Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts


Federal Judge Rules Florida Law Banning Trans Medical Care Unconstitutional

On Thursday Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker ruled on appeal from the state that Florida's ban violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin, AP Reports.

Many believe that Desantis is a Facist, but is he? Professor Tom Huckin Checks 14 characteristics of fascism against the Florida governor’s actions.

This follows the June district court ruling permanently blocking Florida from enforcing a law that bans medical care for transgender adolescents and restricts it for transgender adults. The ruling in Doe v. Ladapo found that Florida SB 254 and the related Boards of Medicine (BOM) rules were motivated by disapproval of transgender people and violate the equal protection rights of transgender individuals and parents of transgender minors in Florida. Florida was the first state to pass a law restricting access to health care for transgender adults. Today’s ruling permanently blocks those restrictions as well as the ban on care for adolescents, which the Court preliminarily blocked last June.

Jennifer Levi, Senior Director of Transgender and Queer Rights, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) said in a statement:

“Today’s ruling is a huge win for transgender people and their families. It confirms that health care access must be based on principles of good medicine, not politics. The court today found there is no legitimate purpose for the extraordinary restrictions Florida has put on transgender people’s ability to obtain needed medical care. The decision will no doubt bring huge sighs of relief across Florida by transgender people and those who love them.”

The so-called "Stop Woke" Act, DeSantis's centerpiece discriminatory law violated the First Amendment a court ruled.

In March a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday upheld a Florida federal judge’s August 2022 ruling that the so-called “Stop WOKE” act violates the First Amendment as it applies to businesses and is impermissibly vague, AP reports.

“By limiting its restrictions to a list of ideas designated as offensive, the Act targets speech based on its content. And by barring only speech that endorses any of those ideas, it penalizes certain viewpoints — the greatest First Amendment sin,” Circuit Judge Britt C. Grant wrote for the court.

DeSantis and his political medical appointees keep losing but they aren't finished yet.

March 1, 2024, the Florida House passed House Bill 1639 (HB 1639), which seeks to deny the legal existence of transgender individuals by requiring individuals to identify as their sex assigned at birth instead of their gender on their driver’s licenses and ID cards. The bill also requires health plans to cover the widely discredited practice of conversion therapy and creates additional obstacles for health plans to cover gender-affirming care.

The ACLU of Florida opposes HB 1639.


High Schools are teaching a twisted and dangerous version Of Sex And Gender Study Finds

High School Biology

US high school biology books are teaching Sex and Gender essentialism creating conditions where discrimination and violence exist as was the case with Nex Benedict

The first scientific study examining this found that publishers are driven by sales and profits and largely ignore science.

People who hold essentialist beliefs tend to believe that sex/gender groups are mutually exclusive—that members of one group are entirely dissimilar from those in another group. By contrast, the reality is that most traits overlap considerably across sex/gender groups.

What is being taught in the classroom? You might think just read the books, but that presents a unique problem.

"Because textbook manufacturers do not publish statistics on how many schools or students use their textbooks in the US and school districts do not report complete and reliable information about adopted textbooks, researchers interested in examining the most frequently used textbooks in US high schools must rely on other methods, Science reports"

"For example, researchers typically sample textbooks with multiple editions under the assumption that these textbooks’ repeated use by schools indicates they are successful in the marketplace. Furthermore, decades of research demonstrate that decisions about which textbooks to adopt in each US state are strongly influenced by which textbooks are adopted in California, Texas, New York, and Florida because these states are the most populous and have the largest textbook markets."

"Due to their importance for publishers’ revenue, textbook developers in the US tend to write textbooks that will be easy to adapt to the standards of these four states. Therefore, we purposively sampled textbooks that had multiple editions from the four most populous states in the US (i.e., California, Texas, Florida, and New York) to construct our own database of texts that had the highest probability of representing the curriculum materials most readily available to biology students in US high schools."

In other words, the study found publishers set the bar to the lowest level regarding instruction about sex and gender hoping that California and Connecticut will find the text acceptable.

Biology books that appear acceptable to those who are simply uninformed appeal to purchasing agents in Texas and Florida.


"We initially attempted to make a systematic distinction between terms that pertained to sex (such as “Y chromosome”) and terms that pertained to gender (such as “men”). However, it quickly became clear that this would not be feasible. The information available in the textbooks was not sufficient to make this distinction. This blurring of the linguistic boundary between sex and gender suggests in and of itself that textbooks may conflate the two. Going forward, we use the term “sex/gender” when appropriate to describe our results."

"Despite the imprecision in how sex and gender terminology was used, we were able to code whether sex and gender were explicitly differentiated in a paragraph. Of the 362 paragraphs coded, none differentiated between sex and gender in any way. Thus, textbooks inappropriately conflate between a biological phenomenon (sex) and a sociocultural phenomenon (gender)."


Florida to ban gender affirming medical care for all ages

Florida is attempting to do a back door ban of ALL gender affirming care by creating their own psuedo-scientific standards of care that will emphasize conversion therapy.

There will be a hearing on August 5 at 8am at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport Marriot. Be there.

related: DeSantis moves to ban transition care for transgender youths, Medicaid recipients


Justin Flippen for Wilton Manors City Commission

Justin Flippen who is running for Wilton Manors City Commission, Florida, has won the endorsement of U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz according to a article.

Rep. Wasserman Schultz is a member of the House Sub Committee on the Judiciary: Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

You may wonder, why does kelli in Dallas care so much about Broward County, Florida? Waymon Hudson's Fight OUT Loud slapped us with the question "Wheres The RAGE?" and helped us out of our post traumatic shock after the Lawrence King tragedy.

Waymon and friends have remained vigilant, a true T friend, sounding an alarm when the White House was being spirited away by someone who figured out how to us paper chafe to insure a Republican stayed in the white house 4 four more economy busting, war waging, liberty crushing years.

Our LGBT family in south Florida have remained vigilant. They have let us know about Justin. Flippen is a good man. Justin Flippen has invited us to a fund raiser so he get this thing kicked off!