
Setting FOX News Right! Ablow Stop Attacking Transgender Children

Yes Keith Ablow, homophobic transphobe and Fox News go to psychiatrist, a lesbian couple is giving hormone blockers to a prepubescent MTF transgender child.

Fox News once again needlesly attacks transgender people and in doing so panders to its right wing neocon religious demagogues ignoring the scientific community instead relying on its in house "experts" and hand picked transphobes.

But this time they have stepped over the line targeting the totally unprotected and vulnerable of the gender diverse, our children.

Fox News writer Perry Chiaramonte would have done well to read the the newly revised WPATH Standard of Care for gender variant children if he had any intention of authoring a article in the child's best interest, which obviously he did not.

From the beginning Chiaramonte needless did harm intentionally misgendering the child and as this article will be available to her as she grows older it will undoubtedly cause her great distress.

Chiaramonte seeks to somehow justify the articles assertion some wrongdoing is being committed by the parents. He interviews a author who wrote a book about unsecessfully transitioning even though Chiaramonte admits that these instances are nearly non existent the author offers this as some sort of evidence of parental wrong doing.

Finally the last two paragraphs get to the real reason this article was written.

A lesbian couple is raising a gender variant child consistent with HER innate sense of gender and not her biological gender.

That evidently was too much for discredited psychiatrist Keith Ablow, a Fox News contributor to stand by and wittiness but since he was blown up by his own anchor Megyn Kelly not long ago about transgender people, he needed a ghost writer to validate him.

Congratulations Abdow we can now add Perry Chiaramonte to the growing list of discredited humiliated Faux contributors. And congratulations Ablow for your apparent demotion from 'FOX Staff psychiatrist' to 'contributor'. Maybe next you will just stop hurting people?


Urgent UK FTM Asylum Seeker In Need of Safe House

***URGENT*** FTM Asylum Seeker; Room in Safe House Needed or donations.

Press for Change supporting an FTM asylum seeker, who has left
transphobic violence at home to seek safety. Early 40's, Indian, FTM,
ex-Lawyer, Social Worker & MBA educated. He has waited 5 months for UK
Border Agency, but they are refusing all asylum interviews, meaning he
(and many, many others) are not allowed to work or get benefits. Now he
has no money left at all.

Samir is Birmingham based but will travel for safety. He has a red cross
food parcel for 1 week, and no money.

Was thrown out of last room 3 weeks ago, by landlord in horrible violent
sexual attack, so he is currently between floors and most nights are
spent walking the streets at great risk. Homeless shelter for men only
so refused him on grounds of safety.

He has asked to be put into detention – as he would be housed and
fed, but has been refused.

Please Offer a room by mail: stephen@pfc.org.uk or by leaving message on 0161 432 1915,
or if no room, please consider making donation at http://transequality.co.uk/Donations.aspx

This time your charity really will make a difference to one person who
you can all get to know.

Any surplus money will be placed into a dedicated fund to help other
Asylum and Refugee trans people in the UK.

Many, many thanks


Vice-President and Head of Legal Services, Press for Change, http://www.pfc.org.uk/

***The UK's Leading Advisors on Transgender Law***

Need Legal advice & Support, visit the TransEquality Project,

PFC's free legal advice service for trans people, funded by PFC &
the EHRC.

Office tel: 0161 432 1915, Office email: office@pfc.org.uk
, Direct mail: stephen@pfc.org.uk

Please write to Press for Change, Yew Bank House, 24 Mauldeth Rd,
Stockport, SK4 3NE

Please note: In providing this service, Press for Change and its
associated TransEquality Project employees and voluntary advice workers
do their best to ensure that the information and advice we provide is
accurate. We will notify you immediately if we believe that you urgently
need the services of a solicitor. You should always consider whether you
might need to take further advice, or a second opinion, from the
Citizens Advice Bureau or a local solicitor.