundly with Michael Munson And Loree Cook-Daniels superb human rights article.
I hope thousands more read that article. I hope people who would otherwise consider transpeople so tragically worthless come to understand, we are of value. We are loved. We have hopes and dreams. We are Americans.
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