In a blink of a eye SB 723 has been moved to a vote. This is the bill that would strip transgender Texans hard earned marriage equality from us. It has been taken off the back burner and is to be voted on anytime now!
URGENT TAKE ACTION. Contact your senator by clicking this link.
The bad news. Tommy Williams Senate bill can only be described as a unmitigated attack on law abiding transgender citizens of Texas. This legislation may still be passed that would strip Texas families of there state recognized marriage.
The good news: Daniel Williams at Legislative Queery reports 2/3's of the Senate does not support this bill so it has been moved to the back burner where it could very well die.
But Daniel warns us not to let our guards down, very sage advice from the veteran advocate without LGBT borders. So lets keep up the pressure. Find your legislator Here and tell them vote NO to SB 723!
Texas SB 723 is the bill that would remove a court ordered "sex change" from the list of identifying documents that can be used to obtain a marriage license.
But the fallout of this bill should it get passed by the Senate is tragic. There would then be legislative and Judicial precedent in further battles for our opponents to site as they endeavour to render us non citizens in Texas.
All of the of Democratic Texas State Senators have come out in opposition to the bill except one, which would remove the right of Texas Transgender people to Marry.This bill if passed by the Senate surly will be passed by the House to Governor Rick Perry who has stated he would sign it into law.
Carlos I. Uresti (512) 463-0119 The only Texas Democratic Senator who has not publicly opposed SB 723, the bill removing the right of transsexuals to marry in Texas.
SB 723 is a deliberate unmitigated attack on you very lives. It MUST be stopped Monday in the Texas Senate because the House is sure to give it to our infamous Governor.
Contact info for Democratic senators is after the jump.
Call and email today, 4/19/2011.
Mario Gallegos (512) 463-0106
Wendy Davis (512) 463-0110
Rodney G. Ellis (512) 463-0113