
Did Philly Police Officer Elizabeth Skala Kill Transgender Woman Nizah Morris?

Two days after the "courtesy ride" by police on December 22, 2002 Nizah died in a Philadelphia hospital of a subdural hematoma.

The police say they know nothing about how Nizah Morris's injury claiming they simply dropped her off at 16th and Walnut because she asked to be, but the family isn't having any of it. There are too many questions left unanswered, too many discrepancies to the police  accounts and  records that would have proved the police official line? They were conveniently lost until recently when they were "found".

Daily Kos would like to know

Source Wiki: On December 22, Morris attended a party at the Key West Bar at the intersection of Juniper and Chancellor streets in Philadelphia. Morris left the bar at 2:00 a.m., and collapsed outside of the bar due to intoxication. Onlookers formed a group around Morris—who could not stand without assistance and had to be supported, according to witnesses—and waited for paramedics for approximately 20 minutes.
A 6th District police officer arrived, canceled the prior call for paramedics when Morris declined to go to a hospital, and offered her a courtesy ride to a hospital. Morris declined a ride to the hospital and asked to be taken home. Witnesses at the scene reportedly helped her into the police cruiser.

Though Morris lived in the 5000 block of Walnut Street, police officers reported that she asked to be let out at 15th and Walnut streets, left the patrol car, and began walking toward 16th Street.

Minutes later, a passing motorist discovered Morris lying on the sidewalk, bleeding from the right side of her forehead. A call was placed to 911, and a 9th District officer arrived at the scene, but did not call a supervisor or treat the event as a crime.

Morris was transported to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in critical condition. On December 23, 2002, she was removed from life support, and at 8:30 p.m. on December 24, 2002, Nizah Morris was pronounced dead.[3]

Judge Awards $700K Legal Fee to Michelle Kosilek Lawyers In SRS WIN

Glitter Photos

The price of denying us our Human Rights has just gone UP.

Source: Boston.com :A federal judge said today that he would award more than $700,000 in legal fees to the team of lawyers who represented Michelle Kosilek, the convicted murderer who sued the state for a sex change operation to treat her gender identity disorder.

Chief US District Judge Mark L. Wolf said from the bench in court in Boston that he recognized the cost to taxpayers, but he said the costs derived from a hard-fought lawsuit to preserve Kosilek’s constitutional rights.

He noted that while the state Department of Correction is appealing his decision to order the surgery, Kosilek’s legal team has offered to dismiss their request for legal fees if the state drops the appeal and pays for the surgery.

“Resistance at all costs can end up costing the taxpayers quite a lot,” the judge said, adding that the Department of Correction has had to pay hundreds of thousands in legal fees to lawyers in other cases in which the department violated prisoners’ constitutional rights.

“The repeated violation of constitutional rights of prisoners … costs taxpayers money that is needed for other purposes,” he said.