
Decade long Study Shows 97% of Transgender Youth are happy with HRT

Trans families and allies protesting anti-trans laws/photo Kelli Busey / Planet Trans  

A 10-year study of 220 adolescents who at 12 years of age were prescribed puberty blockers and or gender-affirming hormones indicates that 97% are satisfied with the results and continue with trans-affirming medical care.

The study published 10/21/2024 in the Journal of American Medical Association Pediatrics(JAMA) to determine Levels of Satisfaction and Regret With Gender-Affirming Medical Care in Adolescents, was first reported on by Erin in the Morning, who noted that it "is likely to become the most significant pieces of evidence countering critics who argue for banning transgender care."

Key Points:

  • Question  How satisfied and/or regretful are youth after receiving puberty blockers and/or hormones provided as part of their gender-affirming medical care?
  • Findings  In this survey study, the experiences of 220 youths who had accessed puberty blockers or hormones were detailed by the youth and/or their parents as part of an ongoing decade-long study of transgender youth. At a mean of 4.86 years after beginning blockers and 3.40 years after beginning hormones, they reported very high levels of satisfaction and low levels of regret; the overwhelming majority (97%) continued to access gender-affirming medical care.
  • Meaning  The findings suggest that most youth accessing gender-affirming medical care in adolescence are highly satisfied.

Of these 220 respondents in the main sample, 9 were regretful of having received blockers (n = 8) and/or hormones (n = 3; 2 of these individuals reported regret with both), of whom 4 have stopped all gender-affirming medical care and 1 has continued to receive blockers but plans to stop. The 4 others have continued care, suggesting that regret is not synonymous with stopping care.

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