
California Supreme Court to Consider Lawsuits opposing Same Sex Marriage Ban

By Kelli Busey
Nov 19, 2008

LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer reports that the California Supreme Court has agreed to consider three lawsuits arguing that the voter approved amendment banning same sex marriage should be held as unconstitutional.
The Court also wishes to consider what effect the the amendment would have, if upheld, on the 18,000 same sex couples that wed in California prior to the November vote.
The Ca.gov site has the PDF press release and a copy of the court order.

From the Lambda Legal : The California Supreme Court has agreed to review the validity of Proposition 8 in response to a lawsuit filed by Lambda Legal,The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). The groups argue that Prop 8 is invalid because it improperly attempts to undo the constitution's core commitment to equality and deprives the courts of their essential role of protecting the rights of minorities. According to the California Constitution, such a radical change in the way the courts and state government work cannot be decided by a simple ballot measure. The legal groups filed the writ petition on behalf of Equality California and six same-sex couples.


Queers United: Equality Utah - Petition for Gay & Transgender Utahns

Queers United: Equality Utah - Petition for Gay & Transgender Utahns
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