Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts


Unpacking Trump Debate Claim Kamala Harris will perform transgender operations on prisoners

Kamala Harris reacts to Trumps Transgender Surgery rant

Debate fact check: Trump says Harris wants to perform ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens’ in prison.


“She did things that nobody would ever think of,” Trump claimed in the Sept. 10 debate. “Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical left liberal that would do this. She wants to confiscate your guns, and she will never allow fracking in Pennsylvania. If she won the election, fracking in Pennsylvania will end on day one.”

Harris, in 2015 as California Attorney General sought to deny a transgender woman who was incarcerated gender-affirming health care.

Kamala Harris as San Fransico District Attorney General opposed the decriminalization of sex work, which in 2015 many trans people resorted to to survive. Harris's presidential campaign website makes no mention of transgender rights.

Evidently, Kamala Harris has evolved.

Trump’s claim about “transgender operations” can likely be traced back to a 2019 survey from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which the organization says it sent to all presidential candidates that year, CNN’s KFILE reported on Monday. In that survey, candidates were asked if they would use presidential authority to ensure that all trans people, including incarcerated people and undocumented immigrants, received “comprehensive treatment” for their transition “including all necessary surgical care.” Harris said she would do so.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual treatment of prisoners.

Source: American Medical Association Journal of Ethics: As outlined in Estelle v Gamble (1976), the 8th Amendment to the US Constitution requires that states provide adequate care for people who are incarcerated—but what constitutes “acceptable” care under professional guidelines is frequently at odds with the standard of care used by clinicians outside of carceral facilities. Outright denial of standard care runs afoul of the Constitutional prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

Evidently. Trump has devolved. He was once a uge transgender supporter.

In 2012 Trump advanced transgender rights immeasurably when he overruled the rejection of a transgender beauty queen. Businessman Donald Trump overturned a decision by the Miss Universe Organization, which he owned, to disqualify a Canadian transgender beauty pageant contestant because she was not a "naturally born" female. Jenna Talackova, a tall blonde who underwent gender-reassignment surgery at age 19 and holds legal documents affirming her identity as a woman, wants pageant organizers to go further and drop eligibility rules she calls discriminatory.

On the claim that Harris "wants to confiscate your guns,” fact-checking site, PolitiFact, which has partnered with PBS News this election season, says the claim is mostly false. In 2019, Harris said that she supports "a mandatory gun buyback program" for assault weapons. but not all weapons.


Kamala Harris Promise to End Rent Price Fixing is Winning Voters Over

Photo / AP Susan Walsh

Kamala Harris is surging ahead in the polls in crucial demographics after promising to take on corporate Rent Price Fixing and ending taxes on tips.

Her promise to end rent price fixing is especially credible since the DOJ under US Attorney General Merrick Garland is currently suing Realpage, the website that fueled the latest rent increases.

Democrat Kamala Harris has surged ahead of Republican Donald Trump, 48%-43%, in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll found.

The vice president's small lead was fueled by big shifts among some key demographic groups traditionally crucial for Democrats, including Hispanic and Black voters and young people, USA Today Reported. Among those with annual incomes of less than $20,000, in the biggest change, a three-point Trump edge over Biden in June has become a 23-point Harris advantage over Trump in August.

Mine is but one story but it may be representative of many lower-income people, especially minorities.

The representative of the corporation that manages my apartment complex asked if I had heard of the "rent website" meaning Realpage when I questioned the one hundred dollar rent increase last year. Her answer was "well, everybody is doing it".

As much as I didn't like it I couldn't move as nearby rents had similarly skyrocketed. This year I found rents hundreds of dollars less during a search of my area, but it didn't make sense to move within Texas because of Paxton's unrelenting war on Trans rights.

So much to the corporate representative delight I decided to forgo fleeing to a state with trans rights protected by law and extended my stay to 13 years by signing another lease. I knew it was price fixing but last year's rent increase had drained my bank account and left me able to save enough to move out of Texas.

Unmentioned is the broader economic impact. The car dealership where I have bought my last two new vehicles desperately wants my car as a trade-in for a new car. It seems too few people are trading in for new cars leaving dealerships with empty lots.

Apparently, I along with many others would gladly trade our cars in especially given the very generous terms offered, but I can't for all of the reasons above.

While the poll is indeed good news proving people are paying attention we know what happens when we lift our foot off the accelerator. 

#Understandtheassignment Visit and click the volunteer tab to see how you can help in your locality and nationaly.

And lastly, Vote as if your country would be destroyed if you didn't because surely it will.


Trans Democrats of America Endorse Kamala Harris for President

Kamala Harris for President

(pr)Trans Democrats of America (TDA), a national transgender political group, participated in a forum Tuesday and unanimously voted to endorse the Harris/Walz presidential team.

"By now most of us know about Project 2025 and Trump's toxic intentions for America," said host Gabriel Haaland. "However, the consequences of this election are global. We must elect the Democrats Persumtive Nominee Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to preserve NATO, the sovereignty of European States, not to mention Ukraine. We must elect Kamala Harris to save humanity!"

Trans Democrats of America find abhorrent Trump's threat of a "bloodbath" should he lose once again. Trans Democrats of America stands firmly with our Republic, and a peaceful and lawful transition of power based on our democratic processes.

"With less than two months until the election, there's no time to hesitate!" said Trans Democrat Kelli Busey, quoting Kamala Harris "We must roll up our sleeves and participate." Talk to your friends and family about the importance of this election, register to vote and confirm your voter registration status"

How to confirm your voter registration status