
Jesus Pussy Riot Bus Stop Icons Miraculously Appear

Jesus Appeared to thousands of Muscovite's as a Pussy Riot member on signs across the city.

I ask why not? Jesus while she was in human form did her very best to overthrow and subvert the patriarchal of her time, why shouldn't she continue that today?

The current religious demagogue in Russia who title is ironically "patriarch", demanded a offical investigation into the matter and as it turns out a artist actually posted those pictures.

They fined the artist 30 bucks for desecrating the bus stops.

Mean while Pussy Riot sits in jail awaiting Russian "Justice" for praying that There country be freed of the tyrannically oppressive Vladimir Putin before he starts world war three.

I also pray Jesus free's Russia of the Orthodox Church also.

There will be a benifit concert in Brokyln NY on June 23 to support Pussy Riot. Its expecialy inportant now that they have been denied bail and must remain indefentaly in jail awaiting trial.


Student Rufus Ulrik Responds to being Outed By RadFem Cathey Brennan And Rape Jokes

Rufus Ulrik Responds posted on Tumblr is an apology first and a critical introspection examining what led Rufus to think it was OK to joke about rape. His letter also led to my self examination as well.

Picture credit "Newsline your hot line to Pakistan" article by Hajra Komal Feroz "No Laughing Matter: Saying No to Rape Jokes"

Yes I did jump at the opportunity to kick Brennan when she was down and did not give a thought to the inappropriateness of Rufus's rape joke. Rape jokes anywhere including Tumblr are morally wrong. Period. So is the way RadFems act towards the gender diverse. Period.

The second half of the letter Rufus confirms in fact Cathy Brennan did maliciolusly out Rufus and then explains that Rufus is not transgender but identifies as genderqueer. (You can tell I am having a little difficulty with gender in this post while talking about Rufus. I do not want to offend again.)

It is a comfort to know that Cathy Brennan's letter had no negative impact on Rufus's educational life as it was dismissed by Rufus's headmaster. But the reality is Brennan an adult. maliciously damaged this youth, that's tragically undeniable.

Perhaps Rufus's headmaster has had prior knowledge of RadFems and just trashed the letter upon reading. But in any case Brennan action was reprehensible when considering she thought Rufus was 17 which Rufus only says is incorrect.'

Please read "An Extended Letter by Rufus Ulrik"
(Trigger warning for discussion of rape, rape apologism and rape jokes, outing and harassment)