Just to keep this in focus, we are talking about a
Do we as trans woman idolize her? Do we place violence on a pedestal and worship it as an end all solution? My first reaction after watching this video was to become a little ill. Violence has always done that to me but then a totally unexpected feeling began to filter in.
I felt empowered. I thought how many times have I felt helpless as I watched that video of Chrisy Polis getting beaten in that Maryland McDonald's and wished I could have been there to help her.
I can identify with Fallon Fox. I began a warehouse job I'm at now pretty out of shape and unfeminine in many ways. The past two years I have transformed my body with a steady regiment of HRT but more than that. I have been working out and running daily so now I have boobs, ass and muscles.
The job that was so challenging before? Now it's is now a piece of cake. The thing is that now instead of admiration I get jealously from woman coworkers.
They say I have a unfair advantage as a trans woman. GOOD GRIEF! So GO FALLON FOX! Get into that cage and demolish your opponents. I'll be ringside cheering you on.