Spain's Ministry of the Interior has denied asylum to Yasira, a transsexual's 29 years old, whom the police of Panama stopped for the first time when she was just 17 years old. It was the year 2000, agents pepper sprayed her, threw her to the ground and kicked, subjected her to electric shocks... She was locked up two weeks. Until her mother paid for it a 300 euro fine and was released. Her only crime was being born male and go down the street dressed as a woman, something that is forbidden in this Central American country.
El Ministerio del Interior ha denegado el asilo a Yasira, una transexual de 29 años a quien la Policía de Panamá detuvo por primera vez cuando apenas tenía 17 años. Era el año 2000, y los agentes la rociaron con gas pimienta, la tiraron al suelo y le dieron patadas, la sometieron a descargas eléctricas... Estuvo encerrada dos semanas. Hasta que su madre pagó por ella una multa de 300 euros y quedó en libertad. Su único delito era haber nacido hombre e ir por la calle vestida de mujer, algo que está prohibido en este país centroamericano.
Agents arrested Yasira and forced her to have sexual intercourse. She insists that it is not prostitute - she was beaten on the head with a stick and they threatened her. She was arrested and imprisoned several times. She was also raped by other inmates in prison.
Los agentes detenían a Yasira y la obligaban a mantener relaciones sexuales. Ella insiste en que no es prostituta–, la golpeaban en la cabeza con un palo y la amenazaban. Fue arrestada y encarcelada varias veces. En la prisión también fue violada por otros reclusos.
In 2008, she began activism in the LGBT movement and participated in a demonstration "against the trans discrimination" that was harshly suppressed by police. To Yasira also people in their neighborhood, and street gangs, who stabbed her and stole insulted her. Even on three occasions attempted to commit suicide
En 2008, comenzó a militar en el movimiento LGTB y participó en una manifestación "contra la discriminación trans" que fue duramente reprimida por la policía. A Yasira también la insultaban los vecinos de su barrio, y las bandas callejeras, que la apuñalaron y robaron. Hasta en tres ocasiones se intentó suicidar.
A few days ago she decided to flee. The situation "was unsustainable in Panama." Yasira arrived at the airport of Barajas (Madrid) last day 7 and requested asylum for persecution in their country because of their sexual identity. The request was denied, as well as the protect that asked his lawyer to paralyze the expulsion. Wednesday morning, at 1150 hours, will be deported and sent back to Panama.
Hace unos días decidió huir. La situación "era insostenible en Panamá". Yasira llegó al aeropuerto de Barajas (Madrid) el pasado día 7 y pidió asilo por persecución en su país debido a su identidad sexual. La solicitud fue denegada, al igual que la cautelarísima que solicitó su abogada para paralizar la expulsión. Mañana miércoles, a las 11.50 horas, será deportada y enviada de vuelta a Panamá.
And that of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) issued a favorable report that they admitted to processing asylum request
Y eso que el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Acnur) emitió un informe favorable para que se admitiera a trámite la petición de asilo.
"Yasira has been victim of abuse, coercion, threats, and physical and sexual assaults by the police authorities of his country on numerous occasions in the past 13 years, as well as social discrimination," denounces Paloma Favières
"Yasira ha sido víctima de abusos, coacciones, amenazas y agresiones físicas y sexuales por parte de las autoridades policiales de su país en numerosas ocasiones en los últimos 13 años, así como de discriminación social", denuncia Paloma Favieres.
Please sign the petition Jorge Fernández Díaz, Ministro del Interior de España: STOP DEPORTACIÓN YASIRA, MUJER TRANSEXUAL PANAMEÑA.
Can she get to the U.S.? I'm one of the officers of a nonprofit called The Maetreum of Cybele, Magna Mater. We are a Goddess-oriented religious group, but we have provided charitable housing for trans women before. One of our clients just happened to be a young woman from an Asian country whose story is nearly identical to Yasira's. We took her in and successfully got her asylum in the U.S. If Yasira can get here, we can help her. Seriously.
GOD be with her ,, please don't send her
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