
IACHR: 65% of LGBT murdered Oct. - Nov. 2012 Were Trans

Source Transgender Europe (TGEU)

CIDH llama a LatAm para defender a las personas LGBTI.

The America's are far from safe for trans people as the graphic illustrates. There are a lot of variables that contribute to the final numbers, such as freedom of the press, cultural acceptance and state of advocacy. The higher numbers in a given country could also represent a strong surge towards acceptance by the trans community and the inevitable backlash of violence.

Of the 54 reported murders of LGBT people in the America's during Oct Nov 2012 34 were trans. with Brazil being especially deadly with 20 reported murders during that period, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) reports.

Reported murders trans during Nov. Dec. 2012: Argentina (1), Bolivia (1), Brazil (20), the Dominican Republic (1), Honduras (1), Mexico (8), Nicaragua (1), and the United States (2).

Also, the Commission received information on 15 murders of gay men or men perceived to be gay during these two months. These occurred in Brazil (12), Mexico (2), and Nicaragua (1). Finally, the Commission also received information that there were 4 homicides of lesbian women or women perceived to be lesbian, occurring in Brazil (3) and Ecuador (1).

Brazil reported 35 murdered or 65 percent of the total for LGBT people.


Transgender people comprise only 1% of the overall population yet we are being murdered at this phenomenal rate? Why?

The IACHR calls on governments to investigate these murders. Many of these murders and acts of violence are not investigated and if they are, the perpetrators go unpunished. This only serves to fan the flame of hate, empowering criminals ultimately increasing violence against LGBT people.

CIDH expresa preocupación sobre homicidios y actos de violencia contra personas LGBTI en las Américas and the IACHR Press Release in English


Video: 100 Ballons Loosed amid Happy Birthday songs for missing Trans Youth Dashad "Sage" Smith

Dashad "Sage" Smith is still unaccounted for but that didn't stop her friends and family celebrating her 20th birthday...

Dave Norris, Executive Director of The Charlottesville Institute posted this picture on the Find Dashad "Sage" Smith facebook page.

"Here's Dashad "Sage" Smith (on the left) at the Cville Pride drag show that I MC'd in September. Today is Dashad's 20th birthday. One small thing you can do today in his honor is to "like" the "Find Dashad 'Sage' Smith" page on Facebook to stay up-to-date on news about his case. And please encourage others to do the same."

One person commented: "I love this pic.... I am the queen with the longer curly hair with the mirrored bra.. I have known Sage for a while and she is in my thoughts... I cherish that moment and this pic!!!! Here's to Sage, and the hopes of a safe return!!!"

She is so full of life. This is so sad. Her grandmother's heart is breaking. If you have information on Dashad Laquinn Smith or Erik McFadden or any knowledge of this case please contact Sgt. Marc Brake at 434-970-3970 or Crimestoppers at 434-977-4000.