By Kelli Anne Busey April 24, 2009
Toilet politics revisited in New Hampshire.
Once again the worst of America has surfaced. Cronyism and demagoguery at its worst.
The only thing that angers me more than a civilian who makes a living by lieing about hard working Americans are politicians who use these fear mongers lies to lend credence to bigotry.
The Democrats in New Hampshire's Senate judiciary found a way to slink to a new low and shirked their public responsibilities by lending credence to lies with there public office's.
Transgender people were pleading with the Senate Judiciary Committee, relating horrifying stories of discrimination, only to have the democrates on the committee give credence to the testimony of Kevin Smith's TWO alleged incidences of POTTY politics and effectively throwing away transgender people.
The Judiciary Committee voted unanimously against giving transgender people hope.
Source The Nashua Telegraph "Senate panel nixes transgender bill"
"Kevin Smith of Cornerstone Policy Research, a conservative activist group, disagreed and offered 'media reports' about two incidents in Philadelphia and Maryland."
(Cornerstone apparently was all that the democrates needed to be dissuaded from pursuing justice.)
"Senate Democrats admitted the coordinated campaign from the Republican State Committee and socially conservative groups to label this as the "bathroom bill" condemned its approval this year."
"I think going forward, because it has so much baggage attached to it right now, it is probably best the bill is ITL," said Sen. Beth Reynolds, D-Plymouth, referring to inexpedient to legislate, the equivalent of killing it."
What media report is Smith offering?
I know of one incident in Maryland when a member of a group fighting transgender rights manufactured a story. Her HUSBAND cross dressed and ran thru the woman's dressing room of an exclusive Gaithersburg health club(where the democrats go) When the absurdity of this ploy was exposed she perjured herself by allowing another person to accept responsibility for that outrage! The club owner herself doubted the validity of her entire story, but the police failed to even show any interest.
Is that the 'Maryland' media report smith is aware of? Is that what the 'baggage' Reynolds and the democrats are throwing away human rights because of?
Throw those lousy democrats out and take the rest of the trash with you.