
Russian "Coming Out Day" Attack: Orthodox Terrorists Again

It really hadn't occurred to me just how much our international "Coming Out" day bothers some people. In Russia a particularly gruesome attack sanctioned and inspired by the official church of the state occurred on Coming Out day.

Much like the coordinated al-Qaeda attacks on American Embassies this past 9/11 the attack on the mainly female patrons of the 7freeday club  on October 11th was meant to do one thing.

The Russian Orthodox Terrorists  wanted to spread uncontrollable panic and fear among our peoples just like al-Qaeda intended on 9/11.

The world stood with the American people after 9/11 as we are doing now with our Russian LGBT family on 10/11.

The St. Petersburg organization "Coming Out" offered the following statement:(please excuse my translation)
Statement "Out" of the attack on the LGBT event in Moscow

October 11, the International Day of coming out - open and voluntary recognition of a person to belong to a sexual minority or gender - unknown smashed 7freeday club in Moscow and injured several people. The attackers were armed with pistols and traumatic Boomstick.
LGBT organization "Coming Out" extends its sympathy to the victims and is ready to support the Moscow human rights defenders, tracking the progress of the crime. This attack shows what risks today are LGBT as open about their sexual orientation and gender identity, and visitors LGBT clubs. The growing violence and aggression - a direct consequence of homophobic legislation, to take in the country.
Despite the fact that Moscow odious "antigeysky" the law has not been adopted, the results of the discussion were not long in coming.
In the case of homophobic attacks or transfobnogo Petersburg residents can apply not only to the police, but in the legal department of the "output": 8 (812) 313-93-69.
I just want to know will the Russian government condemn this act of religiously inspired violence and pursue the perpetrators with as much enthusiasm as it did when apprehending and incarcerating Pussy Riot for praying?

"Never before in my life, have I experienced such horror,” Elias Regul, who witnessed the gang ransacking the club and called the police, told the Moscow News. Regul and his friend were talking outside the club, when at about 9:25 p.m. they heard the sounds of a fleeing crowd. “It happened very quickly, in a closed space,” Regul said. “It dawned on me, that they are coming to kill us.”

To put into context the difference between the physical attack suffered by the 7freeday patrons and the actions of Pussy Riot I have included the latest interview of Pussy Riot member Yekaterina Samutsevich who was recently released from confinement.


FX + Walton Goggins + Dominatrix Outfit + Sons of Anarachy = Epic Fail

It is so embarrassing and humiliating to watch this cisgender woman announce that Walton Goggins played a transgender rapist in this FX episode of Sons of Anarchy.

For the record, Walton Goggins did not 'transition' anything as he said he did. He's not even a drag queen. He's a cisgender actor who pasted on some fake tits, donned a dress, heels and acted like a degenerate immoral dirt bag.

Just what he and the FX writer intended. They knew the latest FX episode “Orca Shrugged" would garner them immense free publicity and all they had to do was sit back wring their greedy hands and wait for the outraged  reactions from buddytv.com  and this to come rolling in. Yeah, as a biker riding for the past 36 years its my experience when you cross the line you get called out for it.

In the finest tradition of biker sisterhood and brotherhood I have one thing to say about this piece of shit. Walton Goggins, you are an asshole dirtbag, but you already know that, don't you?