
RadFem's declare war on Trans Inclusive Gay Org's And Apparently The US Government

From the hate group Radfems who registered the planetransgender.com domain name  to misdirect innocent concerned people to fill them with there brand of anti trans rhetoric.

The infamous lawyer Radfem Cathy Brennan alias 'bugbrennan' known for unrepentantly maliciously outing of a UK trans teen posted on the Radfem hub announcing her newest depraved project called the "Gender Identity Watch".

According to the sites description it  is "a new blog devoted to tracking legislation and case law that attempts to codify “gender identity” into law and to override protections based on sex. Gender Identity Watch monitors organizations that push gender identity and thus engage in the erasure of female reality, including:"

Brennan's list of groups Radfems now oppose and why...

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: “Transgender people and issues are core to our work at the Task Force.”

Human Rights Campaign: “HRC works to educate the public on issues that transgender people face, from widespread discrimination and hate violence, to the complex process of getting appropriate identity documents, to finding culturally competent healthcare providers, and family and parenting issues, and to advocate for their full inclusion and equality.”

National Center for Lesbian Rights: “NCLR is proud to have been the first LGBT legal organization to launch a Transgender Law Project, which later became an organization in its own right, the Transgender Law Center. Today, we are a national leader in shaping transgender law, and our Legal Director, Shannon Minter, is recognized as a leading architect and visionary of the transgender rights movement.”

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays: “For decades, PFLAG has been proud to be a resource for transgender and gender non-conforming people, their families and friends.”

Gender Identity Watch opposes gender identity as a regressive, woman-hating ideology and those organizations that push this regressive, woman-hating ideology.

Not listed is the administration under President Barrack Obama. Given that Joe Bidden has declared 'transgender the human rights issue of our time' its only time before the Radfems declare war on the USA too.

I have learned two things about Brennan. She is a hateful, vindictive individual and two is to keep a eye on her no matter how distasteful that may be.


Stacie Laughton the Trans woman who resigned? She's Running To Replace Herself

Stacie Laughton, the trans woman who's election I first proclaimed as equal in importance to Obama's reelection (before she admitted to being a felon) has anounnced she is running in the special elections called to fill her seat, to replace herself.

She's back. Maybe.

Laughton told the Nashua Telegraph “I haven’t spoken to anybody at the Secretary of State. I have talked to the AG’s office quite a bit and I don’t seem to get much of a response or a statement from them,” said Laughton of her decision to run in her own replacement race.

She also hadn’t heard any ruling on her eligibility to run as a convicted felon.

“I believe that I’m duly qualified and eligible the way the law is written because I’m in the suspended portion of my sentence,” Laughton said.

Fellow Democrats’ reaction to news that Laughton may run again has been mixed, she said.

“I’m confident that I still have a lot of support out there, but as far as with any election, we never can tell how the voters are going to lean,” Laughton said. “Politics can be an up and down game, and ultimately the voters are always right.” Nashua Telegraph