
Transgender and Gay People Beaten OUTSIDE While The Russian Duma Passed ANTI LGBT Laws

In what can only be described as a day that will live in infamy school children so indoctrinated with hatred by parents and society attacked LGBT people while police watched. The BBC video while good does not, in the tradition of western media, do justice to the violence. I have posted pictures detailing the violence against one LGBT protester shown as a story line.

Published on Jun 11, 2013
There have been violent scenes outside the Russian parliament, with gay rights campaigners clashing with anti-gay activists.

The Russian parliament has overwhelmingly passed a bill that severely restricts the distribution of information about homosexuality. The legislation fines anyone organizing a gay pride event or giving information about gay issues to children Moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg reports.


Read about this at vocativ.com

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli Urinal Photo Doesn't Mean Squat For Trans Rights

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli posted this picture to her facebook page and it has since been picked  by many gay blogs and mainstream publishers.

So there is no ignoring it.

 I think it goes without saying its controversial, but does Refaeli's picture promote equality by 'raising the Bar' as Queerty would have us believe? Or is it a tasteless self promotional stunt needlessly stigmatizing transgender people like most of the commentators on her facebook page believe?

My take on it? I think she thought it was edgy. Maybe she thought she was helping us. In any case she knew her superstar status would get a boost from it. News flash Bar, you're not helping us. You're picture doesn't mean squat for transgender rights.

Bar, I'm pretty sure you don't deserve the condemnation that "Work It" received with this image. We in the blogosphere fought long and hard, eventually helping to purge the ABC network of that plague.

Bar Refaeli, you are gorgeous and a ally, but that does not give you a free pass. If you really wanted to help try being real. Take a picture of yourself taking a squat. Now that would be edgy. For real.