
Catherine Hyde's Daughter Still Living without Public Accommodations Protections

I published a open letter to Catherine Hyde during our fight against Equality Maryland's supported HB 235 . I wish she would have read that letter before making this video. I gather from this video she has not because nether she or her daughter made mention of the importance of public accommodations protections for trans people.

Catherine Hyde was duped by Equality Maryland into testifying for HB 235 encouraging legislators to pass the flawed legislation framed as a 'non discrimination' bill tragically stripped of public accommodations provisions.

I hope she and her daughter will listen to the energized transgender voice emerging from the inner city of Baltimore. These are voices of transgender people who because of there circumstances, un- and underemployed use public transportation even sometimes public restrooms because nothing else is available.

Catherine these people are the ones who have gone where your high school daughter has yet to venture X10. Listen to their voices.

Obama to transgender peeps OK, OK we'll meet but in "Secret!"

BIG NEWS!! The Obama administration held its first ever meeting with representatives from the transgender community.

OK I don't think so. Everything about the meeting was a secret except that it was scheduled as announced by the gay.com rag Washington Blade.

So...WHATS THE SECRET? Is the secret the people your representatives met with were not actually transgender? Yuck, dirty street peeps? Its not a secret to the transgender community that this was a gathering of gay illuminati who are currently subverting the transgender agenda on state levels. Is the secret they are also now engaging the federal government?

After all none of us in trans community need the secrecy of a meeting that's required with Arab oil tycoons.

Is the secret that the Obama administration would rather not meet with real transgender people who face the discrimination and that this meeting was with a group of slightly more acceptable privileged white gay people?

Is the secret that these gay organizations will employ shills simultaneously to announce a NEW PLAN for transgender peoples equality. A new plan that by the way fits into gay peoples agenda while simultaneously assimilating the transgender identity?

Not a secret.

So Obama, if you want to earn the respect and votes of the transgender community meet with us in public, face to face in a town hall. So, what do you say? *crickets*

So, whats the secret?