The Family aka the fellowship, which attributes its successful seventy year anti human rights campaign to maintaining a secretive profile, is hosting
Congressional representatives and other American leaders at the 'National Prayer Breakfast' to spread its vision of death for lesbian, gay and transgender people.
Listen to NPR 'Fresh Air' on WHYY
The Secret Political Reach Of 'The Family'. I was horrified as to the insipid treachery of this shadow
fundamentalist group and I am sure it will shock you also.
TWO Truths warns us that
'The Family' Is Directly Linked To Draconian Anti-Gay Death Bill in Uganda and it's time to lift this Vail of secrecy and reveal the atrocities the 'family' intends to unleash on you and your christian family.
All Americans regardless of religious affiliation must stand up and demand an

end to the Families agenda. Those who do not are giving tacit support to murder of innocents in Uganda by paying the salaries Congressmen and Senators who expedite this merciless persecution and executions of gay, lesbian and transgender people.
This is happening today in Uganda. The family wishes the same for LGBT people in America tomorrow.
RIGHTS-UGANDA: "You Cannot Tell Me You Will Kill Me Because I’m Gay"
Human Rights Watch
Uganda: ‘Anti-Homosexuality’ Bill Threatens Liberties and Human Rights Defenders
Meet the U.S. Politicians Who Want to See Gay People Dead in UgandaUnified worldwide Anglican condemnation of the criminalization by Uganda of homosexuality is desperately needed as
INTEGRITY URGES THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY BILL PROPOSED IN UGANDA "Our church has already spoken through Resolution D005 at General Convention in 2006 opposing legislation criminalizing homosexuality..." Michael Russell author of of D005 invites you to
sign the petition and leave a prayer or comment for our leadership to perhaps read. Then send the link to all your friends.
Updated 2000hrs 11/30/2009
House of Deputies president condemns proposed Uganda anti-homosexuality legislation
Integrity USA, Canadian bishops also call for opposition
By Mary Frances Schjonberg, November 30, 2009
[Episcopal News Service] The pending Ugandan legislation that would imprison for life or execute people who violate that country's anti-homosexuality laws would be a "terrible violation of the human rights of an already persecuted minority," Episcopal Church House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson has said.
Anderson was responding to a Nov. 16
request that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Archbishop Henri Orombi of Uganda and she speak out against the legislation. Anderson is the first to issue a statement.
Read statement from Episcopal Life Online House of Deputies president condemns proposed Uganda anti-homosexuality legislation *****************
Religion in Uganda
Census of October 2002 The Revealer A daily review of religion and the press.
Gay Uganda blogspot