
Project 2025 is bad, but really, how bad can it be?

In short, Project 2025 is a dystopian plan to end social liberties, destroy our republic, and erase minority history. It's a manifesto to reinstitute all of the things Trump did while president that have since been corrected by Biden. It's a plan written by the former president's inner circle so he may act in a focused manner to destroy our democracy.

Regardless of what Trump says, he intends to crown himself a defacto dictator from day one and begin initiating Project 2025's directives. And this time he will not hesitate or fear repercussions since being granted absolute immunity by the judges he appointed to the Supreme Court.

Yes, it's that bad. Bad enough for Trump to falsely claim that he doesn't know anything about Project 2025 or who wrote it. You know when he does that he is simply deflecting.

HRC has read all 922 pages and this is what they found.

"The ‘Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,’ more commonly known as “Project 2025,” is a dangerous, 922-page blueprint led by two former Trump administration officials, Paul Dans and Spencer Chretien, that proposes a radical takeover of our federal government by Trump, Vance and MAGA loyalists. The Heritage Foundation spearheads this project, which includes an advisory board consisting of conservative and extremist hate groups, including Alliance Defending Freedom, American Family Association, Family Research Council and Moms for Liberty."

"Project 2025 demonstrates what four years of a Trump-Vance administration would look like. It is a wrecking ball aimed at the very foundations of civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, health care access, voting rights, and environmental protections. With 100 days to go until election day, we’ve highlighted 100 alarming excerpts from this dangerous plan."

Page... Text

1 “Children suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.”

1 “low-income communities are drowning in addiction and government dependence.”

4 “Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.”

4 “Today the Left is threatening the tax-exempt status of churches and charities that reject woke progressivism.”

4 “It’s time for policymakers to elevate family authority, formation, and cohesion as their top priority and even use government power, including through the tax code, to restore the American family.

4 “The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors.”

4/5 “Deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (‘SOGI’), diversity, equity, and inclusion (‘DEI’), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.”

5 “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology…”

5 “The noxious tenets of “critical race theory” and “gender ideology” should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country.”

16 “This book, this agenda, the entire Project 2025 is a plan to unite the conservative movement and the American people against elite rule and woke culture warriors.”

19 “...the Left’s steady stream of insanity appears to be never-ending.”

43 “The modern conservative President’s task is to limit, control, and direct the executive branch on behalf of the American people.”

60 “...unwinding policies and procedures that are used to advance radical gender, racial, and equity initiatives under the banner of science.”

62 “Abolishing the Gender Policy Council…”

72 “This doctrine of disparate impact could be ended legislatively or at least narrowed through the regulatory process by a future Administration.”

80 “The Trump Administration issued Executive Order 1395724 to make career professionals in positions that are not normally subject to change as a result of a presidential transition but who discharge significant duties and exercise significant discretion in formulating and implementing executive branch policy and programs an exception to the competitive hiring rules and examinations for career positions under a new Schedule F.”

89 “Divisive symbols such as the rainbow flag or the Black Lives Matter flag have no place next to the Stars and Stripes at our embassies.

104 “Entrance criteria for military service and specific occupational career fields should be based on the needs of those positions. Exceptions for individuals who are already predisposed to require medical treatment (for example, HIV positive or suffering from gender dysphoria) should be removed, and those with gender dysphoria should be expelled from military service.” pg. 103

104 “Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military.”

104 “...the use of public monies for transgender surgeries or to facilitate abortion for service members should be ended.”

146 “At least until USCIS is caught up on all case backlogs, all applicants rejected for any benefit or status adjudication should be required to leave the U.S. immediately.”

246/247 “All Republican Presidents have recognized that public funding of domestic broadcasts is a mistake. … Conservatives will thus reward a President who eliminates this tyrannical situation.”

258 “...issue a directive to cease promotion of the DEI agenda”

259 “The Left has commandeered the term “gender,” which used to mean either “male” or “female,” to include a spectrum of others who are seeking to alter biological and societal sexual norms.”

259 "...the progressive Left has so misused and altered the definition of what a “woman” is…”

259 “It should remove all references, examples, definitions, photos, and language on USAID websites, in agency publications and policies, and in all agency contracts and grants that include the following terms: “gender,” “gender equality,” “gender equity,” “gender diverse individuals,” “gender aware,” “gender sensitive,” etc.”

259 “It should also remove references to “abortion,” “reproductive health,” and “sexual and reproductive rights” and controversial sexual education materials.”

260 “USAID’s priority of funding the global abortion industry negates programs that promote life, women’s health, and the family.”

284 The next HHS secretary should immediately put an end to the department’s foray into woke transgender activism.”

284 “...uphold bodily integrity rooted in biological realities”

284 “...reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs”

284 “The next secretary should also reverse the Biden Administration’s focus on “‘LGBTQ+ equity,’ subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage,” replacing such policies with those encouraging marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.”

285 “Schools should be responsive to parents, rather than to leftist advocates intent on indoctrination…”

319 “Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.”

322 “Enforcement of civil rights should be based on a proper understanding of those laws, rejecting gender ideology and critical race theory.”

333 “There is no scientific or legal basis for redefining “sex” to “sexual orientation and gender identity” in Title IX.”

334 “The next Administration should abandon this change redefining “sex” to mean “sexual orientation and gender identity” in Title IX immediately across all departments.”

334 “On its first day in office, the next Administration should signal its intent to enter the rulemaking process to restore the Trump Administration’s Title IX regulation, with the additional insistence that “sex” is properly understood as a fixed biological fact.”

337 “The next Administration should prohibit the USDA or any other federal agency from withholding services from federal or state agencies—including but not limited to K–12 schools—that choose not to replace “sex” with “SOGI” in that agency’s administration of Title IX.”

342 “Critical race theory disrupts America’s Founding ideals of freedom and opportunity.”

346 “No public education employee or contractor shall use a name to address a student other than the name listed on a student’s birth certificate, without the written permission of a student’s parents or guardians.”

346 “No public education employee or contractor shall use a pronoun in addressing a student that is different from that student’s biological sex without the written permission of a student’s parents or guardians.”

346 “No public institution may require an education employee or contractor to use a pronoun that does not match a person’s biological sex if contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.”

354 “Eliminate Grad PLUS loans (for graduate students) and Parent PLUS loans (for parents of undergraduates).”

361 “End time-based and occupation-based student loan forgiveness.”

377 “Eliminate FECM (The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management).”

378 “Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances.”

386 “Eliminate the Clean Energy Corps by revoking funding and eliminating all positions and personnel hired under the program.”

433 “Eliminate the Office of Emergency Management and reassign its functions.”

451 “Families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society.”

451 “...to be raised by the biological fathers and mothers who conceive them”

451 “...support the formation of stable, married, nuclear families”

451 “...experiencing a crisis of fatherlessness that is ruining our children’s futures”

454/455 “The CDC should eliminate programs and projects that do not respect human life and conscience rights and that undermine family formation.”

455 “...should ensure that it is not promoting abortion as health care.”

455 “Because liberal states have now become sanctuaries for abortion tourism, HHS should use every available tool, including the cutting of funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place…”

456 “The CDC should immediately end its collection of data on gender identity…”

458 “Stop promoting or approving mail-order abortions in violation of long-standing federal laws that prohibit the mailing and interstate carriage of abortion drugs.”

462 “NIH has been at the forefront in pushing junk gender science.”

462 “Under Francis Collins, NIH became so focused on the #MeToo movement that it refused to sponsor scientific conferences unless there were a certain number of women panelists, which violates federal civil rights law against sex discrimination. This quota practice should be ended, and the NIH Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, which pushes such unlawful actions, should be abolished.”

471 “Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds.”

471 “Policymakers should end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers…”

472 “Issue guidance reemphasizing that states are free to defund Planned Parenthood in their state Medicaid plans.”

475 “The redefinition of sex to cover gender identity and sexual orientation and pregnancy to cover abortion should be reversed in all HHS and CMS programs as was done under the Trump Administration.”

478 “Additionally, Congress should pass the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act to ensure that providers and organizations cannot be subjected to discrimination for providing adoption and foster care services based on their beliefs about marriage.”

479 “...encourage unmarried couples to commit to marriage”

480 “Allow child welfare funding to be used for marriage and relationship education.”

481 “maintain a biblically based, social science–reinforced definition of marriage and family.”

482 “Eliminate the Head Start program.”

482/483 “Programs should affirm and teach fathers based on a biological and sociological understanding of what it means to be a father—not a genderneutral parent—from social science, psychology, personal testimonies, etc.”

483 “Restore Trump religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive.”

485 “Eliminate men’s preventive services from the women’s preventive services mandate.”

485 “Eliminate the week-after-pill from the contraceptive mandate as a potential abortifacient.”

489 “Married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them.”

490 “The OASH should withdraw all recommendations of and support for cross-sex medical interventions and ‘gender-affirming care.’”

490 “In dealing with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, the OASH should focus on root-cause analysis with a focus on strengthening marriage and sexual risk avoidance.”

495 “Remove all guidance issued under the Biden Administration concerning sexual orientation and gender identity under Section 1557…”

495 “Issue a general statement of policy specifying that it will not enforce any prohibition on sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in the Section 1557 regulation…

496 “...explicitly interpreting the law not to include sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination based on the textual approach to male and female biology taken by Congress in the ACA…”

554 “Enforce the death penalty where appropriate and applicable”

582 “Issue an executive order banning, and Congress should pass a law prohibiting the federal government from using taxpayer dollars to fund all critical race theory (CRT) training.”

582 “Reverse the DEI Revolution in Labor Policy.”

582/583 “to enforce Title VII to prohibit racial classifications and quotas, Department of Labor and Related Agencies including human-resources classifications and DEI trainings that promote critical race theory.”

583 “Eliminate EEO-1 data collection.”

583 “...amend Title VII to prohibit the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from collecting EEO-1 data and any other racial classifications in employment for both private and public workplaces.”

584 “Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics.”

584 “The new Administration should restrict Bostock’s application of sex discrimination protections to sexual orientation and transgender status in the context of hiring and firing.”

585 “Keep anti-life “benefits” out of benefit plans.”

585 “Provide robust protections for religious employers.”

586 “Issue an executive order protecting religious employers and employees.”

586 “Clarify Title VII’s religious organization exemptions to make it more explicit that those employers may make employment decisions based on religion regardless of nondiscrimination laws.”

586 “Provide Robust Accommodations for Religious Employees.”

589 “Sabbath Rest. God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest, and until very recently the Judeo-Christian tradition sought to honor that mandate by moral and legal regulation of work on that day.”

595 “With parental consent and proper training, certain young adults should be allowed to learn and work in more dangerous occupations.”

644 “Rescind all departmental clinical policy directives that are contrary to principles of conservative governance starting with abortion services and gender reassignment surgery.”

661 “proposing legislation that would ‘effectively abolish’ the Federal Reserve and replace it with ‘free banking.'”

675 “Climate-change research should be disbanded.”

676 “The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be broken up and downsized.”

682 “The Census Bureau National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations (NAC) should immediately be abolished by the incoming Administration.”

708 “Treat the participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative, without objecting on constitutional or moral grounds, as per se grounds for termination of employment.


JD Vance Writes The Forward For Book about Project 2025

Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance wrote the foreword to a forthcoming book by the head of Project 2025, the vast rightwing, authoritarian presidential transition plan that Vance’s running mate Donald Trump said he knew nothing about.

Project 2025 is spearheaded and organized by the far-right Heritage Foundation, and with 100 coalition partner organizations, many of which are well-known for pushing anti-LGBTQ policy, legal efforts, and harmful rhetoric, accompanied by Christian nationalism.

In advance publicity materials ,Vance says of Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation: “Never before has a figure with [his] depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism.” The same publicity material describes Roberts as “head” of Project 2025.


Parent Arrested While Calling out Ryan Walters For Transphobia

Parent Audra Beasley was arrested while calling out Ryan Walters for bigoty and transphobia.
Photo Screen shot KOCO Video

"Y'all are arresting me in front of my children because this man over here is a bigot and a bully, picking on trans kids, picking on disabled kids, picking on my kids. My kids are crying, Ryan Walters," Audra Beasley said while being arrested.

Troopers arrested Beasley during an April board of education meeting when her child was up for public comment just after her time had ended. Beasley wants the state to add adult diaper changing tables in schools and state buildings throughout Oklahoma for people with disabilities being put in through the state.

Oklahoma Highway Patrol officials said the mother was arrested on complaints of willfully disrupting state business/public meeting and a person causing disruption willfully refuse to disperse or leave.

The video above references a child who took their life. That child's name is name is Nex Benedict a non-binary High School student.

Nex Benedict Parents: Bullying Began When Bathroom Bill Became Law

Nex Benedict, 16, died on Feb. 8, one day after what one witness described as an assault perpetrated by others against Benedict in an Owasso High School bathroom. According to Benedict's family, Benedict was nonbinary and went by they/them pronouns.


Fact Check: Viral Picture Of "Trans Trump Shooter" Turns Out To Be Someone Else

Fact Check: Viral Picture Of "Trans Trump Shooter" Turns Out To Be Someone Else by Erin Reed

A viral picture on Thursday purported to show that the Trump shooter was potentially transgender. This photo is of an unrelated person named Rose.

Read on Substack


Trump Lies: "I know Nothing About Project 2025"

Project 2025

Trump is panicking and claiming absurdly that he "knows nothing about Project 2025" the Heritiage Foundation's backed manisfesto detailing step by step the overthrow of our federal goverment should Trump win the election.

Project 2025 was written in such a way to terrify transgender people putting our elemination a top priority.

The Republican plan worked perhaps too well as we begun sounding the alarm and Project 2025 is now receiving mainstream media attention.

“I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump posted on his social media website. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

The 922-page plan outlines a dramatic expansion of presidential power and a plan to fire as many as 50,000 government workers to replace them with Trump loyalists. President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign has worked to draw more attention to the agenda, particularly as Biden tries to keep fellow Democrats on board after his disastrous debate.

“He’s trying to hide his connections to his allies’ extreme Project 2025 agenda,” Biden said of Trump in a statement released by his campaign Saturday. “The only problem? It was written for him, by those closest to him. Project 2025 should scare every single American.”

Former president Trump adminiatration's ties to Project 2025.

The Heritage Foundation also created a "Mandate for Leadership" in 2015 ahead of Trump's first term, ABC reports. Two years into his presidency, it touted that Trump had instituted 64% of its policy recommendations, ranging from leaving the Paris Climate Accords, increasing military spending, and increasing off-shore drilling and developing federal lands. In July 2020, the Heritage Foundation gave its updated version of the book to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

The authors of many chapters are familiar names from the Trump administration, such as Russ Vought, who led the Office of Management and Budget; former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller; and Roger Severino, who was director of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Vought is the policy director for the 2024 Republican National Committee's platform committee, which released its proposed platform on Monday.

John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump, is a senior advisor to the Heritage Foundation, and said that the group will "integrate a lot of our work" with the Trump campaign when the official transition efforts are announced in the next few months.

Candidates interested in applying for the Heritage Foundation's "Presidential Personnel Database" are vetted on a number of political stances, such as whether they agree or disagree with statements like "life has a right to legal protection from conception to natural death," and "the President should be able to advance his/her agenda through the bureaucracy without hindrance from unelected federal officials."

What a second Trump presidency would mean to the LGBT community.