
Tony Zamazal Houston Trans Student Will Go To Prom In a Dress

A Houston transgender student who was originally denied her right to attend prom in a dress has received good news!

Source: ABC: Tony Zamazal says she asked the school last month for permission to wear a dress to prom, along with a wig, makeup and pump style shoes. Zamazal says the Spring HS assistant principal initially told her that would be unacceptable, because boys were tuxedos and girls wear dresses.

"I had gotten kind mad, ranted on Facebook, and it kind of blew up from there," Zamazal said.

Zamazal tells us she appealed to the principal, who allegedly said she would have to consult with the school board because it would be a community decision. Zamazal, at that point, went public with her dismay and the ACLU offered to help, writing a letter on her behalf to the school district, explaining that the school's position was unconstitutional.

Swedish Lawmakers Fight To Keep Sterilizing Transsexuals Warn Of Dire Consequences

Two Christian Democrat MPs, Tuve Skånberg and Annelie Enochson, have broken ranks and are opposing a goverment sponsored proposal doing a way with the country's forced sterilization of transgender people.

Since 1945 the Swedish goverment has required transgender people to be sterilized prior to official recognition of their authentic gender. Currently this requirement has little practical affect on a trans woman's life, other than the traumatic realization her goverment doesn't want any more people like her, as uterine transplants have not yet been perfected. However this requirement deprives trans men from there right to procreate.

The English language source "The local" reports that the the two Mps are warning in a oped published in the right wing newspaper "Dagen" that a 'third gender' would be created if trans Swedish transmen were allowed to give birth.

The infamous Dagan was one of the first newspapers to reprint Jyllands-Posten's Muhammad cartoons which, according to the editor, was made in the name of freedom of speech. The printing of these drawings resulted in attacks on Norwegian installations in some parts of the Muslim world.

The Swedish goverment is currently being sued by transgender people for it forced eugenics requirment.