When a persons sexuality or gender expression is denied by the force of religion or government, the results are horrendous.
By Kelli Busey
May 26, 2008
According to a 2004 study by Bishopaccountablity.org a group concerned with the the Roman Catholic Church in Britain, it is facing its greatest threat since the Reformation, according to research.
Over three decades Mass attendance has slumped by 40 per cent, baptisms by 50 per cent, Catholic marriages by 60 per cent and confirmations by 60 per cent.
In a separate study conducted in 2003 a senior clergyman spoke of how he felt “torn” following the revelation that nearly 150 complaints of abuse about priests and church workers in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales were received last year.
The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Birmingham, said the statistics made him feel “very uncomfortable” but at the same time were proof that the church was making progress in the area of child abuse.
“I feel torn because on the one hand I am very uncomfortable when it is clear that there are more people coming forward and saying that priests in the past have behaved very wrongly,” he said.
In the Unites States the clergy sex abuse crisis — some would have us believe — is largely about priests taking advantage of or being seduced by older teenage boys. In other words, it's a gay thing.
That's the view of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, as articulated by the group's president William A. Donohue.
"Too many sexually active gays have been in the priesthood, and it's about time they were routed out," Donohue told Fox News at the height of the scandal. The clergy sex abuse crisis is "a homosexual scandal, not a pedophilia scandal," he said on NBC's Today Show.
Let's look at what the 2003 John Jay study actually says. From the Executive Summary:
The largest group of alleged victims (50.9%) was between the ages of 11 and 14, 27.3% were 15-17, 16% were 8-10 and nearly 6% were under age 7. Overall, 81% of victims were male and 19% female
While the Catholic Church is preying on innocent, unprotected social segments to defer the public awareness of the sickness that is eating it from the inside YOUR CHILD may be sexually assaulted NOW as you read this in a Catholic sanctuary.
The sin is that the Catholic Church is permitting this and has the audacity to hurl hateful and wrongful allegations towards the GLBT community. You and your loved ones suffer now and in the future when they are unable to reconcile themselves with Christianity.
Anyone who would doubt these claims only need look in their own family or friend to find a witness of these terrible events.
When a persons sexuality or gender expression is denied by the force of religion or government the results are horrendous.
Catholic Church Facing largest threat ever and its not from Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual or Transgender people.