
MMA Cage Fighter Matt Mitrione facing Community Service Benefiting The Transgender Community For Fallon Fox Hate

Two days after his 19-second knockout win over Philip De Fries, UFC heavyweight Matt Mitrione has had his contract suspended by the promotion for calling Fallon Fox a "lying, sick, sociopath, disgusting freak.". according to USA Today.

This is making headlines everywhere but in the world of MMA cage fighting calling someone a freak happens everyday, so what really got Mitrione suspended?

So I transcribed (roughly) The MMA Hour interview Matt Mitrione which starts about the 18 miniute point.

Mitrione: In the heat of a moment you can have a full rational thought. When I was starting my ground pounding against Phil I though about my options and immediately thought since he (Fallon Fox) is a Lioyd Irvin student maybe he doesn't know how to defend against a rape joke. He definitely knows how to apply a rape joke but he doesn't know hoe to defend it"

Ariel Helwani : All of a sudden you win a fight and you get your swag back thats nice to see.

Mitrione: My favorite joke is the last one, this is where it gets kinda gruesome..."

"It's amazing how life imitates art. The lead antagonist Buffalo Bill is a woman beater that pretends to be a woman well maybe instead of being the queen of swords Fallon Fox should consider being the king of the buffaloes."

"I have not seen a man beat a woman like that since Chris Brown beat Rihanna. That is just exceptional how he (Fallon Fox) beatss unknowing woman like that. Anyways my last joke since he's obviously intent on braking all the rules on fighting, if he ever fights again which I hope he doesn't if he loses to a woman will he charge that woman with a hate crime since that woman opposes on his freedom as a tranny?

Ariel Helwani : Why do you hate Fallon Fox so much and why do you keep callin a 'she' a 'he'?

Then looks directly into the camera no longer reading from a card explains:

"Because he's not a she. He had a gender change not a sex change he's still a man for 31 years, 31 years, thats a couple years younger than I am, he was a man and 6 years of taking performance dehancing drugs you think it's going to change all that? Thanks ridiculous. That's a lying sick sociopathic disgusting freak! And I man that because you lied on your license to beat up woman. That' disgusting you should be embarrassed of yourself...the Florida licence deal that's an embarrassment to us we should all protest that. The woman thats fighting him props to you I hope you beat his ass and I hope he gets black balled and never fights again."

The possible penalties Mitrione might face may include a finical penalty which would be a huge hit on his finances now he finally won a bout.

But the last thing Mitrione would want would be the penalty UFC Executive Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence Epstein detailed when akec about the new code of conduct in February:

“For example, if you make a discriminatory comment about a certain community, you would be required to provide some community service to that community,” Epstein said. “In our view that’s going to turn into a benefit. It’s easy to criticize people you don’t know, but once you get to know somebody, once you get to experience what they’re all about it sort of changes you as a person in a way that money or fines could never do.”

I think that would be a fine idea.


Berkeley Police Directing Coroner to Withhold Indefinitely Autopsy Of Trans Woman Kayla Moore Who Died In Police Custody

Source: KPFA Evening News, 04.06.2013

In February KPFA News reported on Black transgendered Berkeley resident Kayla Moore's death in Berkeley Police custody, after a violent struggle with police at her apartment on Allston Way on February 12th. Earlier this week Berkeley Copwatch, which has been conducting a citizen investigation of Moore's death, contacted KPFA to say that the coroner's autopsy report on the cause of Moore's death will be withheld indefinitely at the request of the Berkeley Police Department.

KPFA spoke to Berkeley Copwatch founder Andrea Prichett, who said that she and other Berkeley Copwatchers plan to attend the Berkeley City Council meeting on April 30th, at City Council Chambers, 2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way in Berkeley, at 7 pm.

Listen to the interview here.

Published on Mar 15, 2013

[Youtube description] Produced by Jacob Crawford

On February 12th, 2013 Officers from the Berkeley Police Department killed a transperson named Kayla Moore. In the days to follow, BPD would remain silent on how somebody could just die in their custody.

As the weeks passed, Berkeley Copwatch was able to get some information from the coroner, and on February 28th they held a press conference to call for an investigation into Kayla's suspicious death.

Berkeley Police would still not come forward with any information.
On March 12, one month after the killing, a autonomous protest would be held in Berkeley by concerned people from around the bay.
Instead of bringing answers, Berkeley Police brought undercover units, who would fan out into the march attempting to identify "leaders" of a leaderless march. The march started in People's Park, would go to the police station, and end back by the park without incident.

If Berkeley Police put as much time, money, and energy into the investigation of Kayla Moore's death, as they did on this particular march, the "investigation" would have been done weeks ago.

Also on planetransgender Militant March Protesting Death Of Transsexual Kayla Moore While In Police Custody