
Florida Bills to compel Gender Conversion and legal detransition

A terrified child surrenders to Nazies. Florida white nationalists under the fascist Gov. Ron DeSantis have already passed laws targeting children and parents of trans kids criminalizing their medical care, forcing those who can to flee in terror .

As reported by the advocacy group Truth Wins Out, (CS/HB 1639: Gender and Biological Sex) gives free rein to unethical charlatans to practice gender conversion, a debunked, medically unsound practices that are rejected by every respected medical and mental health association in the world.

On Monday, January 23, 2024, Florida Today reports that the Florida House Select Committee on Health Innovation OK'd legislation (HB 1639) on a 11-4 vote that would require driver's licenses to display the carrier's sex at birth rather than their gender identity.

It would also require all insurances, health benefit plans and health maintenance contracts in the state that cover trans-related health care to also cover detransition care, defined as discontinuing or seeking to reverse gender-affirming medical or surgical interventions.


School Board overrules superintendent: Trans youth to play lead roll in Oklahoma!

Sherman High School theater students will get their roles back in Oklahoma! Watch the NBC report below.
Dallas Morning News reports "After an emotional school board meeting Monday night, trustees emerged from a lengthy closed session and voted on a total reversal: They directed the superintendent to reinstate Sherman High students in the roles they held at the beginning of the month, prior to a decision to revoke their parts based on gender. They also directed the school to return to the original script, rather than an abbreviated “youth” version."