
Texas Legislature Hell Bent on Revoking Trans IDs and Jailing Gender Diverse

Trans Texans, there are a couple of bills in the legislature that would invalidate your birth certificate, and driver's license, and make living authentically and legally a State Felony. Yes, the state is that perverse, but wait it gets worse.

Senate bill SB406 and House HB2291 are carefully crafted to require that the sex a person is identified as at birth is the only gender indicated on birth certificates. SB406 has passed committee but hasn't yet been scheduled for a floor vote but it's possible it won't for reasons I'll disclose in a moment.

Another bill would make it a felony for transgender individuals to identify as a gender other than what we were assigned at birth. HB3817 would also make it felony fraud to represent ourselves authentically to law enforcement.

Given that AG Paxton has already stopped the motor vehicles department from accepting court orders with just a letter, his latest opinion calling for state agencies to retroactively revert gender markers on documents shouldn't be taken lightly. It's pretty clear that once Paxton has the law behind him he will pursue us unmercifully.

Both bills are short, to the point, and could be added to any bill at the last moment, which is the Republicans' cowardly way of avoiding debate. They have done it in the past and will do it again, so we need to stay aware.

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