Now she has outed and attacked a 17 year old girl by emailing her high school! The only evidence of wrong doing she supplied on her post was this, purportedly by the 17 year old on Tumblr::
Brennan has since deleted her post but I have it via Transgender News Yahoo Group
Cathy Brennan on Tmblr "17-year-old Girl Harasses Women Online, Trans Community Silent"
That's it Brennan? She was probably upset like I was when you called me a weirdo.
That hurt you so bad that you called her school? Your action Brennan jeopardises her life she being a young trans girl the most likely of all to commit suicide!!! After all the mean nasty things you have said to me? After all the times you have joyously insulted and misgendered my brothers and sisters? You are not satisfied trying to ruin grown transgender peoples lives you attack children????
Now I have been on Tumblr only for a short period but I can assure the uninformed, Tumblr is a virtual free zone for expression. Everything goes from Advocacy, fascinating articles of all kinds to pornography. Its there in all its glory. That's what Tumblr is for.
Cathy Brennan you potentially jeopardised this youths life to satisfy your hate of all people diverse.
I have resisted in the past contacting your law firm and exposing you as the vile monster you are, but you are really really trying my desire to remain above your contemptuous behaviour. Quit this Brennan or I will.
You are despicable Cathy Brennan. I will tell you that to your stinking face. Use that for your next screen grab.
Looks like Brennan deleted her post already.
The 17 y/o is a boy. Just because Brennan can't understand transsexualism doesn't mean it should be reported with her ignorant opinions. Misgendering isn't a little mistake.
Yeah, it seems the person that Brennan targeted in this case was a young trans *man*. Please correct this.
I am doing that now. When I read Brennan's article my eyes crossed I was so mad. My apologies to all.
I am sorry it took so long to fix, I was at work. Again, I am sorry I did not mean any harm especially to the youth.
I really did not expect Brennan to take that post down. If I did I would have posted it before on Scribe.
Like I told those "RadFems" before, If they continue to use feminism as a cloak for hatred I will continue to uncover them. RadFem, there's no place to hide there hate. No where.
Kelli, thank you for posting this. What really disturbs me is the way Brennan is willing to use, not only a perversion of feminism, but the worst fears and stereotypes about transgender people, to advance her hate.
I have written about it here:
Thanks for all the support. Part 2 of this post adresses the letter.
Hey weirdo - link is here.
I had deleted it when Rufus deleted her blog, but restored it when she returned to Tumblr.
Cathy Brennan,
Once again so the world knows, I object to you calling me a 'weirdo' as its done done with harm intended as you have made it clear time after time you reject any overtures on my part towards reconciliation.
Clearly your calling me a 'weirdo' is not a expression of endearment it is done with malicious intent.
Brennan, if you ignore this warning again and continue to intentionally insult me you will no longer be allowed to comment on planetransgender.
Brennan, I do not know your rational for the timing involved in deleting the article outing this student or what possible reason you could have for re posting it.
Frankly Brennan, I do not care why.
Your post outing the minor was published by TransNews and I posted it on Scribe.
The fact remains you maliciously, with forethought outed a minor gender variant youth to the school the student is attending. That is inexcusable. If you felt honestly threatened you had the option to take it to the proper authorities who would, hopefully, have handled it with the discretion it deserved.
The student published a open letter apologizing to you stating he was wrong and what was learned from the experience.
The trans community is not here to feed your obvious attention deficit and I don't see any reason to revisit this now.
Have a nice day.
Actually, that "seventeen year old" is currently sixteen, and is genderqueer/non-binary and uses "they/them/their" pronouns.
They actually say so in their "Rufus Responds" letter.
From: their partner, Karis
Whoever Cathy Brennan is or is not, if the picture I saw of her is actually her or not, my first initial non-biased reaction was "who is that guy?" Her whole fear is that she will one day wake up and be "one of us". That day is here. She shuns makeup, wears shorter hair than most men and even though her sexuality is lesbian, which I applaud, her gender expression is well.....masculine. A rose by another name is a rose. A transman likewise. I welcome Cathy Brennan to our transgender world!
Whoever Cathy Brennan is or is not, if the picture I saw of her is actually her or not, my first initial non-biased reaction was "who is that guy?" Her whole fear is that she will one day wake up and be "one of us". That day is here. She shuns makeup, wears shorter hair than most men and even though her sexuality is lesbian, which I applaud, her gender expression is well.....masculine. A rose by another name is a rose. A transman likewise. I welcome Cathy Brennan to our transgender world!
It's only fair.
Catherine Margeret Brennan
Age 43: 12/4/1970
Alias: Cathy M Brennan
311 Murdock Rd. #GOVANS
Baltimore, MD, US 21202
Geo-Coordinates Latitude: 39.30 | Longitude: -76.61
(410) 684-3200
(443) 275-1604
Her Twitter ID is 2161524618.
Hudson Cook LLP
7250 Parkway DR #FL 5
Hanover, MD 21076
(410) 684-3200
Direct Line: (410) 865-5405
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