GLAAD's announcement makes no mention of the "Half Man Half Woman tranny hooker" "Chicks with Dicks" Sex in the city episode. Cattrall's racial stereotyping of transgender woman working to survive was bad enough but when she threw the bucket of water down on them knocking one persons wig off stripping that woman of her humanity, that was too much. Add physical assault to the list.
But does GLAAD give a flip as long as she has a lesbian GF and supports SSM?
Plotsummary: Samantha has another cocky problem: gross transsexual whores in front of her window.
I am calling on GLAAD Media director Rich Ferraro to treat transgender people with respect and not give this award to Cattrall.
In a exchange recently with Rich Ferraro sparked by a recent Washington Blade post defaming transgender people he responded emailing me:
"We do a lot of work with mainstream media regarding transgender issues –because it’s an area where so many have a lot to learn. One of the key goals of our team is to also push out positive stories about LGBT people – and I hope that more will continue to run. Perhaps this can happen in LGBT media as well – it seems like whenever we do an action speaking out against transgender discrimination/offensive media images, we (GLAAD) get hit very hard by the gay and lesbian people on our list. There needs to be more work done to reach those people with images that move them to support the trans community."
"I do have some relationships with LGBT media/reporters so I do hope that you can continue to send items like this to me or if articles run that misrepresent the trans community. I’m happy to put you in touch to relay concerns. I recommend that happensbefore public blog posts go up on your site though."
Rich, just a observation. You just kicked the transgender hornets nest. Do not award Cattrall for her transphobic hatred.
Email Rich Ferraro ar
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