Transgenders: Pakistan's Open Secret
Only 40 seconds long this preview of "Open Secret" elicited strong emotions...sadly we are unable to view the show on television in the states....
...but apparently the full episode can been seen on Channel 4 if you are in the UK.
Source: Indian Express-Open Secret "The documentary revolves around three transgender women: Sana, Karachi’s most sought-after transgender dancer who wants to give up the profession after a gruesome gang rape; Chahat, who was abandoned by her middle-class family for her feminine ways; and Maggi. Obaid-Chinoy spent four months with her subjects, during which she entered their comfort zones and surveyed every aspect of their lives, learning about their past, their struggles and how their sexuality has made them feel at different stages of their lives. “We witnessed the dangers that come with their professions and the mistreatment that comes with their social status,” she says.
The 53-minute film will release in Pakistan later this year while the Indian release date is still under discussion. “I am confident that the film will impact Indians and Pakistanis in the same way. I hope that it prompts a dialogue about the existing perception of transgender individuals,” she says. The story then continues with their struggles to create job opportunities with the Pakistani government. “During the filming of this documentary, the government recognised that transgenders are very effective tax collectors,” says Obaid-Chinoy.
Obaid-Chinoy tells us that Sana was lucky enough to secure a job as a tax collector (currently the only official position offered to transgenders) and maintains ties with some of her family members. But Chahat begs for a livelihood and has still not come to terms with her ostracism. Maggi still dreams of flying."
Bavarian Dad Wears A Dress To Be a Role Model For Child

Via Tumblr-oneandonlygabriel:
I really, REALLY wish you could read this article about a father who started wearing skirts because his son likes to wear skirts and dresses and he wants his son to feel stronger Like, holy shit, the end made me feel so happy
I took the liberty to translate the text.
Please note that it’s not a word to word translation.
Sometimes men simply have to be role models.
Because his son likes to wear skirts Nils Pickert started with it as well. After all, the little one needs a role model. And he thinks long skirts with elastic bands suit him quite well anyways. A story about two misfits in the Province of southern Germany.
My five year old son likes to wear dresses. In Berlin Kreuzberg that alone would be enough to get into conversation with other parents. Is it wise or ridiculous? „Neither one nor the other!“ I still want to shout back at them. But sadly they can’t hear me any more. Because by now I live in a small town in South Germany. Not even a hundred thousand inhabitants, very traditional, very religious. Plainly motherland. Here the partiality of my son are not only a subject for parents, they are a town wide issue. And I did my bit for that to happen.
Yes, I’m one of those dads, that try to raise their children equal. I’m not one of those academic daddies that ramble about gender equality during their studies and then, as soon as a child’s in the house, still relapse into those fluffy gender roles: He’s finding fulfilment in his carrier and she’s doing the rest.
Thus I am, I know that by now, part of the minority that makes a fool of themselves from time to time. Out of conviction.
In my case that’s because I didn’t want to talk my son into not wearing dresses and skirts. He didn’t make friends in doing that in Berlin already and after a lot of contemplation I had only one option left: To broaden my shoulders for my little buddy and dress in a skirt myself. After all you can’t expect a child at pre-school age to have the same ability to assert themselves as an adult. Completely without role model. And so I became that role model.
We already had skirt and dress days back then during mild Kreuzbergian weather. And I think long skirts with elastic bands suit me quite well anyways. Dresses are a bit more difficult. There was either no reaction of the people in Berlin or it was positive. In my small town in the south of Germany that’s a little bit different.
Being all stressed out, because of the moving I forgot to notify the nursery-school teachers to have an eye on my boy not being laughed at because of his fondness of dresses and skirts. Shortly after moving he didn’t dare to go to nursery-school wearing a skirt or a dress any more. And looking at me with big eyes he asked: “Daddy, when are you going to wear a skirt again?”
To this very day I’m thankful for that women, that stared at us on the street until she ran face first into a street light. My son was roaring with laugher. And the next day he fished out a dress from the depth of his wardrobe. At first only for the weekend. Later also for nursery-school.
And what’s the little guy doing by now? He’s painting his fingernails. He thinks it looks pretty on my nails, too. He’s simply smiling, when other boys ( and it’s nearly always boys) want to make fun of him and says: “You only don’t dare to wear skirts and dresses because your dads don’t dare to either.” That’s how broad his own shoulders have become by now. And all thanks to daddy in a skirt.
I hope it’s alright like this.
Reblogged from Steegeschnoeber.tumblr
The Screaming Queens Are Free! || Well For $1.99 Anyways!
While I was doing some research I stumbled upon an iconic movie 'The Screaming Queens' and wanted to watch it but the website that marketed it gave few options to view it, all too expensive for Joe or josephine trans person (like me).
Effectively putting our history out of our reach...free enterprise being what it is....the least profitable purchase option usually not being the most visible option to obtain a product...I posted about it...is there an affordable way?....
....and Alexis Whitham, Educational Programming and Acquisitions Manager for Frameline which markets LGBT movies emailed me in response to the planetransgender post Frameline Stop Holding The Screaming Queens Hostage (for $250.00 or $36.00). Alexis told me that the the Frameline Website is being redone so presently it did not have all the option for buying or watching the movie (including the cheaper options).
As it turns out the streaming version of The Screaming Queens online is available on Amazon streaming video for $3.99 for indefinite viewing and for $1.99 for a seven day rental.
Is the streaming version good? Does it take forever to load? Is it constantly buffering?
Yes, no and no. I watched it last night on my slow Clear Wireless connection and it was perfect, loaded in seconds and didn't pause even once for buffering. But more than just perfect, the movie is incredible.
Really. Family, watch this movie. I'm old enough so I can identify with much of what our sisters went through but take the discrimination I have faced and still endure and multiply it times incomprehensible.
Our sisters died on the street because they were given no option. No choice but to riot. None. They fought for our right to life at Gene Compton's Cafe.
Here's how to watch the Screaming Queens for $2.19 tax included. After clicking this link to Amazon Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria you will first see a number of pricier purchase options but if you want the $1.99 version scroll to the bottom of that page and you will find a link which when clicked will bring you to your destination.
The Screaming Queens for $1.99. Enjoy.
Academic Freedom 1 Religious & Political Intolerance 0: ULL Keeps LGBT Minor
High Five in the heart of Dixie! LGBT Studies Stays!
Much love to the University of Louisiana Lafayette (ULL) President, Dr. Joe Savoie for refusing to be bullied by a posse of "strategic pastors" who visited him intent on forcing him to brake school rules and use his influence to change the curriculum developed by the school's facility.See 2012 Principles Of Accreditation SACS 3.2.4 .
High Five in the heart of Dixie!
Much love to Dr. Joe Savoie again as he refused to to bullied by a rabid right wing politician intent on showing how much more Conservative he is than his political opponent.
Acadiana’s Multi-Media Station
When it's all boiled down Congressman Jeff Landry's and Louisiana Family Forum grievances are not financially motivated or have any basis in procedural protocol, its all about hate.
Finally high fives to Gene Mills, of the Louisiana Family Forum for P.S. of his attack on educational freedom by reminding his cohorts to attend a political fundraiser at his church.
Dr. Savoie can be reached at (337) 482-6203 or by email: president@louisiana.edu.
The Alice and Dana L Word Hot Lesbian Sex Scene YouTube Allowed
With 4,723 likes, 1,132 dislikes the question is, does making love or just having sex mean as much to us as making war?
Frameline Stop Holding The Screaming Queens Hostage
"Screaming Queens tells the Little Known Story of the first known act of collective, violent resistance to the social oppression of queer people in the United States.."
We are still fighting that battle today as everyone is fully aware of but here's a interesting fact, our history, our lineage, the basic building blocks that we know as our community is still being held hostage!
Lets NOT keep this history out of reach of the people who would benefit the most by knowing of it!!!
Transgender historian and film documentarian Susan Stryker is interviewed by Autumn Sandeen of Pam's House Blend at the 4th Annual California Transgender Leadership Summit.
Sadly our history is still being held hostage by Frameline
The Daily Kos inspiring chronicle of the Compton riots can be read here then I hope you join Susan and I in asking Frameline to free our history from the shackles of the dollar so that more of us, our transgender community including myself, can see it.
Call Frameline at 415-703-8650 and ask why this historic movie still costs $250 to purchase?
Stav Strashko Toyota Ad Is HOT 彼女の素敵なお尻と
This clip Slav is a little more relaxed behind the scene....
And a small taste of the production's official fashion "Sfgat Store" trends summer 2012. טעימה קטנה מהפקת האופנה הרשמית של "שפגאט סטור" טרנדים לקיץ
APA offers New Position on Transgender Care
APA Issues Official Positions Supporting Access to Care and the Rights of Transgender and Gender Variant Persons
ARLINGTON, Va. (August 16, 2012) — The American Psychiatric Association advocates for removal of barriers to care for gender transition treatment and for the protection of civil rights for transgender and gender variant individuals. APA has long expressed strong affirmation of lesbian and gay civil rights since the 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Now APA is issuing position statements in support of access to care and civil rights for transgender individuals.
Gender variant and transgender individuals must cope with multiple unique challenges, including significant discrimination, prejudice, and the potential for victimization from violent hate crimes. They often experience discrimination when accessing health care and are denied numerous basic civil rights and protections.
Long-standing medical and psychiatric literature demonstrates clear benefits of medical and surgical interventions to assist gender variant individuals seeking transition. However, transgender and gender variant people are frequently denied medical, surgical, and psychiatric care related to gender transition. Access to medical care (both medical and surgical) positively impacts the mental health of transgender and gender variant individuals.
Being transgender or gender variant implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities; however, these individuals often experience discrimination due to a lack of civil rights protections for their gender identity or expression. Transgender and gender variant persons are frequently harassed and discriminated against when seeking housing or applying to jobs or schools, are often victims of violent hate crimes, and face challenges in marriage, adoption and parenting rights,
Discrimination and lack of equal civil rights is damaging to the mental health of transgender and gender variant individuals. For example, gender-based discrimination and victimization were found to be independently associated with attempted suicide in a population of transgender individuals, 32% of whom had histories of trying to kill themselves, and in the largest survey to date of gender variant and transgender people 41% reported attempting suicide.*
The APA joins other organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association, in endorsing strong policy statements deploring the discrimination experienced by gender variant and transgender individuals and calling for laws to protect their civil rights.
Access to Care for Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
The American Psychiatric Association:
1. Recognizes that appropriately evaluated transgender and gender variant individuals can benefit greatly from medical and surgical gender transition treatments.
2. Advocates for removal of barriers to care and supports both public and private health insurance coverage for gender transition treatment.
3. Opposes categorical exclusions of coverage for such medically necessary treatment when prescribed by a physician.
Discrimination against Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
The American Psychiatric Association:
1. Supports laws that protect the civil rights of transgender and gender variant individuals.
2. Urges the repeal of laws and policies that discriminate against transgender and gender variant people.
3. Opposes all public and private discrimination against transgender and gender variant individuals in such areas as health care, employment, housing, public accommodation, education, and licensing.
4. Declares that no burden of proof of such judgment, capacity, or reliability shall be placed upon these individuals greater than that imposed on any other persons.
See the full position statements and background information:
Access to Care for Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals Discrimination against Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
See also a recent report from the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder.
*Clements-Nolle K, Marx R, Katz M (2006): Attempted Suicide Among Transgender Persons, Journal of Homosexuality, 51:3, 53-69 http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J082v51n03_04
Grant, Jaime M., Lisa A. Mottet, Justin Tanis, Jack Harrison, Jody L. Herman, and Mara Keisling. Injustice at Every Turn: A Report
of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Washington: National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force, 2011. http://endtransdiscrimination.org/PDFs/NTDS_Report.pdf
The American Psychiatric Association is a national medical specialty society whose physician members specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and research of mental illnesses including substance use disorders. Visit the APA at www.psychiatry.org.
This Pussy Writer Riots With Yurodstvo! Balaclavas Everywhere!
As you probably already know the punk rock group "Pussy Riot" will spend the next two years in the most horrible of human conditions for 30 seconds of wild gyrations and a prayer that Putin be driven away by a feminist virgin Mary.
But, really, did they expect that to happen? Literally? Or was there a deeper meaning or other traditions that motivated Pussy Riot? As it turns out there is.
Pussy Riot's wild dance in the Church exposed the Infiltration Of Russian Orthodoxy By the FSB using a tradition familiar to many Russians, yurodstvo or foolishness for Christ. This as it turns out this is a Real Threat not just to Putin but the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church as evidenced by the charges that include 'religious hatred'.
It is love that motivates Pussy Riot worldwide.
'Putin Lit Fires'
State more time in prison
The more arrests - more happiness
And every arrest - with a love of sexist
After swinging his cheeks, as the chest and abdomen
But we can not be resealed in the box
Security officers overthrew the better and more
Putin ignites the fires of revolution
He was bored and frightened people in the silence
Whatever punishment he had - that rotten ash,
With no time in many years - the subject for wet dreams
The country is, the country goes to the streets with audacity
The country is, the country is going to say goodbye to the regime,
The country is, the country is a wedge of feminist
And Putin is Putin goes, leave cattle
Arrested on May 6 the whole city
7 years we have little, give me 18
The ban yelling, slander, and walk,
Take his wife's dad Lukashenko
Chorus 2 times.
Now Putin and his massive police state will not be sedated until they capture the remaining pussy rioters especially since they have vowed to do more performances. We have only one recourse. Everywhere Putin goes, Pussy Riot goes. We are all Pussy Riot.
Why should we as gender diverse the most marginalized of all minorities become Pussy Riot? Because Pussy Riot is everyone of us, regardless if we are transgender, Cisgender L.G.B. or even hetero.
Inside Russia the remnants of Pussy Riot to include their children are being chased and persecuted so we have to take the fight to Putin whenever her travels.
Balaclavas everywhere.
Video: Avionics Pioneer Tamsyn Waterhouse on Trailblazing
Couch Surfing? Check Out the "Transgender Housing Network"
According to the Daily Trojan the sites Creator who goes by Dylan, a junior majoring in gender studies who asked his last name remain anonymous, said the idea for his website, called the Transgender Housing Network, came from browsing Tumblr.
“I noticed that many of the people I followed on Tumblr who identified as transgender needed a place to stay for a night or more, and I thought that it would be fantastic and convenient to have an aggregate of these listings all in one place,” Dylan said.
So if you're a student in need of housing ASP, what are you doing hanging around here? Get on over to the transhousingnetwork.com:)
UK Big Brother Winner Luke To use Money For SRS
This clip from the Big Brother Reality show really highlights the incongruous of cissexualism and transgenderism. On our road less traveled those who are looking for intimacy are often faced with a dilemma. When are hit on and find someone attractive but being pre or by choice non operative at what point do we disclose that. My experiences with the opposite sex was much akin to Luke's.
homorazzi.com reports:
Anderson (who is a chef) told the Daily Star newspaper that he will use the money to complete his gender reassignment surgery. “Obviously you have the NHS if you can’t afford it but this money will definitely help me achieve a decent cosmetic look that I really want. It’s perfect.” He added, “I want to have a chest revision. The scars after my last surgery are pretty big so the revision will make them look like a fine line. The money will really help me get the look I want.”Those who know me as a radical trans activist know I abhor linking trans story's to gay rags but in this case, cisgender publications called his procedure 'getting a dick' but Homorazzi was respectful.
Meteor Advert Advice No Fake Woman Big Mistake
TENI has kicked off a Twitter Campaign with the hashtag #MeteorShame.
They acknowledge they purposely employed a drag queen, who will undoubtedly come to their defen$e, but made they mistake of saying she was not intended to portray a LGBT person. What? A tall ugly woman? Not, that would be socially unacceptable, so why is a drag queen acceptable? It's not.
According to the Irish Times The Eircom-owned mobile phone company said it had not received any direct complaints and offered this statement:
“The actors used in the advertisement are professional drag artists and are not intended to portray or represent the LGBT community in a negative light or context,” Meteor said. It added that the male wifi user “does not look in any way uncomfortable or compromised by the fact he is dancing with the drag artist”.Here we go again. Whats with the UK and transphobic advertising? And what's with all these unscrupulous drag queens?
Dislike the video on YouTube and file a complaint with here.
We are ALL Pussy Riot! Trans and Punk Folk RISE UP
Fear must not hold me back. I didn't know anything about 'punk'. All I knew of the word was in early days of transition when my gender expression fell so far out of the binary I was threatened with the word 'punk'. Not figuratively, but in reality in a dark parking lot by a very large black man.
I knew I wasn't punk, I was afraid of the word afraid of conflating it with transsexualism, but most of all I was afraid of what my friends would think if I was to come out of the closet. Contrary to what haters would have you believe many in the trans community are very 'rule' conscious, like me.
Including the cornerstone rule of being transgender. Be true to yourself. Punk Rocker Louise Distras caught my eye just now as I was checking the twitter hashtag #Pussyriot "we are all Pussy Riot" an idea I have been trying to introduce to our trans community for some time.
Pussy Riot is punk, trans, gay, Bi, straight, queer, ,mom, dad, sister and brother, Pussy Riot is you. We all are Pussy Riot.
August 17th Pussy Riot Global Day! New cities added hourly. Check for updates on Pussy Riot's web site
Barcelona: https://www.facebook.com/events/428870363832253/
Belgrade : http://www.facebook.com/events/353321734744751/
Berlin: http://www.facebook.com/events/341464445932389/
Brighton: http://www.facebook.com/events/476321332380904/
Brisbane: http://www.facebook.com/events/393769817342711/
Buenos Aires: http://www.facebook.com/events/271199299647295/
Chisinau/Moldova: http://www.facebook.com/events/493393557354880/
Copenhagen: http://www.facebook.com/events/424471940927930/ https://www.facebook.com/events/374520859284447/
Derry, Ireland: http://www.facebook.com/events/102245836592357/
Dublin: http://www.facebook.com/events/274613749309206/
Genéve: http://www.facebook.com/events/110110862469275/
Göteborg: http://www.facebook.com/events/274179756015202/
Hamburg: http://www.facebook.com/events/427926530583502/
Helsinki: https://www.facebook.com/events/424531920915641/
Kaliningrad: http://vk.com/event41762298
Köln/Cologne: http://www.facebook.com/events/349557895119950/
Kiev: http://www.facebook.com/events/227350677388464/
Leeds: http://www.facebook.com/events/155657094558291/
London: https://www.facebook.com/events/337559159661689/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/aug/13/royal-court-pussy-riot-readi...
Madrid: http://www.facebook.com/events/350516441690013/
Marseille: http://www.facebook.com/events/347401892005724/
Melbourne: https://www.facebook.com/events/357491980994134/
Mendoza, Argentina: https://www.facebook.com/events/488788877798731/
Milan: https://www.facebook.com/events/134453260030214/
Minneapolis : http://www.facebook.com/events/453640387991012/
Moscow: http://www.facebook.com/events/401297053252028/ http://www.facebook.com/events/337847742969653/
München/Munich: http://www.facebook.com/events/142675212539886/
Murmansk: http://vk.com/pussyriot51
Nantes: http://www.facebook.com/events/351885048219480/
New York City: https://www.facebook.com/events/262241200554708/ http://www.facebook.com/events/336406896449171/
Nice: https://www.facebook.com/events/433177160059098/
Odessa: http://vk.com/event41737295 https://www.facebook.com/events/176445712490602/?context=create
Oslo: http://www.facebook.com/events/408330272558296/
Ottawa: https://www.facebook.com/events/273166786116903/
Paris: https://www.facebook.com/events/477310605615546/
Perm: http://vk.com/event41594563
Portland : http://www.facebook.com/events/454346897919936/
Reykjavik: https://www.facebook.com/events/458139040873098/
Riga: https://www.facebook.com/events/458755374145273
Samara: http://vk.com/freepussyriotsamara
San Francisco: http://www.facebook.com/events/424888970880304/ https://www.facebook.com/events/509970192361811/
Sidney: http://www.facebook.com/events/513418808674744/
Stockholm: https://www.facebook.com/events/345703202177925
St. Petersburg: http://vk.com/freepussyriot170812spb
Tel Aviv: https://www.facebook.com/events/130257380452299/
Toronto : https://www.facebook.com/events/306577532773598/
Toulouse : http://www.facebook.com/events/431789516864929/
Tournai, Belgium : https://www.facebook.com/events/372254449510600/
Tver: http://vk.com/tverforpr
Västerås: https://www.facebook.com/events/367931276613819/
Vilinus: http://www.facebook.com/events/450340734998207/
Warszawa: http://www.facebook.com/events/465259630171770/
Washington: https://www.facebook.com/events/418284021540525/?context=create&ref=book...
Wien/Vienna: http://raw.at/raverse/2012/pussy-riot-solitreffen-am-13-08-12
Transgender and Transsexuals UNITED for Pussy Riot!
Pussy Riot In a Mosque? What would Allah Do? @Freepussyriot
Portland Bar Owner Told "Trannys" Not To Come Back.
Why public accommodations provisions Can't Be Bargained Away.
The owner of a North Portland Oregon bar, the P Club, left this message on one former customers phone, a transgender woman. If what the ladies say is true about there conduct, and I have no reason to doubt them, this is blatant discrimination.
"Hello, my name is Chris. I'm the owner of the P-Club Bar and Grill. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I'm going to have to ask for you, Cass and your group, not to come back on Friday nights."
"People think that A.) we're a tranny bar, or B.) that we're a gay bar. We are neither. People are not coming in because they just don't want to be here on a Friday night now."
(The Video loads slowly, here it comes...)
CBS Atlanta 46
According to Lambda legal Oregon's Equality Act makes it illegal to discriminate against transgender people in public accommodations.
More at CBS Atlanta.com
Заключительные заявления на суде Riot киска | Closing Statement at the Pussy Riot Trial
Yekaterina Samutsevich, defendant in the criminal case against the feminist punk group Pussy Riot:
During the closing statement, the defendant is expected to repent or express regret for her deeds, or to enumerate attenuating circumstances. In my case, as in the case of my colleagues in the group, this is completely unnecessary. Instead, I want to express my views about the causes of what has happened with us.
The fact that Christ the Savior Cathedral had become a significant symbol in the political strategy of our powers that be was already clear to many thinking people when Vladimir Putin’s former [KGB] colleague Kirill Gundyaev took over as head of the Russian Orthodox Church. After this happened, Christ the Savior Cathedral began to be used openly as a flashy setting for the politics of the security services, which are the main source of power [in Russia].
Why did Putin feel the need to exploit the Orthodox religion and its aesthetics? After all, he could have employed his own, far more secular tools of power—for example, national corporations, or his menacing police system, or his own obedient judiciary system. It may be that the tough, failed policies of Putin’s government, the incident with the submarine Kursk, the bombings of civilians in broad daylight, and other unpleasant moments in his political career forced him to ponder the fact that it was high time to resign; otherwise, the citizens of Russia would help him do this. Apparently, it was then that he felt the need for more convincing, transcendental guarantees of his long tenure at the helm. It was here that the need arose to make use of the aesthetics of the Orthodox religion, historically associated with the heyday of Imperial Russia, where power came not from earthly manifestations such as democratic elections and civil society, but from God Himself.
How did he succeed in doing this? After all, we still have a secular state, and shouldn’t any intersection of the religious and political spheres be dealt with severely by our vigilant and critically minded society? Here, apparently, the authorities took advantage of a certain deficit of Orthodox aesthetics in Soviet times, when the Orthodox religion had the aura of a lost history, of something crushed and damaged by the Soviet totalitarian regime, and was thus an opposition culture. The authorities decided to appropriate this historical effect of loss and present their new political project to restore Russia’s lost spiritual values, a project which has little to do with a genuine concern for preservation of Russian Orthodoxy’s history and culture.
It was also fairly logical that the Russian Orthodox Church, which has long had a mystical connection with power, emerged as this project’s principal executor in the media. Moreover, it was also agreed that the Russian Orthodox Church, unlike the Soviet era, when the church opposed, above all, the crudeness of the authorities towards history itself, should also confront all baleful manifestations of contemporary mass culture, with its concept of diversity and tolerance.
Implementing this thoroughly interesting political project has required considerable quantities of professional lighting and video equipment, air time on national TV channels for hours-long live broadcasts, and numerous background shoots for morally and ethically edifying news stories, where in fact the Patriarch’s well-constructed speeches would be pronounced, helping the faithful make the right political choice during the election campaign, a difficult time for Putin. Moreover, all shooting has to take place continuously; the necessary images must sink into the memory and be constantly updated, to create the impression of something natural, constant and compulsory.
Our sudden musical appearance in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the song “Mother of God, Drive Putin Out” violated the integrity of this media image, generated and maintained by the authorities for so long, and revealed its falsity. In our performance we dared, without the Patriarch’s blessing, to combine the visual image of Orthodox culture and protest culture, suggesting to smart people that Orthodox culture belongs not only to the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch and Putin, that it might also take the side of civic rebellion and protest in Russia.
Perhaps such an unpleasant large-scale effect from our media intrusion into the cathedral was a surprise to the authorities themselves. First they tried to present our performance as the prank of heartless militant atheists. But they made a huge blunder, since by this time we were already known as an anti-Putin feminist punk band that carried out their media raids on the country’s major political symbols.
In the end, considering all the irreversible political and symbolic losses ca
used by our innocent creativity, the authorities decided to protect the public from us and our nonconformist thinking. Thus ended our complicated punk adventure in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
I now have mixed feelings about this trial. On the one hand, we now expect a guilty verdict. Compared to the judicial machine, we are nobodies, and we have lost. On the other hand, we have won. Now the whole world sees that the criminal case against us has been fabricated. The system cannot conceal the repressive nature of this trial. Once again, Russia looks different in the eyes of the world from the way Putin tries to present it at daily international meetings. All the steps toward a state governed by the rule of law that he promised have obviously not been made. And his statement that the court in our case will be objective and make a fair decision is another deception of the entire country and the international community. That is all. Thank you.
• • • • • •
Photo courtesy of Alexandra Astakhova. Original text in Russian published here. You can view video of the closing statements by Yekaterina Samutsevich, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova here and here (in Russian).
Source: Chtodelat
Russian Orthodox Church "Standard Bearers" Burn Pictures Of Pussy Riot and Madonna
The Russian Orthodox Church's response to the world's cry for freedom for Pussy Riot? Burn them.
Study these faces well. If they find you in a place where they can do it, they will hurt you. They are the Russian state "christian" church.
But Pussy Rioters are not blameless they also used fire, fireworks that is, over the prison to celebrate a birthday of a pussy riot member! Салют в день рожденья Кати у следственного изолятора.
..and these tasteful pictorial editorials...
Madonna In St Petersburg Defies Kremlin! Are You Mother Fucking With Me?

I'm with you Madonna. The world minus the haters are with you and sometimes its ok to say it, just say it. I'm with you motherfuckers.
I'm Having A Transgender Family's Baby: Full Episode
Note from kelli: Trans people have for too long been victims in family court.
I wish I could turn the clock back 20 years to the time when society ripped my baby from me. I wish I had a family that believed in me and didn't reject me, a human services department that didn't hate me for being trans. I wish I still had Sean in my life. But times? They are a changing.
More at Advocate
"Common Gender" Hijra Shunned And Clinging To Life
First-time director Noman Robin accidentally walked into a shockingly violent scene that propelled him into the movie making spotlight in his native Bangladesh -- and around the world.
Robin was at a mall as a hijra or transgender female was thrown first out of the men's room and then the ladies' room. As customers began screaming, security guards dragged her to the street and began beating her.
"What are you doing here?" shouted the guards. "I'm human! I need to go to the toilet," she replied.
Today, Robin's film, "Common Gender," exposes the shunned hijra -- transvestites, transgender -- who cling together in slums, rejected by their families and exploited by society that treats them as sub-human.
Common Gender on Facebook
Watch: Madonna At Moscow Pussy Riot, I Pray For Your Freedom
During the show Madonna paused and gave a brief speech, reflecting on the privileges of American freedom and democracy. “As an artist, as a human being, as a woman, I have freedom to express my point of view, even if other people don’t agree with me,” she said. “Even if my government doesn’t agree with me.”
“So I just want to say a few words about Pussy Riot,” she continued. “I know there are many sides to every story, and I mean no disrespect to the church or the government. But I think that these three girls — Masha, Katya, Nadya — I think that they have done something courageous. I think they have paid the price for this act. And I pray for their freedom.”
Later, she appeared on stage in a black bra with the name of the band written in bold letters on her back. She also donned a balaclava, the band’s trademark headgear. -NYTimes
U.S. Embassy St. Petersburg Warn Of Violent Threats Against Madonna And Concert Goers
U.S. Embassy Moscow and U.S. Consulate General St. Petersburg
August 7, 2012
This is to alert U.S. citizens in Russia who are planning to attend the Madonna concerts in Moscow on Tuesday, August 7, or in St. Petersburg on Thursday, August 9, that the U.S. Consulate General in St. Petersburg has received information regarding a threat of physical violence against spectators and performers at the St. Petersburg concert on August 9. The U.S. Embassy in Moscow and the U.S. Consulate General in St. Petersburg have shared the information with appropriate Russian law enforcement authorities. Russian authorities have indicated to the Embassy that they are taking appropriate measures in light of this information. While we expect that enhanced security measures will be put in place at both concerts, U.S. citizens are reminded to remain vigilant regarding their personal security, and to be aware of their surroundings at all times, especially in crowded areas.
So we have been duly warned, but who is making threats?
Source: Delta World The people’s Congress and the Union of the citizens of Russia organizations have announced an action of protest against the concert the American singer Madonna will offer this Thursday in St. Petersburg.
In a joint statement, these organizations convened to St. Petersburg residents to form a human chain Tuesday in the Nevsky Avenue, the main artery of the city, to express their rejection of the singer.
“The people’s Congress and the Union of the citizens of Russia, as well as thousands of Russians morally healthy, consider inadmissible the holding of concerts in which proclaims the Vice and perversion, and becomes propaganda of violence”, emphasizes the call.
Its still pretty vague. Who is they? No website. No Press Release. Obscurity, the tool of oppressive regimes, but wait, who is really behind the violence? Christians, Orthodox Christians.
Source:Orange UK A spokesman for Russia’s Union of Orthodox Banner-Bearers — a support group for the Church that often wages fierce political campaigns — accused Madonna of interfering in Russia’s internal affairs and putting pressure on the courts.
“It is not in our power to ban her, but we call on the authorities — who position themselves as Orthodox believers — to do so,” the spokesman was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.
“This little singer is openly mocking our laws, our traditions and our culture,” he said.
Other religious figures vowed to stage loud protests outside Madonna’s concert later Tuesday in Moscow and another performance this week in Saint Petersburg.
“We will drop by to say ‘no’ to blasphemy… and to explain our position to those who plan to attend her concert,” said Kirill Frolov of the Orthodox Experts Association.
I'm sure the US Embassy has more concrete evidence of potential violence but given the past few years when the police haven't just turned a blind eye, they aided and abetted and these christ-criminals. No not just that, the police are the criminals as the statements indicate. So if you are planning to attend as I wish I was, be careful and forewarned:
Christians will be present and violence is expected.
Carta Aberta enviada para a Embaixada Russa Lisboa, Portugal: Free Pussy Riot

versão castellano, Português e Inglês
Carta Aberta/ Open Letter
enviada para a Embaixada Russa/sent to the Russian Embassy in Lisboa, Portugal/ Abril 2012/April 2012
Contra a Censura LGBT na Rússia e pela Libertação do colectivo punk-feminista Pussy Riot
As organizações e pessoas abaixo assinadas vêm deste modo protestar junto da Embaixada da Federação da Rússia em Portugal, Presidência da Federação da Rússia e da Duma contra a possível aprovação da lei Anti-Propaganda Homossexual e contra a detenção dos membros da banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.
Como ativistas LGBT, feministas e defensores dos direitos humanos estamos extremamente preocupados com a lei Anti-Propaganda Homossexual aprovada e em vigor nas cidades de São Petersburgo, Arkhangelsk e Kostroma.
Esta lei visa criminalizar a divulgação de mensagens que promovam os direitos LGBT punindo com multas quem as emitir ou propagar. Os promotores desta lei, para além de equipararem a homossexualidade à pedofilia defendem que a promoção desta constitui uma influência negativa para as crianças, podendo igualmente ofender a maioria da população russa.
No dia 29 de Março, uma versão similar da mesma lei deu entrada na Duma (parlamento da Federação Russa). A ser aprovada estender-se-á a toda a Rússia e colocará em risco não só os direitos de todas as pessoas LGBT mas também de todos os defensores dos direitos humanos. Apesar de esta lei não prever a pena de prisão, no dia 8 de Abril Sergey Kondrashov foi preso por segurar um cartaz que dizia "Uma querida amiga da família é lésbica. Minha esposa e eu a amamos e a respeitamos. E sua família é exatamente igual a nossa."
O Parlamento Europeu já emitiu, este ano, uma resolução condenando e exortando “todas as autoridades russas a porem termo às restrições à liberdade de expressão no que se refere à orientação sexual e à identidade de género, em conformidade com a Convenção Europeia dos Direitos Humanos e o Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Civis e Políticos; solicita à Alta Representante/Vice-Presidente da Comissão que transmita a oposição da União Europeia a estas leis”.
Por isso, exigimos a imediata suspensão da lei Anti-Propaganda Homossexual e o efetivo cumprimento dos tratados internacionais por parte das autoridades russas.
Como defensores da liberdade de expressão exigimos igualmente a libertação de Maria Alekhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova e Ekaterina Samucevich membros da banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.
No dia 4 de Março, as autoridades russas detiveram Maria Alekhina e Nadezhda Tolokonnikova e, no dia 15, Ekaterina Samucevich por conduta desordeira e hooliganismo depois de terem cantado numa catedral um hino anti-Putin. Estas mulheres podem ser condenadas a 7 anos de prisão por isso, a Amnistia Internacional reconhece-lhes o estatuto de prisioneiras de consciência e pede a sua libertação imediata no entanto, as detenções mantêm-se estando o julgamento marcado para o dia 19 de Abril de 2012.
Consideramos inadmissível a violação dos direitos LGBT, a recusa em proteger as minorias sexuais e o ataque à liberdade de expressão que está a ser promovido pelas autoridades políticas e pela Igreja Ortodoxa russas.
Vimos assim demonstrar a nossa solidariedade com todas as organizações, grupos e pessoas afetados por esta lei homofóbica, exigir a libertação das Pussy Riot e condenar as politicas discriminatórias das autoridades russas que têm como objetivo atacar as minorias sexuais, impedir a liberdade de expressão e de exercício duma cidadania livre pondo em risco o regime democrático e a laicidade da Rússia.
Subscrições Individuais:
Alexandra Silvestre Coimbra
Alexandra Tavares Teles
Alistair Grant
Ana António
Ana Botica
Ana Nicolau
Anabela Rocha
António Costa Santos
António Pedro da Silva Pereira
António Subtil
Artur Neves
Artur Queiroz
Bárbara Rocha
Bruno Portela
Carla Rafaela Macedo
Carlos António Caeiro Vargas
Carmo Pereira
Cláudia Belchior
Cláudia Figueiredo
Cristiana Pena
Cristina Andrade
Cristina Paixão
Daniel Cardoso
David Agudo
Eduarda Ferreira
Emmanuel Theumer
Eugeni Rodríguez
Fernanda Câncio
Fernanda Lérias
Fernando André Rosa
Fernando Gouveia
Fernando Sánchez-Avila Estébanez
Fernando Sousa
Filipe Couto Gomes
Francisco João Martins e Sá Barbosa
Gracia Trujillo
Helena Alves Velho
Inês Meneses
Isabel Justino
Isabela Preto Junqueira
Joana Bizarro
João Labrincha
Joana Lobo Antunes
Joana Lopes
Joana Manuel
João de Sousa
João Manso
João Pacheco Paulo
João Pedro Prates de Oliveira
João Pereira
João Santos
José Carlos Tavares
José Manuel Duarte Fernandes
José Martínez Escamilla
Josué González
Lia Nogueira
Luciana Moreira Silva
Luciano Balisa Cavaco
Luís Amorim
Lourdes Baginha
Magda Alves
Magdala Gusmão
Manuela Góis
Margarida Paredes
Margarida Salema
Maria Galamba Sá Pessoa
Maria João Pires
Maria Olímpia A. Pereira Gordon Pinto
Mariana Avelãs
Marília Guerreiro Santos
Mónica Barbosa
Mónica Redondo
Natalia Telega-Soares
Nuno Canha
Pablo Pérez Navarro
Paula Antunes
Paula Gil
Paulo Jorge Vieira
Paulo Martins
Pedro Pereira Neto
Raquel Freire
Rita Paulos
Rita Veloso
Rosa Maria Santos
Rosário Simões
Sara Barbosa
Sara Boavida
Sara Martinho
Sarah Saint-Maxent
Sérgio Lavos
Soraia Pereira Silva
Tiago Braga
Tiago Neves
Vânia Martins
Vera Tormenta Santana
Veronica Alcalde Fernandez
Associações e Colectivos:
AMPLOS – Associação de Mães e Pais pela Liberdade de Orientação Sexual
Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol (15M- Madrid)
Associação Clube Safo
Associação Comunidária
Associação ILGA Portugal
Caleidoscópio LGBT
Ciclobollos Dykes On Bikes (estado espanhol)
Coordenação Portuguesa da Marcha Mundial de Mulheres
GAT - Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA
Grupo Transsexual Portugal
não te prives – Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais
Opus Gay
Panteras Rosa - Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia
PATH - Plataforma Anti-Transfobia e Homofobia
rede ex aequo
Rede Portuguesa para a Igualdade entre Mulheres e Homens
Secção de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Associação Académica de Coimbra
SlutWalk Lisboa
SOS Racismo
UMAR – União Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
The undersigned organizations and individuals present their protest to the Russian Federation Embassy in Portugal, the Presidency of the Russian Federation and the Duma against the possible adoption of the Anti-Gay Propaganda law and against the detention of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot.
As LGBT activists, feminists and human rights defenders we are extremely concerned with the Anti-Gay Propaganda law approved and in force in the cities of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Kostroma. This law seeks to criminalize the dissemination of messages that defend LGBT rights, punishing with fines those who “promote or propagate” it. In addition to equate homosexuality with pedophilia, the promoters of the law are arguing that this gay propaganda can be a negative influence on children and may also offend the majority of Russians.
On March 29, a similar version of the Anti-Gay Propaganda law was proposed to the Duma (parliament of the Russian Federation). If approved, this law will be extended to all Russian territory endangering not only the rights of all LGBT people but all human rights’ activists. Although the law does not foresee detention for the ones who violate it, on April 8 Sergey Kondrashov was arrested for holding up a sign saying: "A dear family friend is a lesbian. My wife and I love and respect. And his family is exactly like ours. "
Therefore, we call for the immediate suspension of the Anti-Gay Propaganda law as well as the commitment to implement and respect international human rights treaties.
The European Parliament has already issued a resolution condemning the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg’s decision and calling “all Russian authorities to stop restricting freedom of expression in relation to sexual orientation or gender identity, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; calls on the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative to convey the European Union’s opposition to these laws"[1].
As advocates of freedom of expression, we also demand the immediate release of Mary Alekhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samucevich, members of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot. On March 4, Russian authorities arrested and accused them of disorderly conduct and hooliganism after singing inside a cathedral an anti-Putin feminist punk anthem.
These women can be sentenced to seven years in prison. It is important to note that Amnesty International recognizes their status as prisoners of conscience and calls for their immediate release, but Pussy Riot members are still in jail waiting for the trial, scheduled to April 19, 2012.
We consider unacceptable the violation of LGBT rights, the refusal to protect sexual minorities and the attack on freedom of speech that is being promoted by the political authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church.
We are here to demonstrate our solidarity with all organizations, groups and individuals affected by this homophobic law, to demand the immediate release of Pussy Riot and condemn Russian authorities for their discriminatory policies that aim to attack sexual minorities, prevent freedom of speech and limit the exercise of full citizenship. endangering secularism and democracy in Russia.
[1] European Parliament resolution on the upcoming presidential election in Russia, 2012.
Alexandra Silvestre Coimbra
Alexandra Tavares Teles
Alistair Grant
Ana António
Ana Botica
Ana Nicolau
Anabela Rocha
António Costa Santos
António Pedro da Silva Pereira
António Subtil
Artur Neves
Artur Queiroz
Bárbara Rocha
Bruno Portela
Carla Rafaela Macedo
Carlos António Caeiro Vargas
Carmo Pereira
Cláudia Belchior
Cláudia Figueiredo
Cristiana Pena
Cristina Andrade
Cristina Paixão
Daniel Cardoso
David Agudo
Eduarda Ferreira
Emmanuel Theumer
Eugeni Rodríguez
Fernanda Câncio
Fernanda Lérias
Fernando André Rosa
Fernando Gouveia
Fernando Sánchez-Avila Estébanez
Fernando Sousa
Filipe Couto Gomes
Francisco João Martins e Sá Barbosa
Helena Alves Velho
Inês Meneses
Isabel Justino
Isabela Preto Junqueira
Joana Bizarro
João Labrincha
Joana Lobo Antunes
Joana Lopes
Joana Manuel
João de Sousa
João Manso
João Pacheco Paulo
João Pedro Prates de Oliveira
João Pereira
João Santos
José Carlos Tavares
José Manuel Duarte Fernandes
José Martínez Escamilla
Josué González
Lia Nogueira
Luciana Moreira Silva
Luciano Balisa Cavaco
Luís Amorim
Lourdes Baginha
Magda Alves
Magdala Gusmão
Manuela Góis
Margarida Paredes
Margarida Salema
Maria Galamba Sá Pessoa
Maria João Pires
Maria Olímpia A. Pereira Gordon Pinto
Mariana Avelãs
Marília Guerreiro Santos
Mónica Barbosa
Mónica Redondo
Natalia Telega-Soares
Nuno Canha
Pablo Pérez Navarro
Paula Antunes
Paula Gil
Paulo Jorge Vieira
Paulo Martins
Pedro Pereira Neto
Raquel Freire
Rita Paulos
Rita Veloso
Rosa Maria Santos
Rosário Simões
Sara Barbosa
Sara Boavida
Sara Martinho
Sarah Saint-Maxent
Sérgio Lavos
Soraia Pereira Silva
Tiago Braga
Tiago Neves
Vânia Martins
Vera Tormenta Santana
Veronica Alcalde Fernandez
Associações e Colectivos:
AMPLOS – Associação de Mães e Pais pela Liberdade de Orientação Sexual
Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol (15M- Madrid)
Associação Clube Safo
Associação Comunidária
Associação ILGA Portugal
Caleidoscópio LGBT
Ciclobollos Dykes On Bikes (estado espanhol)
Coordenação Portuguesa da Marcha Mundial de Mulheres
GAT - Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA
Grupo Transsexual Portugal
não te prives – Grupo de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais
Opus Gay
Panteras Rosa - Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia
PATH - Plataforma Anti-Transfobia e Homofobia
rede ex aequo
Rede Portuguesa para a Igualdade entre Mulheres e Homens
Secção de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Associação Académica de Coimbra
SlutWalk Lisboa
SOS Racismo
UMAR – União Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
(versão castellano)
Las organizaciones e individualidades abajo firmantes deseamos protestar ante la Embajada de la Federación Rusa en Portugal, el presidente de la Federación Rusa y la Duma contra la posible aprobación de la ley Anti-Propaganda Homosexual y la detención de miembras de la banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.
Como activistas LGBT, feministas y defensorxs de los derechos humanos, estamos muy preocupadxs por la ley Anti-Propaganda Homosexual aprobada y en vigor en las ciudades de San Petersburgo, Arkhangelsk y Kostroma.
Esta ley tiene por objeto criminalizar la difusión de mensajes que promuevan los derechos LGBT, castigando con multas a quienes los emitan o difundan. Los promotores de esta ley, además de equiparar homosexualidad y pedofilia, defienden que la promoción de esta es una influencia negativa para lxs niñxs, pudiendo igualmente ofender a la mayoría de la población rusa.
El 29 de marzo, una versión similar de esta ley fue admitida en la Duma (el parlamento de la Federación Rusia). De ser aprobada e implantarse en el conjunto de Rusia pondría en peligro no sólo los derechos de todas las personas LGBT, sino también los de todxs lxs defensorxs de los derechos humanos. Aunque esta ley no prevé la pena de prisión, el 8 de abril, Sergey Kondrashov fue arrestado por portar una pancarta que decía: “Una querida amiga de la familia es lesbiana. Mi esposa y yo la amamos y respetamos. Su familia es exactamente igual a la nuestra”.
El Parlamento Europeo ha emitido este año una resolución condenando y exhortando a “todas las autoridades rusas a que pongan fin a las restricciones a la libertad de expresión en lo que se refiere a la orientación sexual e identidad de género de las personas, en conformidad con el Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos; pide al Alto Representante/Vicepresidente de la Comisión que transmita la oposición de la Unión Europea a estas leyes. “
Por lo tanto exigimos la suspensión inmediata de la ley de Propaganda Anti-Homosexual y el efectivo cumplimiento de los tratados internacionales por parte de las autoridades rusas.
Como defensorxs de la libertad de expresión exigimos igualmente la liberación de María Alekhina, Tolokonnikova Nadezhda y Ekaterina Samucevich, miembras de la banda punk feminista Pussy Riot.
El 4 de marzo, las autoridades rusas detuvieron a María Alekhina y Nadezhda Tolokonnikova y, el día 15, a Ekaterina Samucevich, por conducta desordenada y hooliganismo después de cantar un himno anti-Putin en una catedral. Estas mujeres pueden ser condenadas a siete años de prisión, por lo que Amnistía Internacional les reconoce el estatuto de presas de conciencia y pide su inmediata liberación. Sin embargo, las detenciones se mantienen y siguen pendientes del juicio programado para el día 19 de abril de 2012*.
Consideramos inadmisible la violación de los derechos LGBT, la negativa a proteger a las minorías sexuales y el ataque a la libertad de expresión que están promoviendo las autoridades políticas y la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa.
Queremos mostrar así nuestra solidaridad con todas las organizaciones, grupos e individualidades afectadas por esta ley homofóbica, exigir la liberación de las Pussy Riot y condenar las políticas discriminatorias de las autoridades rusas que tienen como objetivo atacar a las minorías sexuales e impedir la libertad de expresión y el ejercicio de una ciudadanía libre, poniendo en peligro el régimen democrático y la laicidad de Rusia.
*La sentencia ha sido pospuesta hasta el 24 de junio. Mientras tanto, las tres Pussy Riot siguen presas.
Ending Transsexual Hospital Horror Stories: HHS Confirms We are Covered
I think pretty much every trans identified person can recount instances when we were made to feel uncomfortable, misgendered, and even denied emergency service because of our gender expression. And nearly everyone of us have reservations about returning to those intimidating institutions.
Under Obama-care this is no more according to HRC who reported this:
"In response to a letter from LGBT organizations, including HRC, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that the non-discrimination provision in the Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sex stereotyping.
This part of the law, referred to as Section 1557, extends the protections of existing federal civil rights laws – which prohibit discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, disability and age – to anyone served under any federally funded or administrated health program or activity, or any entity established under the Act. Individuals who feel they have been discriminated against in a healthcare program that may fall under this protection can file a complaint with HHS’s Office of Civil Rights here"
Kudo's to HRC for working WITH and and giving CREDIT to others who contributed to this project. I think it's a sign of the times.
VOTE Republican Kinsey Sicks for President:
Just one more!!
Have some fun:)
Will Madonna's St. Petersburg Concert Be the Mother of all Pussy Riots?
The world holds it's breath for Madonna's August 9th St. Petersburg Russia concert. Will the material girl be good to her facebook pledge and speak against the newly enacted draconian law criminalizing "the propaganda of male homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgenderism among minors" despite being threatened with legal action and possible arrest? Its my belief she will and it's my prayer that she does so while wearing a balaclava, the trade mark of the feminist punk rock group Pussy Riot who's current trial for freedom of speech has been called Worst Than Stalin Era Trials.
The law author — Vladimir Putin’s United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov "said Madonna and her concert organisers are most likely to face fines and that he “will have to attend her concert to monitor the concert’s moral content”. Previously Milonov mentioned he had planned forbid rammstein concerts in Saint-Petersburg."
"Together with his colleagues Vitaly Milonov is planning to introduce a bill to the Russian State Duma banning “homosexual propaganda” across Russia. “United Russia” has a majority in State Duma, and rights activists fear that such federal law could pass."
So what has Putin to fear? Obviously he's afraid of something. I think it's freedom of expression. Freedom of speech but as some one said "You can't jail an idea".
If Madonna does speak out as I believe she will, it's my hope when she does speak out against the repressive goverment in Russia that her fans are also wearing balaclavas.
Madonna hasn't shied away from controversy in the past. I hope its a all out Madonna style Pussy Riot!
Picture of Madonna in balaclava credit: sparla.
Madonna Facebook Screen snip from Madonna Facebook