
Dallas Blue Moon Dance Transwoman Welcome!

I stepped inside the hall and was greated by "We love to see you here" and early in my transition when I the attended my first blue moon dance these were words I desperately craved.

Attired in my tightest skirt and very best chest enhancement I commenced to sashay across the women's only dance floor, swaying to disco, rap and country! Latter when I sat down, the blur of lights still winking in my memory, I met a stream of wonderful woman who came to my table and made a point to make me feel at ease, to let me know I am one of them and loved.

But if you are a guy, even a CHARMING guy with chips, sorry! Read about Riches hysterical blue moon experience at the Dallas Voice

University of Texas Austin Hate Crime Attack Protested by Hundreds

Hate crime victims Emmanuel Winston and Matt Morgan lead fellow University of Texas Austin students and hundreds of supporters on march to retrace path that led to the attack.

We need the police to prosecute this and we need the tools in place that are afforded by the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act to in insure local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors pursue hate crime and accurately record the statistical data. Source Daily Texan GLBT citizens rally against homophobia