This is the picture and message posted by the christian family coalition imploring readers to take action against the proposed transgender amendment to the Miami Dade county regulations embedded below.
"The Miami-Dade Commission wants to pass a dangerous law that will force all places to open bathrooms and dressing rooms to "transsexuals." (men who allege they are women, and women to allege they are men) If one objects, they will be fired, sued and fined!"
I would ask my readers to take action as the CFC asks except with a slightly more accepting, loving message. You know, one that is in line with the Bible's teaching. Or just do it because you're a decent human being.
The CFC's members are targeting two county commissioners with a hateful message.
This is the message I posted on Commissioner Jean-Monestime and Jose Pepe-Diaz's Facebook pages. Feel free to copy and past.
I am not a resident of Florida but I am appalled by the hate being displayed by the 'christian' family coalition. In all of the areas in the US where similar ordinances have been enacted there has not been one instance of it being abused by a transgender person.This is fear mongering by Christians and it is shameful and goes against the bible that they proclaim to follow.
Please enact the ordinance amending Chapter 11A of the code relating to discrimination in housing, public accommodations and employment based on gender identity and expression.
Thank you,
Kelli Anne Busey
You can also tweet Commissioner Jean Monestime.