
Help Out Homeless Transgendered Youth This Holiday Season

Sylvia Rae Rivera, 1951-2002, was a Stonewall Riots Veteran and LGBTQ/Drag Queen activist. Many will remember Sylvia as the Coordinator of the Food Pantry for Metropolitan Community Church of New York where she was a member. On her deathbed she insisted that Rev. Pat Bumgardner promise the church would create accommodation so that LGBTQ Youth could find a safe space to spend the night when all other options were exhausted.

Born from that promise is ‘Sylvia's Place’, an emergency night shelter for self identified Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, transgendered, transsexual and questioning youth from 16 to 23 years of age. Its primary focus is to provide a safe space, a good meal, bathroom facilities and toiletries, a cot for the night and breakfast in the morning. The Care Workers provide a listening ear, affirmation, and a friendly voice of encouragement.

Camens Place
Our aim at Carmen’s Place is to transform these young lives from the chaos and brutality of performing sexual acts for money, food or shelter and living in the streets, to stable adults contributing to society with a self-reliance that meets the best of each individual’s abilities, free of shame.

Food Donations:

322 East 14th St.
Between 1st and 2nd Aves
212 477 4744

@ MCC Church
W. 36TH St .
Between 9th and 10th Ave

Carmens Place
Father Braxton

Lucky S. Michaels, Director of MCCNY Homeless Youth Services
212-629-7440 Ext. 226.

Mona Rae Mason
The Transgender Project

Stopping The Hate

Don't Give Up