
Video of Texas Gov Rick Perry presentation at the AFA Response Day of Prayer

“I’m so humbled to be in the midst of men and women who have answered the call to prayer and fast for our nation. I want to especially thank brother C.L. Jackson who’s standing here with me and a great man of God, and Alice Patterson. They both have been with me and praying with me and supported me through the years. And pastor, we stood in your church one day and we got on our knees in a moment of powerful prayer and I just thank you both for being here with me.

“Like all of you, I love this country deeply, thank you all for being here. Indeed the only thing that you love more is the living Christ. But our hearts do break for those who suffer, those afflicted by the loss of loved ones, the pain of addiction, the strife that they may find at home, those who have lost jobs, who have lost their homes, people who have lost hope. Those that cannot see the light in the midst of all the darkness. Because we know a loving God, we know the greatest darkness comes just before the morning. We know, we know a loving God and we know the darkness that he takes care of and wipes away. We know that there is hope for those who trust in him who fills our hearts with joy and gives us life. This God who knows our imperfections, he didn’t leave us to live a life in our sins, but paid the price for them. He who knew no sin, he gave his life in ransom for me. This loving, this loving and perfect God is also a personal God. He desires not a show of religion, but a deep connection with our innermost being.

“His agenda is not a political agenda, his agenda is a salvation agenda. Brother C.L., you and I have had this conversation. He’s a wise, wise God, and he’s wise enough to not be affiliated with any political party, or for that matter, he’s wise enough to not be affiliated with any man-made institutions. He’s calling all Americans, of all walks of life, to seek him, to return to him, to experience his love and his grace and his acceptance, experience a fulfilled life regardless of the circumstances. I want you to join with me as I share his word with you:”

(Perry then read from three Bible passages: Joel 2:12-17; Isaiah 40: 28-31; Ephesians 3:14-21.)

“As I finish I want to ask each of you to bow your head in prayer, or go to that position of prayer, and pray with us. Lord, you are the source of every good thing, you are our only hope. And we stand before you today in awe of your power, and in gratitude for your blessings, in humility for our sins. Father our heart breaks for America. We see discord at home. We see fear in the marketplace. We see angers in the halls of government. And as a nation we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us, and for that we cry out for your forgiveness. We pray for our nation’s leaders, Lord, for parents, for pastors, for the generals, for governors, that you would inspire them in these difficult times. Father we pray for our president, that you would impart your wisdom upon him, that you would guard his family. We pray for our military and the families who love them. Father especially, for those special operators who lost their life yesterday in defending our freedoms. You call us to repent, Lord, and this day is our response. We give it all to you. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. And amen.”

And,….Dear God: thank you for large megapixel cameras to capture my 3/4 pose in soft Rembrandt lighting so that it may be splashed across newspapers and websites all around the voting United States of America. If it is your will that I organize a phony self-centered and self-righteous event for the purpose of furthering my political ambitions, then I am but a servant of your will. And.., God, if I think I heard you right …you also want me to promote and protect all of my wealthy white benefactors. Right? If I’m wrong, just give me sign. No sign? OK, I guess I’m cool. Drinks for everyone at the country club! Only the “more equals” allowed.

By Patricia

Perry address to his AFA sponsored and began with him praying for the United Staes and those who have not seen the light and remain in darkness. By that I assume he refered to anyone not Christian or politicaly affilated with the right. Christians supporters


Dallas Protest of Rick Perry's Prayer Event. ALL are Welcome!

Protest Gov. Rick Perry's Inappropriate and Hateful Prayer Rally

Dallas, Texas, August 6, 2011 — This is a peaceful demonstration in front of Dallas City Hall, from 10:00am - 5:00pm, to protest "The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis," an event initiated, endorsed, and promoted by Texas Governor Rick Perry and the American Family Association.

For those who are not yet aware of the AFA's attitude on gays, please experience this:

Anyone who values the separation of Church and State is welcome to join-- non-theists, non-Christians, Christians. Please be aware that we are NOT trying to convert or mock anybody's religion. We are also not trying to prevent the prayer event from happening. If it doesn't happen, we will have no picket. This is about a picket, not an effort to stop an event from happening.

Four reasons to protest:

1. The event itself is being promoted by Gov. Perry in his official capacity as an elected official.

2. Gov. Perry has repeatedly and proudly violated church/state separation on several issues, all throughout his time as our governor.

3. The prayer event is being endorsed by the American Family Association, which is considered to be a hate group. Lately, the AFA has thrown out so much hate speech against gays, Muslims and state/church separationists.

4. I don't believe that any of the other 49 states' governors, whom Perry invited to his rally, are as devoted to flaunting their disregard for the diversity in their respective states' populations. This is while our state budget is in a mess, public education is underfunded, and our most popular politicians are riding on a wave of popularity, such that they can easily avoid any responsibility for explaining themselves and their actions to the public.

For more information about this demonstration, please contact Jessica Chong (817) 495–3993 or

MarySue Foster (972) 741–1592 or e-mail us at fedupwithperry@yahoo.com.

Also, visit our : Facebook event page