
Houston Councilwoman Wanda Adams EPIC FAIL: Aids Housing and Transgender Youth Shelter Efforts Abandoned

Houston City Councilmember Wanda Adams Walks Out on LGBT Community… Again

In a move that has the Houston LGBT community asking “Where’s Wanda?” Houston City Councilmember Wanda Adams was absent Friday from a meeting to discuss housing for homeless transgender youth. The latest absence comes just over a week after Adams was publicly chastised by the chair of the Houston GLBT Political Caucus for walking out on a City Council vote to fund AIDS housing. Video right >

The meeting, which had been scheduled for over a week, had been set up between Transgender community leaders and Covenant House, a faith-based housing program for homeless youth in Adams’ city council district. Covenant House receives funds from the City of Houston. Their policy against allowing Transgender clients to dress as their identified gender has long been a frustration for Transgender advocates.

Adams mentioned the meeting during a radio interview with the program “Queer Voices” last Monday, in which she defended her record with the LGBT community and claimed to be surprised at the anger caused when she walked out of council chambers just before the vote to extend city funding for Marjo House, a facility offering housing for people with AIDS.

The Covenant House meeting was scheduled to start at eleven o’clock. A few minutes after eleven Adams (who was previously employed by Covenant House) called to say she would be running late. At about 12:30 a staffer for her office arrived and explained that she would not arrive.

The good news is that Covenant House has agreed to work with the Houston Transgender community to revise their policies. The bad news is that ‘Absentee Adams’ has missed another opportunity to represent her constituents.

By: Anonymous,
Houston Texas
June 14,2009


DART Tuesday's meeting to decide fate of transgender employee TAKE ACTION

Tuesday Committee meeting will decide whether a proposal will be forwarded to the Board for a vote on amending its nondiscrimination policy to include gender identity.

Transgender people are well aware that being denied transition can be a life destroying event, so please help Ms.T DART!

The proposal was not passed to the Board during the last committee meeting because of one vote. Committee member Ms. Dunlop Gates changed her vote from a yes to a no, thereby stopping the committee from passing the amendment to the Board.

DART council members who voted against passing the amendment to the DART Board:
Mr. Velasco,
Mr. Noah,
Mr. Enoch,
Ms. Ellerbe,
Ms. Dunlop Gates

Please contact the following Dallas city council members and ask them to pass on to the above listed Dart council members your wish that the DART nondiscrimination policy be amended to include gender identity.

David A. Neumann
Phone: 214-670-0776
Fax: 214-670-5117

Delia Jasso
Phone: 214-670-4052
Fax: 214-670-5117

Linda Koop
Phone: 214-670-7817
Fax: 214-670-5117

Questions? GLBT advocates with answers:

Rafael McDonnell
Strategic Communications and Programs Manager
Email: rmcdonnell@rcdallas.org
Web Page
P: 214-528-0144
F: 214-522-4604

Patti Fink
DGLA: Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance
By telephone
You can call us at: (214) 528-4233
or fax us at: (214) 521-6424

Kelli Busey
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies(DTAA)
DTAA Web site