
Former SC GOP head who wants the internment of transgender people call's Wendy Davis a "Whore"

Tod Kincannon, the former head of the SC GOP said in October 2013 that his final solution for transgender people would be a Nazi internment camp has gone on the war path again. This time he's attacking the hope of Texas, Wendy Davis calling her and anyone else who would defend her a "Whore" on Twitter.

Why would Kincannon call Davis a whore? Apparently, Davis's second husband had enough money to help pay for Wendy's college education.

I hope this serves a reminder to everyone, myself included how important the upcoming elections are.

Via Americans against the TEA Party

Tea Party Republican spews vile, sexist Twitter attacks at Wendy Davis (via Raw Story )
Former head of the South Carolina Republican Party, Tea Party activist Todd Kincannon has unleashed a vile parade of hateful, sexist insults aimed at Texas Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis. According to Americans Against the Tea Party, the attacks…

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