
Pervert Paul Reed Diguised As Old Lady arrested For The 15th Time!

Transgender and Cisgender woman in the UK, watch out for this pervert.

Paul Reed is not a transvestite as the Swns.com  would have you believe, he's a very, very sick man who puts on womens clothes to satisfy a urge to invade our personal space and even grope us.

My only question is why hasn't he been jailed yet? Why Is the judge going to wait for him to commit another crime?

Pope Lays The Foundation For Our Murders, Again.

Catholics  celebrate our murders and dehumanization by their leader.

Filled under know your enemies.

The pope in his latest screed twists human gender diversity, a natural occurring condition, validating hate, feeding murderers wrath. Does this man know how out of step he is with mankind's progression?

Has this man ever read the bible? He needs to. I have and I know God and Christ Loves you my Transgender Family!

A couple excerpts from his 'peace speech'

"While up to now we regarded a
false understanding of the nature of human freedom as one cause of the
crisis of the family, it is now becoming clear that the very notion of
being – of what being human really means – is being called into
question. He quotes the famous saying of Simone de Beauvoir: “one is
not born a woman, one becomes so” (on ne naĆ®t pas femme, on le
devient). These words lay the foundation for what is put forward today
under the term “gender” as a new philosophy of sexuality."

Benedict frame's the concept of gender as 'new' and go's on to say our ability to understand it as an attack on 'traditional family.

"The profound falsehood of this theory and of the
anthropological revolution contained within it is obvious. People
dispute the idea that they have a nature, given by their bodily
identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being. They
deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given
to them, but that they make it for themselves."

Hater's need a better reason to kill us than the pope? Nope.

No, what applies now is
this: it was not God who created them male and female – hitherto
society did this, now we decide for ourselves. Man and woman as
created realities, as the nature of the human being, no longer exist.
Man calls his nature into question. From now on he is merely spirit
and will. The manipulation of nature, which we deplore today where our
environment is concerned, now becomes man’s fundamental choice where
he himself is concerned.

I'm going to the kitchen to take my HRT. You can read the full text of the Benedict's speech at the Catholic Herald if you want. Peace out.