C;[K (militant angry kelli wearing a Internet helmet)
This is possibly one of the saddest things I have ever posted about.
TransAction ConVergence, a group that I grew from a small Facebook event is now slated to be deleted by Facebook.
Facebook posted this message offering most groups a option to "Up Grade" to the new group format, keeping their membership by simply clicking the "Up Grade" button.
Finding no button I looked for answers in the help section. Facebook says simply to click the button. There I joined with millions of other angry group administrators who were also denied a 'Up Grade' Button.
Investigation initially provided no responses searching on Facebook for groups opposed to this change. Facebook made it very hard to locate them. So I searched online and found PC World's article Facebook Redesign Revolt Grows to 1.7Mwhich linked me to the facebook groups MILLIONS AGAINST FACEBOOK's PRIVACY POLICIES AND LAYOUT REDESIGN and MILLIONS AGAINST FACEBOOK's PRIVACY POLICIES AND LAYOUT REDESIGN.
The only reason most of us can see for killing us is we grew too large. We became a
Facebook ignored the 20,000 gender variant people who joined that event. It looks like they are hell bent on ignoring millions more now.
Did you ever have a dream? We did and it's TransAction ConVergence. Trans Activists, Journalists and bloggers FREELY exchanging ideas and advocating. The American Dream.
I don't know when this will happen, all I know is my baby is scheduled to be killed by Facebook.