I wouldn't have even know about it if it hadn't been for your own country woman's blog post expressing her abhorrence of what you did.
I said essentially the same thing Helen did, but as is my style, I took it further, inflaming passions and yes even pushing the envelope of decency and creditability.
But the essence of my objection remains valid and unanswered by your indignation.
How can you justify so offending any portion of your community just to satisfy your sense of rebellion?
Cultural Imperialism. Excuse me for jumping to avoid your jerking knees.
The Internet has long been used to mix our nationalities unique sensitivities and create new social mores. We have all long 'capitalised' on that fact without any of the participants of the London TDOR before voicing there objections.
Am I wrong about the 'T' word? Could be wouldn't be the last time. But here's the 'rub'.
I use history as my tool to validate.

The 'N' word at one time was used widely as a form of rebellion and self identity much as those who insist on using the 'T' word do now. At the height of the rioting the 'N' word was a battle cry, but ultimately it's usage was devastatingly detrimental.
Since the pejorative 'ni##er' has become mainly unheard, POC and others are now being understood, loved and respected by each other as never before.
After the 'T' word runs it course as he 'N' word did, history will be replayed and we will see the same results.
I just hope some peeps do wake up so this doesn't take as long.