Dallas Freedom to Marry Day 2010
The Dallas Voice has reported that Joey Faust and his band of Christian bigots are planning on crashing our party. At previous QL events this group of right wing extremists have been very aggressive towards LGBT demonstrators. Please join us in solidarity as we celebrate the union of Kay and Wendy Churitch.
Some 1300+ rights and benefits that accompany a civil marriage are consistently denied to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) couples. These rights include:
· Access to a deceased spouses Social Security pension
· Sponsorship of a spouse for immigration
· Legally recognized joint parenting
· Next-of-kin status for emergency medical decision
· Property inheritance
· Domestic violence intervention
LGBT families lack the same legal protection that straight families often times take for granted. The denial of access to marriage is tantamount to the denial of full citizenship. For the our personal wellbeing and that of our families and society we demand to no longer be treated as second-class citizens.
Many are correct when they say that marriage is the bedrock of society. It’s a grave injustice however that such a fundamental institution is denied to a group of citizens solely on the basis of their gender. As LGBT couples become more integrated into society our demands of equality and to be treated with respect grows louder. In order for the LGBT community to make serious advancements in our struggle for equality and liberation we must come out of the closet and in the great tradition of previous civil rights movements take our grievances as an oppressed people into the streets. As the great abolitionist Frederick Douglas said “power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and never will”!
President Obama took the 2008 election full of promises to the LGBT community. His tepidness and lack of leadership in standing up for minority's rights has been quite troubling.
Unfortunately, during his campaign Obama chose to cozy up to anti-gay foes such as Rick Warren while backing off marriage equality. This constitutional lawyer turned president of the United States once supported marriage equality when in the Illinois Senate. In the run up to the election Obama said to the Chicago Tribune, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."
As a GLBT community we must demand that Obama grow a spine, separate church and state and begin using the most powerful position in the world to advocate for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender equality and liberation. We can, and must, do better for ourselves. Like any oppressed group, however, the onus to liberate ourselves lies solely on us. Organize, agitate and demand a brighter future for yourself and your Queer family!
Trans411: New Transgender Resource for locating Medical and Community Services Worldwide!
The sad truth is that many therapists are actually taking advantage of you, the unprotected uninformed patient, and are only concerned with bring you back for another costly visit.
Trans411 is a user friendly site that allows you instant access to the information that will save you money, and very possibly the heartbreak of becoming drawn into a costly and time consuming process of finding out your current health provider is unqualified or only concerned with their own job preservation.
From the Tran411 website about us:
"Trans411 was created by under-employed trans webheads in San Francisco, California. We feel very lucky to live in a city where we have easy access to so many resources, but we know from experience that in too many places it is difficult for people to find quality and compassionate care. Though 'trans' is included in our title, and our target audience is transgender, transsexual, intersex, genderqueer and other gender non-conforming people we have a feeling our site will be able to serve a variety of constituencies, and acknowledge there is a great deal of diversity in gender identities and beyond."http://trans411.org/
"We hope that this site allows a wide array of people to share their local knowledge about providers, groups and organizations that serve our community. We've taken a great deal of feedback from our past projects, such as being too United States centric or not including the ability to edit entries, and incorporated these ideas into this site from the get-go."
American Psychiatric Association (APA) DSM-5, USA Proposed Changes
American Psychiatric Association (APA) DSM-5, USA
Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents or Adults
Gender Incongruence (in Adolescents or Adults) [1]
A. A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/ expressed gender
and assigned gender, of at least 6 months duration, as manifested by
2* or more of the following indicators: [2, 3, 4]
1. a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/ expressed gender
and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or, in young
adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics) [13, 16]
2. a strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex
characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s
experienced/ expressed gender (or, in young adolescents, a desire to
prevent the development of the anticipated secondary sex
characteristics) [17]
3. a strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex
characteristics of the other gender
4. a strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative
gender different from one’s assigned gender)
5. a strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some
alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)
6. a strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions
of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s
assigned gender)
With a disorder of sex development
Without a disorder of sex development
[14, 15, 16, 19]
For the adult criteria, we propose, on a preliminary basis, the
requirement of only 2 indicators. This is based on a preliminary
secondary data analysis of 154 adolescent and adults patients with GID
compared to 684 controls (Deogracias et al., 2007; Singh et al.,
2010). From a 27-item dimensional measure of gender dysphoria, the
Gender Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents and
Adults (GIDYQ), we extracted five items that correspond to the
proposed A2-A6 indicators (we could not extract a corresponding item
for A1). Each item was rated on a 5-point response scale, ranging from
Never to Always, with the past 12 months as the time frame. For the
current analysis, we coded a symptom as present if the participant
endorsed one of the two most extreme response options (frequently or
always) and as absent if the participant endorsed one of the three
other options (never, rarely, sometimes). This yielded a true positive
rate of 94.2% and a false positive rate of 0.7%. Because the wording
of the items on the GIDYQ is not identical to the wording of the
proposed indicators, further validational work will be required during
field trials.
End notes
1. It is proposed that the name gender identity disorder (GID) be
replaced by “Gender Incongruence” (GI) because the latter is a
descriptive term that better reflects the core of the problem: an
incongruence between, on the one hand, what identity one experiences
and/or expresses and, on the other hand, how one is expected to live
based on one’s assigned gender (usually at birth) (Meyer-Bahlburg,
2009a; Winters, 2005). In a recent survey that we conducted among
consumer organizations for transgendered people (Vance et al., in
press), many very clearly indicated their rejection of the GID term
because, in their view, it contributes to the stigmatization of their
2. In addition to the proposed name change for the diagnosis (see
Endnote 1), there are 6 substantive proposed changes to the DSM-IV
descriptive and diagnostic material: (a) we have proposed a change in
conceptualization of the defining features by emphasizing the
phenomenon of “gender incongruence” in contrast to cross-gender
identification per se (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2009a); (b) we have proposed a
merging of the A and B clinical indicator criteria in DSM-IV (see
Endnotes 10, 13); (c) for the adolescent/adult criteria, we have
proposed a more detailed and specific set of polythetic indicators
than was the case in DSM-IV (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfäfflin, 2009; Zucker,
2006); (d) for the child criteria, we have proposed that the A1
indicator be necessary (but not sufficient) for the diagnosis of GI
(see Endnote 5); (e) we have proposed that the “distress/impairment”
criterion not be a prerequisite for the diagnosis of GI (see Endnote
15); and (f) we have proposed that subtyping by sexual attraction (for
adolescents/ adults) be eliminated (see Endnote 18) but that subtyping
by the presence or absence of a co-occurring disorder of sex
development (DSD) be introduced (see Endnote 14). As in DSM-IV, we
recommend one overarching diagnosis, GI, with separate,
developmentally- appropriate criteria sets for children vs.
adolescents/ adults. The text material will provide updated information
on developmental trajectory data for clients who received the GI
diagnosis in childhood vs. adolescence or adulthood.
The term “sex” has been replaced by assigned “gender” in order to make
the criteria applicable to individuals with a DSD (Meyer-Bahlburg,
2009b). During the course of physical sex differentiation, some
aspects of biological sex (e.g., 46,XY genes) may be incongruent with
other aspects (e.g., the external genitalia); thus, using the term
“sex” would be confusing. The change also makes it possible for
individuals who have successfully transitioned to “lose” the diagnosis
after satisfactory treatment. This resolves the problem that, in the
DSM-IV-TR, there was a lack of an “exit clause,” meaning that
individuals once diagnosed with GID will always be considered to have
the diagnosis, regardless of whether they have transitioned and are
psychosocially adjusted in the identified gender role (Winters, 2008).
The diagnosis will also be applicable to transitioned individuals who
have regrets, because they did not feel like the other gender after
all. For instance, a natal male living in the female role and having
regrets experiences an incongruence between the “newly assigned”
female gender and the experienced/ expressed (still or again male)
3. It has been recommended by the Workgroup to delete the “perceived
cultural advantages” proviso. This was also recommended by the DSM-IV
Subcommittee on Gender Identity Disorders (Bradley et al., 1991).
There is no reason to “impute” one causal explanation for GI at the
expense of others (Zucker, 1992, 2009).
4. The 6 month duration was introduced to make at least a minimal
distinction between very transient and persistent GI. The duration
criterion was decided upon by clinical consensus. However, there is no
clear empirical literature supporting this particular period (e.g., 3
months vs. 6 months or 6 months vs. 12 months). There was, however,
consensus among the group that a lower-bound duration of 6 months
would be unlikely to yield false positives.
13. In the DSM-IV, there are two sets of clinical indicators (Criteria
A and B). This distinction is not supported by factor analytic
studies. The existing studies suggest that the concept of GI is best
captured by one underlying dimension (Cohen-Kettenis & van Goozen,
1997; Deogracias et al., 2007; Green, 1987; Johnson et al., 2004;
Singh et al., 2010).
14. There is considerable evidence individuals with a DSD experience
GI and may wish to change from their assigned gender; the percentage
of such individuals who experience GI is syndrome-dependent
(Cohen-Kettenis, 2005; Dessens, Slijper, & Drop, 2005; Mazur, 2005;
Meyer-Bahlburg, 1994, 2005, 2009a, 2009b). From a phenomenologic
perspective, DSD individuals with GI have both similarities and
differences to individuals with GI with no known DSD. Developmental
trajectories also have similarities and differences. The presence of a
DSD is suggestive of a specific causal mechanism that may not be
present in individuals without a diagnosable DSD.
15. It is our recommendation that the GI diagnosis be given on the
basis of the A criterion alone and that distress and/or impairment
(the D criterion in DSM-IV) be evaluated separately and independently.
This definitional issue remains under discussion in the DSM-V Task
Force for all psychiatric disorders and may have to be revisited
pending the outcome of that discussion. Although there are studies
showing that adolescents and adults with the DSM-IV diagnosis of GID
function poorly, this type of impairment is by no means a universal
finding. In some studies, for example, adolescents or adults with GID
were found to generally function psychologically in the non-clinical
range (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfäfflin, 2009; Meyer-Bahlburg, 2009a).
Moreover, increased psychiatric problems in transsexuals appear to be
preceded by increased experiences of stigma (Nuttbrock et al., 2009).
Postulating “inherent distress” in case one desires to be rid of body
parts that do not fit one’s identity is, in the absence of data, also
questionable (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2009a).
16. Although the DSM-IV diagnosis of GID encompasses more than
transsexualism, it is still often used as an equivalent to
transsexualism (Sohn & Bosinski, 2007). For instance, a man can meet
the two core criteria if he only believes he has the typical feelings
of a woman and does not feel at ease with the male gender role. The
same holds for a woman who just frequently passes as a man (e.g., in
terms of first name, clothing, and/or haircut) and does not feel
comfortable living as a conventional woman. Someone having a GID
diagnosis based on these subcriteria clearly differs from a person who
identifies completely with the other gender, can only relax when
permanently living in the other gender role, has a strong aversion
against the sex characteristics of his/her body, and wants to adjust
his/her body as much as technically possible in the direction of the
desired sex. Those who are distressed by having problems with just one
of the two criteria (e.g., feeling uncomfortable living as a
conventional man or woman) will have a GIDNOS diagnosis. This is
highly confusing for clinicians. It perpetuates the search for the
“true transsexual” only, in order to identify the right candidates for
hormone and surgical treatment instead of facilitating clinicians to
assess the type and severity of any type of GI and offer appropriate
treatment. Furthermore, in the DSM-IV, gender identity and gender role
were described as a dichotomy (either male or female) rather than a
multi-category concept or spectrum (Bockting, 2008; Bornstein, 1994;
Ekins & King, 2006; Lev, 2007; Røn, 2002). The current formulation
makes more explicit that a conceptualization of GI acknowledging the
wide variation of conditions will make it less likely that only one
type of treatment is connected to the diagnosis. Taking the above
regarding the avoidance of male-female dichotomies into account, in
the new formulation, the focus is on the discrepancy between
experienced/ expressed gender (which can be either male, female,
in-between or otherwise) and assigned gender (in most societies male
or female) rather than cross-gender identification and same-gender
aversion (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfäfflin, 2009).
17. In referring to secondary sex characteristics, anticipation of the
development of secondary sex characteristics has been added for young
adolescents. Adolescents increasingly show up at gender identity
clinics requesting gender reassignment, before the first signs of
puberty are visible (Delemarre-van de Waal & Cohen-Kettenis, 2006;
Zucker & Cohen-Kettenis, 2008).
18. In contemporary clinical practice, sexual orientation per se plays
only a minor role in treatment protocols or decisions. Also, changes
as to the preferred gender of sex partner occur during or after
treatment (DeCuypere, Janes, & Rubens, 2005; Lawrence, 2005; Schroder
& Carroll, 1999). It can be difficult to assess sexual orientation in
individuals with a GI diagnosis, as they preoperatively might give
incorrect information in order to be approved for hormonal and
surgical treatment (Lawrence, 1999). Because sexual orientation
subtyping is of interest to researchers in the field, it is
recommended that reference to it be addressed in the text, but not as
a specifier. It should also be assessed as a dimensional construct.
19. The subworkgroup has had extensive discussion about the placement
of GI in the nomenclature for DSM-V, as the meta-structure of the
entire manual is under review. The subworkgroup questions the
rationale for the current DSM-IV chapter Sexual and Gender Identity
Disorders, which contains three major classes of diagnoses: sexual
dysfunctions, paraphilias, and gender identity disorders (see
Meyer-Bahlburg, 2009a). Various alternative options to the current
placement are under consideration.
References Click Here#
For Adolescents and Adults
Please complete the following questions: [Note to Task Force—these
first 4 questions are preliminary; the corresponding dimensional
questions for the categorical diagnosis are on the next page]
1. My current legal sex or gender (e.g., as listed under “sex” on my
passport or driver’s license, also called “assigned” gender) is:
a. Female
b. Male
c. Other (describe): ____________ _____
2. My confidence that I really am what my legal “sex” states (namely,
a girl/woman or boy/man) is:
a. None
b. Mild
c. Moderate
d. Strong
e. Very Stong
3. The way that I experience and express my true gender compared to my
legal sex or gender is:
a. Not at all different
b. Mildly different
c. Moderately different
d. Strongly different
e. Very Stongly different
4. I am distressed by feeling different from my legal sex or gender:
a. None
b. Mild
c. Moderate
d. Strong
e. Very Stong
Note to the Task Force: Definitions will be provided for primary and
secondary sex characteristics and “assigned sex” and “assigned
gender.” Questions A1-A6 are the dimensional metrics for the
corresponding categorical criteria.
For Questions 1-8, please circle the letter next to the statement that
applies to you the best.
A1. Over the past 6 months, how intense was your discomfort because
your primary and/or secondary sex characteristics do not match your
gender identity?
1. None
2. Mild
3. Moderate
4. Strong
5. Very Strong
A2. Over the past 6 months, how intense was your desire to be rid of
your primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because they do not
match your gender identity?
1. None
2. Mild
3. Moderate
4. Strong
5. Very Strong
A3. Over the past 6 months, how intense was your desire for the
primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender?
1. None
2. Mild
3. Moderate
4. Strong
5. Very Strong
A4. Over the past 6 months, how intense was your desire to be of the
other gender (or some gender different from your assigned gender)?
a. None
b. Mild
c. Moderate
d. Strong
e. Very Stong
A5. Over the past 6 months, how intense was your desire to be treated
as the other gender (or some gender different from your assigned
a. None
b. Mild
c. Moderate
d. Strong
e. Very Stong
A6. Over the past 6 months, how intense was your conviction that you
have the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some
gender different from your assigned gender)?
a. None
b. Mild
c. Moderate
d. Strong
e. Very Stong
7. Over the past 6 months, how would you describe your sexual
attraction to other people?
a. Sexually attracted to males
b. Sexually attracted to females
c. Sexually attracted to both males and females
d. Sexually attracted to neither males or females
e. Other (please describe): ____________ _________ _________ _________
8. How old were you when you first had the strong desire to be, or to
live in the gender role, of the other gender (or some gender different
from your assigned gender)?
a. Age 5 years or younger
b. Between 6 and 9 years
c. Between 10 and 12 years
d. Between 13 and 17 years
e. Age 18 years or older
Gender Identity Disorder
A. A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a
desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex).
In children, the disturbance is manifested by four (or more) of the following:
1. Repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she
is, the other sex
2. In boys, preference for cross-dressing or simulating female
attire; in girls, insistence on wearing only stereotypical masculine
3. Strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in
make-believe play or persistent fantasies of being the other sex
4. Intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and
pastimes of the other sex
5. Strong preference for playmates of the other sex
In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms
such as a stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the
other sex, desire to live or be treated as the other sex, or the
conviction that he or she has the typical feelings and reactions of
the other sex.
B. Persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of
inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex.
In children, the disturbance is manifested by any of the following:
In boys, assertion that his penis or testes are disgusting or will
disappear or assertion that it would be better not to have a penis, or
aversion toward rough-and-tumble play and rejection of male
stereotypical toys, games, and activities;
In girls, rejection of urinating in a sitting position, assertion
that she has or will grow a penis, or assertion that she does not want
to grow breasts or menstruate, or marked aversion toward normative
feminine clothing.
In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms
such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sex
characteristics (e.g., request for hormones, surgery, or other
procedures to physically alter sexual characteristics to simulate the
other sex) or belief that he or she was born the wrong sex.
C. The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition.
D. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of
Code based on current age
Specify if (for sexually mature individuals) :
Sexually Attracted to Males
Sexually Attracted to Females
Sexually Attracted to Both
Sexually Attracted to Neither
http://www.dsm5.org proposed revision
Iowa House Rejects Anti Equality Amendment
515-288-4019 x 205 515-333-2525 (cell) justin@oneiowa.org
(Des Moines, IA) The Iowa House today rejected procedural attempts by opponents of equality to advance an amendment to the Iowa Constitution seeking to overturn last April’s unanimous Iowa Supreme Court ruling and to deny the protections of civil marriage to gay and lesbian couples. “We applaud those legislators who voted to protect the freedoms of all Iowans and continue the job of balancing the budget and putting Iowans back to work. It’s time to move on from the destructive politics of division and focus on what matters to a great majority of Iowans,” said One Iowa Executive Director Carolyn Jenison.
One Iowa’s annual Lobby Day at the Capitol takes place tomorrow. Supporters will gather at the Capitol to share their stories with Iowa legislators, demonstrating the importance of civil marriage equality to Iowa families. Please contact Justin Uebelhor at 515-333-2525 to arrange press availability.
One Iowa is the state’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) advocacy organization, committed to full equality for LGBT individuals, including the freedom to marry. More information at http://www.oneiowa.org.
Rep. Dennis M. Cohoon(D)
E-mail: dennis.cohoon@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 816 Randall Lane, P.O. Box 157, Burlington, IA, 52601
Home Telephone: 319-752-5057
Rep. Annette Sweeney(R)
E-mail: annette.sweeney@legis.state.ia.us
Home Address: 21547 Hwy S27, Alden, IA, 50006
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Rep. Phyllis Thede(D)
E-mail: phyllis.thede@legis.state.ia.us
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Sample email
Dear Representative
I am writing to express my objection to Bill 2291 which would remove protections currently in place for LGBT school children from bullying and harassment. This proposed bill is doubly odious because it would in essence use innocent children as weapons in pursuit of a political agenda.
Please do not pass this bill for consideration.
Thank you,
Bill Text after Back ground
Source: Iowa Independent A pair of Republican state legislators has introduced a bill that would remove protections for gay, lesbian and transgender students from an anti-bullying law passed in 2007.
State Reps. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, and Matt Windschitl, R-Missouri Valley, sponsored the legislation to remove sexual orientation and gender identity as definitions used for purposes of protecting students in public and nonpublic schools from harassment and bullying.
Schultz told NBC affiliate WHO-TV that the rationale behind the move is to force a vote on a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, since the Iowa Supreme Court pointed to laws like Iowa’s Safe Schools Law in making its April decision to legalize same-sex marriage. Ryan Roemerman, executive director of Iowa Pride Network, said the bill would open up LGBT students to bullying and harassment.
“When our state is facing record budget deficits and unemployment, House Republicans feel their time is best spent picking on Iowa’s LGBT youth,” Roemerman said in a statement. “There is no better example as to why we have this law, so youth in Iowa don’t grow up to be like these bigots.”
House File 2291 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to protected traits or characteristics of
2 students under public and nonpublic school harassment and
3 bullying prohibitions and policies.
TLSB 6059YH (4) 83
1 1 Section 1. Section 280.28, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code
1 2 2009, is amended to read as follows:
1 3 c. "Trait or characteristic of the student" includes but
1 4 is not limited to age, color, creed, national origin, race,
1 5 religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender
1 6 identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or
1 7 disability, ancestry, political party preference, political
1 8 belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status.
1 10 This bill strikes sexual orientation and gender identity
1 11 from the definition of the term "trait or characteristic of the
1 12 student" used for purposes of protecting students in public and
1 13 nonpublic schools from harassment and bullying.
LSB 6059YH (4) 83
CBS Superbowl ad Focuses on exclusion
Prove me wrong.
CBS blog promotional post Superbowl piece makes it clear
CBS had rejected this ad in 2004 from the United Church of Christ which advocates for the inclusion of all people in faith because of "provocative, potentially controversial themes" while promoting the ultra right wing extremist group "focus on the family" as a representative view of wholesome and middle of the road, midstream all American life. It was not Tim Tebow's message that I objected to. The problem is that CBS allowed and facilitated 'focus on the family' efforts to place it's name in front of millions of viewers while Disallowing any other add from anyone who is different.
Support House (H.R. 1064) and Senate (S.R. 409) bills condemning the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill
U.S. Citizens: Contact your representatives in Congress »
Non U.S. Citizens: Contact key Congresspeople »
In Uganda, the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 was introduced in Parliament last October. The bill targets lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Ugandans, their advocates, and those that know someone LGBT. It would reaffirm existing penalties for homosexuality and introduce sweeping new criminal provisions. Some of these troubling provisions include: imprisonment for life for anyone convicted of the "offence of homosexuality;" punishment for the "promotion of homosexuality" with prison terms; imprisonment for up to three years for anyone who fails to report to the authorities LGBT people or LGBT human rights defenders they know; and most egregiously, the application of the death penalty to anyone in Uganda who has consensual same-sex relations repeatedly or who has consensual same-sex relations and is HIV positive. If this bill were to pass, it would be a devastating blow to the human rights of all Ugandans and would significantly impede effective HIV prevention and care.
This week in the U.S., a bipartisan group of members of Congress proposed resolutions condemning the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. The House resolution, H.R. 1064, sponsored by Howard Berman (D-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), received thirty-nine cosponsors. The Senate resolution, S.R. 409, sponsored by Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Tom Coburn (R-OK), currently has four co-sponsors. The House resolution extends beyond Uganda to call on all nations to reject laws that criminalize homosexuality.
Public pressure is needed to ensure that both resolutions come up for a vote. Condemnation by the U.S. government is one of many factors that could persuade Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to prevent the bill from becoming law. If the resolutions pass, the U.S. Congress will join President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in sending the government of Uganda a unified message that passing the Anti-Homosexuality Bill will have serious consequences to its relationships internationally.
U.S. Citizens: Contact your representatives in Congress »
Non U.S. Citizens: Contact key Congresspeople »
YouTube President Obama addresses National Prayer Breakfast
President Obama speaks out about the proposed Ugandan anti gay legislation: source: Truths wins out-TWO:
“We may disagree about gay marriage, but surely we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are — whether it’s here in the United States or, as Hillary mentioned, more extremely in odious laws that are being proposed most recently in Uganda.”
The Ugandan Frankenstein We Have Helped To Create
By The Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, Vice President for National and International Affairs, Integrity USA.
Last week's meeting between the Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop, Archbishop of Canterbury and United Nations Secretary General talked about everything important to people of faith, except one glaring omission, Uganda. Even though the Church of Canada’s House of Bishops, faith leaders in Europe and the international human rights community have all come out condemning the proposed anti-homosexuality bill being discussed by the Ugandan parliament, we have yet to have a definitive statement on this important issue from either Archbishop Rowan Williams or the Anglican Observer at the United Nations, Helen Grace Wangusa, (who is originally from Uganda). Why the silence?
The first priority of the Anglican Communion’s Observer’s work is to ensure the commitment of the faith community within Anglicanism for the implementation of the Declaration of Human Rights. “A cross thematic area to ensure all policies adhere to the Declaration of Human Rights for the protection of the dignity of the rights of every individual in the world” as the website reports. Yesterday was a missed opportunity!
When Archbishop Livingstone Nkoyoyo, former Anglican Archbishop of Uganda returned home following the 1998 Lambeth Conference, he made sure to tell a press conference at Entebbe Airport that the Anglican Communion was behind him and President Musevene to extend hasher laws on homosexuality. In concert with his bishops (who influence one third of the population of Uganda and a higher proportion of government ministers and Uganda’s elite) the Archbishop began a crusade against Ugandan homosexuals blaming western and particularly Episcopal Church influence. This was clearly unfounded a lie. With a Bush White House and greater financial influence from American fundamentalists, the movement to misrepresent the Anglican Church’s position on homosexuality created a Frankenstein. Nkoyoyo said nothing about either the listening process, the need to condemn homophobia and violence against LGBT people and extending pastoral care, all recommendations to the world wide Anglican family contained in Resolution 1:10. He also never mentioned Resolution I: I, committing to uphold the Declaration of Human Rights. The Church of Uganda was never publicly reprimanded by the Anglican Communion Office or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or indeed any significant body of peer bishops for their misuse. Silence equals endorsement.
When the history of this sad chapter in the life of the church is written, we may discover that Anglicans are the architects of this monster, now manifested in Uganda and about to spread to other parts of the African church. Later, leaders like Rick Warren and Exodus international would bring their own distinctive body parts to this new creation.
On 17th February, Pastor Martin Ssempa is threatening to bring one million angry Ugandans on to the streets of Kampala to show Musevene’s government that “God fearing Christians” want no leniency for their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. Musevene is now caught between the unanimous outcry of the international community and even the Vatican against this further violation of human rights, and the Frankenstein we have helped to create. We can trace some of the growing hostility to the gay community last year when Exodus International and other American fundamentalist leaders held conferences and meetings to encourage Ssempa and his Christian fascism to continue their rein of terror and threats. Musevene, as an Anglican leader, whose government was courted and bribed by the fundamentalist Christian lobby, also shares in creating a monster that is about to turn on him. I once met a gay Ugandan in the middle 1990’s who told me Musevene had threatened to gun anyone down on the streets who even dared to celebrate gay pride. Fifteen years later, there will be a different demonstration and the threat of gunning them down will not work this time. When a young democracy like Uganda neglects the role and place of its minorities, as Musevene has done for 20 years with the support of the United States government, Ssempa and Bahati, (the author of the bill) become a manifestation of a deep illness that is within this society.
As with the Rwandan genocide, once the fear, hatred and dehumanization of any population has taken root, there is not much rational and inclusive citizens or the international community can do to change the course of a potential blood bath. When we looked back on the causes of the Rwandan genocide, one of the main forces that created the climate of destruction was the Christian Churches. There is clear evidence that without the years of preaching, using communications and media networks and the organization of the churches in particular, the genocide of 600,000 people could not have happened. The Catholic Church denied its role and the Pope commented that because a “few bad apples” were involved in some horrific events, the institutional church could not be blamed. Similarly the Anglican Communion was largely silent about our participation in the genocide and a few Rwandan bishops escaped To Uganda and Kenya who were accused of helping to mastermind local atrocities and informing the mobs about where terrified groups were hiding in sanctuary-often in there churches. The then Archbishop of Canterbury did not call for an ecclesiastical inquiry or demand bishops be tried by their peers or court. His office and the office of the Anglican Communion largely remained silent and the focus shifted to rebuilding the infrastructure and leadership of the Rwandan church without any significant reflection on our corporate role in creating this former Frankenstein. I have friends working in Rwanda and many of these issues are still to be resolved. Every 25 years, we can anticipate the build up of animosity, fear and intimidation that are largely religiously condoned. Rwanda is about to introduce it’s own form of the anti-gay bill and President Kagame, (a close friend of Rick Warren) is Musevene’s former Defense Minister. As the “Purpose Driven Country”, Rwanda and Uganda shares the same moral vision and a common hatred for gays. Rick Warren’s recent “Letter to the Pastor’s of Uganda” was a brave attempt to put the cork back in the bottle and to distance himself from something that his movement has helped to create. But the genii has escaped. Frankenstein will be marching on the streets of Kampala on 17th February, in all its frightening monstrosity and carrying a very large Bible.
If a million Ugandans take to the streets on February 17th, one third of them are probably Anglicans who will be calling for death to gays and fines and imprisonment for those who minister to them. Some of our Anglican bishops may also support the demonstration. For the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church not to make a statement on this potential crisis in the modern human rights movement, knowing we helped to create this madness, is still a mystery to me. Maybe they are doing a “Rick Warren” and making sure the Church truly distances itself from this ugly situation. It won’t work.
History can help us make sense of the present, if we allow it to. Rwanda is a reminder, that leadership, and religious leadership in particular, has a remarkable way of inciting the crowd and then when things get a little out of hand, to be silent, or in Rick Warren’s case, to make a video. Like Pilate, the sweet smell of Orange blossom soap ensures the blood of the innocent and the vulnerable will not soil our hands. Rwanda is also a reminder that our religious leadership can be struck silent at any moment when there is something important that could have said. Clinton apologized as a secular leader, we did not. Recent Christian history from this troubled region also teaches us that the silence is usually followed by an extended state of amnesia. We forget what we helped to create. Every Anglican bishop who voted on the 1998 Lambeth Resolution bears the corporate and institutional responsibility for what is happening in Uganda right now as human dignity and emerging democracy is diminished in the name of Christ. As the inheritors of the institutions who helped get us into this mess, both Primates need to break your very loud silence.
** From the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle: " Though Integrity supports and welcomes the Presiding Bishop's comments in December, it was a missed opportunity for her not to have publically raised the Episcopal Church's concerns at this high level UN meeting in January. This was the perfect opportunity for her to encourage the Archbishop of Canterbury and the UN Anglican Communion Observer to finally address the violation of human rights in Uganda and the misuse of Lambeth Resolutions by the Anglican Church in Uganda. Integrity feels this remains an important and critical issue for many respected leaders in the international and faith community that it ought to have been addressed specifically at this meeting."
Posted By Louise Brooks to Walking With Integrity at 2/03/2010 03:25:00 PM
Uganda Protest Thurs./5:30 PM/JFK Building, Gov't Center, Boston Mass.
Boston LGBT activists will gather in front of the John F. Kennedy Federal Building at 5:30 PM today to decry American fundamentalists’ export of their recycled homophobia to Africa. The secretive right-wing network so-called “The Family,” which sponsors this morning’s National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, is linked to the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill (“AHB”) pending in the Ugandan Parliament; a measure which would intensify existing persecution of LGBT people in the East African country. See http://www.facebook.com/l/a9dad;www.religiondispatches.org/archive/sexandgender/2250/religious_leaders_urge_obama_to_condemn_ugandan_anti-gay_bill_at_prayer_breakfast “The Family,” which attracted notoriety when two of its leaders—Sen. John Ensign of Nevada and Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina—confessed to adultery last year, was the subject of an exposé by author Jeff Sharlet.
Among the speakers at the protest will be the Rev. Kapya Kaoma, an African Anglican priest who authored a report documenting the campaign by leaders of the American Religious Right to mobilize anti-gay sentiment in Africa, Globalizing the Culture Wars, http://www.facebook.com/l/a9dad;www.publiceye.org/publications/globalizing-the-culture-wars/ . The event will also promote a letter-writing campaign, organized by students of the Gay/Straight Alliance of Brookline High School, to urge the Obama Administration and Senators Kerry and Brown to pressure the Ugandan government to abandon the genocidal AHB. This evening’s protest is organized by the Anti-Violence Project of Massachusetts (AVPM”) and Join the Impact MA (“JTIMA”), a grassroots LGBT direct action group which plays a prominent role in the youth-led movement the New York Times has dubbed “Stonewall 2.0.” See http://www.facebook.com/l/a9dad;www.nytimes.com/2009/10/12/us/politics/12protest.html .
AVPM Chair and JTIMA Board member Don Gorton, an Episcopalian, commented: “US fundamentalists claim to obey Christ’s command to ‘love thy neighbor’ even while opposing equality for LGBT Americans down-the-line. Their active promotion of state-sponsored homophobia in Africa puts the lie to specious claims of “Christian love,” and exposes the hatred which drives their opposition to gay rights in whatever form. We execrate their bigotry and hypocrisy, as French writer Emile Zola denounced the anti-Semitism motivating the Dreyfus Affair in the 1890’s in his celebrated J’Accuse.”
Task Force to co-host counter-protest to National Prayer Breakfast at Creating Change Conference
Inga Sarda-Sorensen, isorensen@thetaskforce.org,
(Office) 646.358.1463, (Cell) 202.641.5592
Pedro Julio Serrano, pserrano@thetaskforce.org,
(Office) 646.358.1479, (Cell) 787.602.5954
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is co-hosting the American Prayer Hour to protest the National Prayer Breakfast on Feb. 4. It is among other American Prayer Hour events occurring nationwide in response to Uganda's "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" — which would make homosexuality punishable by life imprisonment or even death.The bill was proposed by Ugandan MP David Bahati. Bahati is connected to The National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., through the sponsor of the breakfast, The Family. The Family is a secretive Christian based organization that supports placement of leaders in government and economic position of power. Bahati is The Family’s primary organizer in Uganda. Leaders at the Task Force-hosted American Prayer Hour at National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change will gather on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 8 a.m., to protest the National Prayer Breakfast and the Ugandan measure, and will call upon all people to affirm inclusive values and celebrate diversity.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 8 a.m.
Dallas Ballroom A1, Sheraton Dallas Hotel, 400 North Olive Street in downtown Dallas, Texas
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Sprinkle of Brite Divinity School will moderate; and there will be several speakers, possibly including a Ugandan man seeking asylum in the U.S. who is expected to tell his personal story. The American Prayer Hour events are co-sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Human Rights Campaign, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, National Black Justice Coalition, Metropolitan Community Church, Faith in America, Bishop Gene Robinson and Truth Wins Out.
More about the conference: Creating Change reflects the breadth and scope of diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and supporters of LGBT rights. It is the largest organizing conference for LGBT rights supporters in the United States. Find additional details here: creatingchange.org/.
Tax Court: SRS Deductions now allowed! Glad hosting Conference call to explain ruling
"Finally, we have recognition from the courts of what transgender people and our medical providers have known all along-that transition related care is absolutely necessary health care for the wellbeing of many transgender people," said Mara Keisling, the Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "Being able to deduct a portion of costly medical treatments will make it more affordable for transgender people to follow through with the care their doctors prescribe. For the IRS to treat transgender people and non-transgender people differently was discrimination, plain and simple, and now that has ended."
The court's decision does not mean that all medical treatments and procedures associated with gender transition will be tax-deductible. Like all other medical treatments, deductibility will be based on the medical necessity of the treatment as determined by qualified medical providers in accordance with recognized clinical standards of care. The court recognized, as have the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association and many others, based on overwhelming medical evidence, that transition-related health care is non-cosmetic, medically necessary healthcare.
The case stems from a decision by the IRS to reject Rhiannon O'Donnabhain's deduction of her expenses for sex reassignment surgery in 2001 from her federal income tax. The case went to trial in 2007. Ms. O'Donnabhain was represented by the Transgender Rights Project of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD).
NCTE applauds GLAD's groundbreaking and powerful work and perseverance to win this important victory, and thanks Rhiannon O'Donnabhain for her willingness to stand up and challenge the inequity of the IRS's policies. Her courage and determination will have an impact on the health of transgender people around our country for many years to come.
Hear more about the case NCTE is joining GLAD in a community conference call GLAD is hosting tonight (Wednesday) February 3 at 6PM EST / 3PM PST. Attorneys who worked on the case will be on the call explain the case and its ramifications for transgender people. Call in information:
Toll Free Dial-In Number: 1-800-704-9804
Participant Code(s): 61898641#
Wednesday February 3
6:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
5:00 PM Central Time Zone
4:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
3:00 PM Pacific Time Zone
For more information visit transequality.org
Julie Bindel: The transmisogynist that Kills
I have extremly liberal Gay and straight friends in Britain who make me recoil with their paternalistic comments when I post a feminist view defending the right of transgender woman to a fair and just life.
British men, it seems, feel I need their approval to be a outspoken and being a feminist transgender woman? Not acceptable. It's as if!
The differences in our cultures expectations of the treatment of transgender people is a cavernous divide, the Americans having crossed that bridge with UNITED ENDA and the British languishing with internal hemorrhaging, thanks to Julie Bindel's knife.
Julie Bindel has done the worst damage that anyone could have possibly done to transgender people and feminism as a whole. She has polarized gays and lesbians into different camps, having been nominated for a award by stonewall, the British Gay and lesbian advocacy organization.
Julie Bindel is the transmisogynist that kills.
Protest her? YES! Silence her like she has done for decades to countless helpless transgender victims? YES! Do I care if she feels like a victim for it? NO.
Silence Bindel.
Gay Liberation Network to Picket Holy Name Cathedral on Freedom-to-Marry Day!
At 10:30 AM on Freedom-to-Marry Day 2010 – Sunday, February 14, Valentine’s Day – the Gay Liberation Network will host an informational picket of Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral, 735 N. State Street, to highlight the role the Church’s leadership has played in promoting inequality.
For many years the Catholic leadership has attempted to fly under the radar screen with its opposition to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. A key secret to their success has been their stealthiness, ironically often assisted by gay rights “leaders.” These “leaders,” not trusting rank-and-file Catholics to be fair and too worried about hurting their fundraising base with well-connected and wealthy Catholics, are too cowardly to call out Catholic leaders for promoting hate and discrimination.
As a local example, Chicago's Catholic leader Cardinal Francis George has worked tirelessly -- albeit from behind the scenes -- to block our path to full legal equality. George attempted to kill LGBT inclusion as a protected class in the Illinois Human Rights Act, which now protects us from housing and employment discrimination. He and other Catholic bishops circulated petitions in a failed effort to force an advisory referendum on "gay marriage," and George is the head of the national Conference of Catholic Bishops which spent big bucks backing Prop 8 hate in California. Back in Illinois, George is working hard today to block same sex-marriage and/or civil unions.
On Sunday, February 14th, with our picket of Holy Name Cathedral, we will make a start in dragging Francis George's bigotry out of the closet.
But Cardinal George is no lone voice in the wilderness. He is joined by almost the entire hierarchy of the Catholic Church whose record of activism against gay equality is long and sordid:
** Speaking of the current pope, the Associated Press reported that “Benedict, the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, spearheaded a Vatican campaign against same-sex unions in 2003, issuing guidelines for Catholic politicians to oppose laws granting legal rights to gay couples when he was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.” Associated Press, 6/6/05
** The Portland, Maine Archdiocese gathered more than a quarter of the funds recently used to defeat marriage equality in Maine. In addition, Marc Mutty, the chair of the principal statewide organization in Maine that fueled anti-gay discrimination there, was the Portland Archdiocese’s head spokesperson until taking a leave of absence from his job to spearhead the successful effort to rob gays and lesbians of their equal marriage rights.
** The Catholic fraternal organization Knights of Columbus bankrolled California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 to the tune of over $1 million.
** As California’s East Bay Express noted about newly-minted Oakland Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, “What almost no one knows is that without Bishop Sal, gay men and lesbians would almost surely still be able to get married today. As an auxiliary bishop in San Diego, Cordileone played an indispensable role in conceiving, funding, organizing, and ultimately winning the campaign to pass Proposition 8. It was Bishop Sal and a small group of Catholic leaders who decided that they had to amend the state constitution. It was Bishop Sal who found the first major donor and flushed the fledgling campaign with cash. It was Bishop Sal who personally brought in the organization that took the lead on the petition drive. And it was Bishop Sal who coordinated the Catholic effort with evangelical churches around the state. Bishop Sal even helped craft the campaign's rhetorical strategy, sitting in on focus groups to hone the message of Proposition 8.“
While Catholic leaders decry any attempts to label them as haters and bigots, their own scapegoating statements tell a very different story about their true feelings:
** Former pope Karol Wotija, aka John Paul II, condemned gay foster parents for doing "violence" to children. He called us "disordered," and "against the natural law." He railed against civil marriage equality for all same-sex couples whether Catholic or not, condemning our civil marriage contract as an act "against God," and proclaimed defeating marriage equality his "primary task" for 2005.
** In a 2005 pastoral letter read in every church in the diocese of Calgary, Alberta, Bishop Frederick Henry called on his flock to stamp out same-sex marriage. “Since homosexuality, adultery, prostitution and pornography undermine the foundations of the family, the basis of society, then the State must use its coercive power to proscribe or curtail them in the interests of the common good." (365Gay.com)
** In an end-of year address in 2008, the current pope, George Ratzinger (aka Benedict XVI), said that the existence of gay people threatens humanity as much as the destruction of rainforests and that "blurring" genders through acceptance of transgender people would kill off the human race.
** Beginning in 1986, Ratzinger wrote a series of church documents that branded sexually active gays as "evil," told church officials to kick Dignity chapters off church property and even warned Catholic lawmakers that voting in favor of gay-rights legislation is "gravely immoral" because "the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil." (Deb Price, Detroit News)
** Ratzinger has disparaged lesbian and gay couples as engaging in “pseudo-matrimonies by people of the same sex.”
** Bishop Cordileone has called same-sex marriage a Satanic plot: "The ultimate attack of the Evil One is the attack on marriage.”
** In 2007 Chicago’s Cardinal George wrote that same-sex behavior "brings people's salvation into jeopardy" in a column for the Archdiocese of Chicago newspaper.
When haters garb themselves in clerical robes, their statements and activities must be exposed.
The Gay Liberation Network encourages all people of good will, regardless of faith background, to join us at 10:30 AM, Sunday, February 14 for an informational picket of Holy Name Cathedral, 735 N. State Street, Chicago.
Gay Liberation Network Facebook page
Bruce Knotts, Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office to be in Dallas for a Informal Discussion
Bruce Knotts, Executive Director UU - UNO "An Informal Discussion"Wednesday, Feb. 3rd.
Free and Open to the Public
Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff
3839 W. Kiest Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75233
(214) 337-2429
Bruce Knotts, Director of the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office, was the person responsible for getting BLGT issues added to the UN's civil rights agenda. Come meet him and two of his associates for an informal discussion.
The UU United Nations Office seeks to strengthen efforts to promote peace and to eliminate war, discrimination, poverty and disease, thus affirming our belief in the essential unity of the human family. Inspired by UU principles, the Office is committed to peace, freedom and environmental responsibility, as well as social, civil and economic justice for all.
The UU UNO is an associate member of the UUA with United Nations ECOSOC consultative status and DPI/NGO status. With its own board, budget, and programs, the Office speaks, acts and bears witness on behalf of Unitarian Universalists at the United Nations and within the governments of Canada and the US to educate UUs about the structure, function, and actions of the UN.
Ugandan transgender fugitive Pepe Julian Onziema
Being transgender!
KAMPALA, Jan 29, 2010 (IPS) - Every morning Pepe Julian Onziema wakes up not knowing if she will live to see another rising sun. Onziema is transgender and she lives in fear for her life because of a national campaign against gay people.
Although she has done nothing wrong, Onziema lives like a fugitive - always on the lookout to avoid trouble.
Her days are spent in fear and as darkness descends she securely locks the doors to her flat in Ntinda, a Kampala suburb where she lives with her partner.
Onziema is a well-known activist and the national programmes coordinator of Sexual Minorities Uganda, an advocacy network of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations. She has appeared on television several times defending the rights of LGBTs. But it has not made her life any easier.
Just like other LGBTs in her country Onziema has been arrested; spat on; attacked; insulted and even stoned by neighbours.Read the rest at IPS RIGHTS-UGANDA: Fugitives in Their Own Country
Equality Utah amazing progress in five legislative days
Like a flickering candle of hope in the mountains, Utah's equality birthright was a battlefield where every attempt to find common ground was met by the goverment and the LDS with stifling overpowering opposition, threatening to extinguish the very human spirit of those courageous early campaigners for equality.
Astonishingly, Utah may emerge as a bright star of fairness if progress is maintained. Many of us are now hopefull.
From Equality Utah:
Equality Utah has been working with Representative Christine Johnson and Senator Howard Stephenson on a Fair Workplace and Housing Bill.
Today at a press conference, Leadership of both the House and Senate along with Representative Johnson and Senator Stephenson agreed to engage in an anti-discrimination study related to Housing and Employment during the Interim Session.
It was also announced that there will be NO PREEMPTIVE BILLS.
Both of these announcements represent incredibly positive developments, especially in light of what was potentially underway during this Legislative Session.
This means that we truly have the opportunity to find Common Ground in the state of Utah. Stakeholders and interested parties have agreed to continue the dialogue to gather pertinent information through the study sponsored by Rep. Johnson and Sen. Stephenson.
Most importantly, just 5 days in to the 2010 Session, we managed to defeat 5 negative bills.
• Two were outright preemptions that would have stopped ANY non-discrimination Ordinances from being enacted, including those that were already passed.
• Two were focused on stripping housing protections from the Housing and Workplace bill.
• One would have gutted the Human Rights Ordinances by allowing religious "Adherents" to discriminate.
Equality Utah is committed to providing these critical protections in Housing and Employment, and will continue to work with all stakeholders until full equality is achieved.
Working for a fair and just Utah,
Brandie Balken
Executive Director
Salt Lake Tribune'Dramatic jump' with Utahns for gay rights "More want SLC's rules to go statewide; marriage, adoption don't gain traction."
Pay Your Respects to Myra Ical This Saturday
Friends and family of Myra Ical would like to invite the community to pay their last respects on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at the Santana Funeral Home located at 5352 Katy Freeway (corner of I-10 & T C Jester).
Myra Ical was a Houston transgender woman who was brutally murdered January 18th and whose memory was imediatly slandered by media. The community spoke out against the slander and organized the largest TG action in Houston's history.After the community spoke up, the media corrected their portrayal of Myra's life and death, the request for information leading to the arrest of Myra's killer was carried on practically all Houston media and we now know the name of a person of interest.
Myra's friends were moved beyond words by the response from the community. Many of them shared stories about Myra's life - especially her compassion - with me. Myra's family and friends asked me to extend this invitation to help them say goodbye to their loved one and our sister, Myra Ical between the hours of 1 and 9 PM this Saturday.
Thank you,
Cristan Williams
Tyra Banks Show Transgender Children with Cameos from Kim Pearson and Dr. Marci Bowers
Just love your children unconditionally and know you are not alone.
This is something much deeper than just a physical thing.
At this point supposed "expert" makes a case for the disbarment of Kenneth Zucker.
Tyra Banks is obsessed throughout the show with the physical differences that the sexes have as if she believes that these differences alone predicate our genders. Then Tyra goes to show how just how shallow she is by embarrassing a post op transgender woman with a demonstration on how to pee with out sitting down. Tyra then tells her that "OK now that you are a real girl" you have to wipe the toilet seat clean. OMG!!
If thats what real woman do then why is the ladies room toilet seats covered with pee so often?
just asking
But the real tragedy is the wounding of transgender children everywhere as Banks again surprised her guests, but not with a unexpected act of goodwill. Banks blindsided the advocate who's good will brought the innocent children to the show, Kim Pearson of the TYFA, and world renowned SRS surgeon DR. Marci Bowers with a short unprovoked attack by a very obnoxious man who's religious views compelled him to shout over any objections that Marci or Kim presented.
I once asked Kim why she formed the TYFA and she responded, it's what a mother would do. The look in Kim's and Marcie's eyes as they leaped in defense of the children was like mother lions protecting their offspring, purely primordial and fearsome.
It was what a mother does.
To our transgender children. You are our blessing and we love you so very much.
Glaad Blog “The Tyra Show” Features Transgender Children and Their Families