LGBT students attending Texas A&M which the 2011-12 Princeton Law review rated number 7 as one of the country's least LGBT friendly University's have had a rough go of it since day one coming out and apparently the hate continues.
The GLBT student center is at risk of losing $100,000 yearly in student fees if a proposed student senate rule is enacted.
The student newspaper "The Battalion" reports:
The GLBT Funding Opt-Out Bill, introduced at the Wednesday Student Senate meeting, would recommend students who do not approve of the GLBT Resource Center on religious or moral grounds be able to opt out of a portion of student fees that goes toward the resource center.
Miguel, senior women’s and gender studies major, said the bill is no more than an ongoing and poorly veiled form of discrimination.
“It’s a good way of masking prejudice and discrimination against the [GLBT] community,” Miguel said. “It’s making the people who are very against the [GLBT] community sound really nice by using religion as a cover-up.”
Northside senator Chris Woolsey, author of the bill, said the bill does not oppress the GLBT community.
(This is where Woolsy's argument disintegrates)
“The belief that this bill is oppressing the GLBT community or is a way to legalize discrimination is a ploy to distract from the real meaning of the bill, which is to protect the religious liberties of students,” Woolsey said
A quick perusal of the Battalion would indicate everything that is happening at that school is an exercise of religious freedom.
Please connect with the GBLT Center EVENT PAGE for details.
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